Topic: We Have A Black Bear Sighting in KS --- UGH | |
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Wed 06/24/15 03:11 PM
We've had several cougar sightings and now young black bears!
![]() Well, we've been complaining about the over population of our they're just following the food chain --- but OMG seeing one in your backyard in broad daylight would be FREAKY! Good thing, bad thing
Berringer and Hemphill said most people in their states' bear country like having the animals around. Many like knowing a once-native species has returned. In both states, many landowners like seeing bears on their properties. Oklahoma had its second bear hunting season last fall to help control the growing population. The season was to end the day that hunters killed the 20th bear, but 32 were killed on opening day. Some people get a bit of a thrill knowing a large predator is about. The Missouri Department of Conservation is educating residents on how to avoid confrontations with those predators, both in the wilds and in populated areas. Bears are omnivores and eat other animals, berries, crops and nuts. They'll gladly go for easier meals. "We get quite a few calls from people with bears getting into their dog's food," Hemphill said, "and it seems like everybody in southeast Oklahoma dumps out some food for some kind of dog. Bears love that free food." Bear in the yard The bear in McKinley's yard seemed set on staying for a spell. As well as alternating between napping and sitting in the wagon, it found a covered trash can filled with dog food. A grain elevator next door could have provided a ready supply of food, too. Kansas wildlife officials were called and failed to chase the young male bear away from the house. Read more here: |
just go give them a big hug : )
i heard they love it when you do it just don't yell at me if you find one that don't |
datwasntme stated >>>
just go give them a big hug : ) i heard they love it when you do it just don't yell at me if you find one that don't Well, my radio in my chicken coup works great on opossums & raccoons but I doubt that ole' scary bear would even pause if he/she/it was hungry and smelled my chickens therein! ![]() And 'NO' ![]() ![]() |
They have made a huge comeback here after being re-stocked in the '90s. One was captured here in town just a few weeks ago. Farmers hate them because of the crop damage they cause....but its almost worse to shoot one of them as it is to shoot a human lol.
Just recently removed them from the endangeres species list. ""MONROE, La. — Louisiana's black bear, on the brink of extinction half a century ago, is expected to be removed from the endangered species list later this month. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries issued invitations Tuesday for an event May 20 at its headquarters in Baton Rouge where the announcement will be made official. "It's an exciting announcement regarding the black bear," said the department's secretary, Robert Barham, who declined to comment further. Barham has made de- listing the bear a priority since Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal appointed him seven years ago. During the 1950s and '60s, the Louisiana black bear population, one of 16 unique subspecies of American black bears, shrank to fewer than 100. But today at least 500 bears — and perhaps as many as 1,000 — roam the deep woods of the Tensas National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Atchafalaya Basin and other connecting corridors like Three Rivers Wildlife Management Area. The dramatic recovery, which began when officials enrolled Louisiana black bears in the Endangered Species Act program in 1992, led to a U.S. Geological Survey conclusion that the animals have just a 1% chance of going extinct in the next 100 years."" |
Ya...I appreciate them - from a far; and as I was reading up on their progressive migration into this area...I was unaware of the 'hunting season' in Oklahoma for bears!
We've been seeing the steady increase in those highly nasty 'Armadillos' coming up from down that way due to the amount of drought these past 4-6 years and now 'BEARS'...UGH |
We've been seeing the steady increase in
those highly nasty 'Armadillos' coming up from down that way due to the amount of drought these past 4-6 years Did you say highly TASTY? ![]() |
| - no - hell nooooo ![]() |
Black Bear Facts Did you know that although they are called black bears, colors can range from black to cinnamon brown, silver-blue and, occasionally, even white? The white bears are called "Spirit" or "Kermode" bears. Ten Fast Facts About Black Bears 1. eat mostly berries, nuts, grasses, carrion, and insect larvae 2. have color vision and a keen sense of smell 3. are good tree climbers and swimmers 4. very intelligent and curious 5. can run up to 35 miles per hour 6. weigh an average of 125 to 600 pounds 7. go without food for up to 7 months during hibernation in northern ranges 8. usually give birth to 2 to 3 cubs during the mother's sleep every other year 9. can live over 25 years in the wild (average age in the wild is 18) 10. are typically shy and easily frightened Habitat Preservation Black bears have lost over 60% of their historical range. As human encroachment increases, preserving large areas of undeveloped land where bears and other animals can thrive is vital. Crucial components include adequate sources of food and water, denning sites such as rock crevices, hollow trees, and dense vegetation, contiguous travel corridors with sufficient cover for protection from poachers, harassment, and associated dangers from human development. Avoiding "nuisance" encounters in Bear Country Black bears are highly intelligent and adaptable. This species has a great capacity to live in close proximity to people. Unfortunately, many bears are shot needlessly because of unfounded fear and human carelessness. Led by a keen sense of smell, bears will naturally gravitate to potential food sources found in unsecured garbage, bird feeders, orchards, farm crops, beehives, outside pet food, and organic compost piles. FOOD AND FEAR DRIVE BLACK BEAR BEHAVIOR. Therefore: Properly store or secure all odorous food/non-food items. Use plastic bags to seal in odors and store garbage inside buildings. Use electric fences around hives, orchards, and compost piles. Attach spill pans to bird feeders and hang out of reach (10 feet up). Clear away dense brush and protective cover from yard. Don't surprise a bear; black bears tend to be nervous and easily frightened. They can cause injury if suddenly startled, cornered, or provoked. Warn a bear you are coming by occasionally clapping or using bells. Use caution when hiking in windy weather, downwind, along streams, through dense vegetation or natural food areas, and when approaching blind curves where a bear may not hear, see, or smell you. Should you encounter a black bear Stay calm - DO NOT RUN (running may elicit a chase response by the bear). Pick up children so they don't run or scream; restrain dog; avoid eye contact and talk in soothing voice. If the bear stands up, he is NOT going to attack but is curious and wants a better sniff or view. Back away slowly; if bear chomps jaw, lunges, or slaps ground or brush with paw, he feels threatened. Slowly retreat from area or make wide detour around bear; don't crowd or block bear's escape route. Note: Bear attacks on humans are extremely rare. A person is 180 times more likely to be killed by a bee and 160,000 times more likely to die in a car accident. Most injuries from black bears occur when people try to feed, pet, or crowd them. Bears will nip or cuff bad-mannered humans, as they will bad-mannered bears. They are very strong and powerful animals; bears should always be treated with caution and respect. Information prepared by Andrea Hess Volunteer for THE AMERICAN BEAR ASSOCIATION |
Most recent sightings of bears are actually bigfoots.
Bears are a bit too greasy for my taste.
Most recent sightings of bears are actually bigfoots. Bigfoots or dirty hippies. |
Most recent sightings of bears are actually bigfoots. Bigfoots or dirty hippies. Bigfoots or dirty hippies on meth. ![]() My b/l saw a trail cam pic of a bear in east Texas. Bears must have a taste for wild hogs. |