Community > Posts By > Serchin4MyRedWine
For me, because humans have the tendency to be unique, I believe they also have a tendency to like and dislike different things. This is true of how people flirt/play with each other as well. For example, I use the words hon and sweety ALOT. It is just a harmless habit that I picked up from a young age, that I enjoyed being on the receiving end of. But, occasionally, someone will make it known that they do not like being referred to in that manner, and I do my best to stop(it is a habit), but how can I be accountable to their discomfort before I know they are uncomfortable? Likewise, some people enjoy the attention of a 'cat call', some people enjoy being fondled or touched .... etc... etc.... but a person does not know if another person is NOT enjoying their advance UNTIL that person says so. So this newest media trend around people coming forward to tell about singular incidents of 'harassment' by men of power, and usually incidents that allegedly happened decades ago, is bonkers ... imho. Firstly, because it results in that person being socially outcast as 'guilty until proven innocent' and Secondly, because most people I know are a bit different/more matured in their 50s and onward, than they were in their 20s. Penalizing near senior citizens for having basically made someone uncomfortable in their 20s is insane. I know the accusers are getting plenty of attention and sympathy, but my sympathy is going out to these men who have not been proven to have done anything illegal at all. I liken it to how a cop can just claim 'fear' to justify taking a life. That people can just claim singular incidents of 'harassment' to justify taking a career is troubling to me ... especially having been raised with brothers and a Father whom I love very much. I cant imagine what the families of the accused are going through. WOW MSH you are sounding more and more like a conservative everyday ![]() ![]() I agree that this is going too far. Yes, woman should not be abused or sexually assaulted but waiting 40 years to come forward only when the person has become rich or powerful is too much. What recourse at that point does the man have to defend against possible false claims? It seems men are guilty until proven innocent (which in most cases is very hard to do)and what makes this even worse for the wealthy and powerful, once a single claim is brought against them you can always count on many coming out of the woodwork for monetary gain. It is getting almost as bad as in some Arab countries, where soon you can be charged for just looking at a woman improperly ![]() |
What I see is flawed as far as school taxes is my kids have been out of school for 15 years but I still have to pay school taxes.. Not really fair to those aging and still paying school taxes.. And yet those that rent do not pay school taxes go figure.... ![]() Time for you to move to Florida ![]() |
In NJ I was paying 6000 to 7000 in property taxes plus all the state and local taxes. Here in FL I pay 600 to 700 in property tax(for @ same size house) and no state taxes...huge difference.And what you realize here is that roads and construction get done faster. I still travel to NJ often because I have a business up there and the roads are terrible and repairs take forever, they charge tolls for everything. Florida only has one toll road that I'm aware of.
I should also add the state makes a lot of it's money through tourism, taxing hotels and amusement parks like Disney and Sea World etc.
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Thu 11/16/17 09:48 AM
then how does fla fill their state and local budgets? all through income and sales tax? No income taxes, just sales tax(which is much lower then most states)and Lottery sales(that help fund education) and of course corporate taxes and property taxes(which are also very low compared to other states). And they save a lot of money by not having unions and the corruption they bring LOL |
Glad I'm in Florida! No state or local taxes. Just pay federal.
I don't know about Cali but, here in Texas school taxes are paid separate from state and local. It is always the highest local tax that I pay. School budgets here increase every year and is the largest employer in the city. It's a multi-million dollar deal. Just does that work? Do you have to cut a separate check to the board of ED? |
Practice an american accent
hi all how r u i wanna someone to Practice an american accent with him can u help ?!! Americans don't have accents. You mistake us for Aussies. What??? Of course Americans have accents and different dialects. accents vary from very northeastern to southern to mid-western and beyond. You can tell the difference between a Brit from American because we have different accents. |
Do they separate 'school' taxes from taxes in general come tax time? taxes go to plenty of things not everyone uses, its too much paperwork and manpower to assign individual tax bills based upon individual usage of public resources. I always believed we invest in children not because of our biological connection but because of our national legacy, those children potentially become future leaders and innovators that benefit even the childless, making it an investment even the childless should fee responsible to making. Agree with MSH. Even if this "proposal" goes through,knowing California's propensity to tax it's people they would find a way to tax childless people. Maybe a crime tax because not having schools and education would increase crime. |
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Wed 11/15/17 10:23 AM
Been in relationships with women from all races since I was a teen(when it was frowned upon) Never thought love depended on color or race. If you feel chemistry and attraction it's all good :)
saw that coming
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Wonderful new... not
Done that before and will do it again, but it sux. And hurts. I sometimes wonder why everyone seems to be in search of love when love ALWAYS hurts in the end. Sorry to hear you had another let down ![]() |
My asawa pa ang gf mo:)
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Wed 11/15/17 06:47 AM
Because her husband will die soon.. He's already 76yo 76 is not THAT old to die, you know. Unless of course, he falls off the stairs while stabbing himself and then shooting his head off after drinking poison by accident. Is that the plan? We here in the US may not think of 76 as one foot in the grave but other countries 76 is beyond their life expectancy. I AM from her country. Good thing I moved to Canada otherwise I would be expected to be dead soon too huh? you look good for 76 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My asawa pa ang gf mo:)
Because her husband will die soon.. He's already 76yo 76 is not THAT old to die, you know. Unless of course, he falls off the stairs while stabbing himself and then shooting his head off after drinking poison by accident. Is that the plan? We here in the US may not think of 76 as one foot in the grave but other countries 76 is beyond their life expectancy. |
For the money,a Lamborghini should heal itself, drive itself, park itself and serve you breakfast in bed.
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Possibly seeking a therapist
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Sun 11/12/17 09:41 AM
Seek professional help. If you feel your family and friends are not there for you then there must be an underlying issue, maybe you dismiss their "advice" because you don't see it as they do or they see a problem that you don't feel you have. In either case if it is affecting you to the point where you have to ask about seeking help then you probably should.
In the world today
CNN ( Clinton News Network)is so focused on Trump bashing and fake news that they overlook the very serious threat North Korea poses.Not just the direct threat of launching a missile at us or our allies but their exporting of nuclear weapon technology to Iran and other rogue nations.
It would not be a stretch that Kim Jung-Un would sell a nuclear bomb to ISIS if the price was right.Hopefully Trump can get enough nations together to stop all trade and isolate this tyrant before war becomes the only choice. |
Have you been inlove?
Yes, one true love and lost him.Will never be the same without him.
Hi, welcome to mingle..have fun.
If your on here...I think your ready...good luck.