parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 08:27 PM
If you met somone on JSH and hooked up (married) would you leave JSH for
good or do you think its ok to hang around and keep making friends?
Remember, this is where you met your significant other, so does it make
a difference or not?

To me its alittle like a singles bar, meet and visit with friends and/or
look for someone special.

Remember, you are not being asked to leave by your spouse, its up to
you, what would you do?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 08:09 PM
January 29, 2007 The End Of An Error

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:53 PM
Always remember to pilage BEFORE you burn!!!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:48 PM
you hot chick

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:42 PM

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:34 PM
I did not know I was missing

ever want to go for a ride in a hot air balloon?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:04 PM
I could really use massage right now

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:00 PM
Adult Alternative for me please

Having a good day?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 05/15/07 04:33 PM
Hey Dan,
Why didn't you ask about finding a good woman? Why did this have to be
about race at all? If I were to ask about women do you think I should
specify race? Wouldn't I be considered racist, no matter which race I
were to specify? I think that there is a bigger picture here and your
not seeing it. Someday we will all be grey (metaphore) and what will the
question be then? Where can I find a short girl to date, I am expanding
my horizons?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 05/14/07 04:25 PM
yes I do

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sun 05/13/07 09:42 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sun 05/13/07 08:54 AM
I have known many "FREAKS", often mistaken for hippies, which is more a
state of mind. difficult to obtain, impossible to maintain. Hippies were
likened to true communism, which if applied correctly would be a perfect
society, but like I said IMPOSSIBLE!!!! So the short answer is NO
because I did not really know any, and doubt that most people did!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sun 05/13/07 08:09 AM
I am glad you have it uninstalled bibby7, but remember that uninstalling
any program can be dangerous because they often take essential dll files
with them and screw up your computer

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sun 05/13/07 08:01 AM
Guys are visually sensitive, That being said, I know lots of guys who
are very much into women who have your shape Pinky! I am not forgetting
that you are probably a wonderful girl and have lots to offer anyone who
becomes close to you!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 05/07/07 07:42 PM
someone call dorks-R-us?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 04/27/07 05:58 AM
I like to look at the profiles where the pic caught my attention.
Whether she was attractive or has something unusual in their pic.
Sometimes I can't see the person because they are so far away in their
pic that I have to look at their profile for another pic. I alway have
it in the back of my mind that they know that I have looked at their
profile, so I try not to impose on others too much, but I break that
rule too much cuz I like to browse.

I recieved an email yesterday from "sexybabe18" telling me that I
looked at her profile, and was informing me that I was not good enough
for her and that she would not read emails from me if sent. I don't even
remember looking.
Who is this Bit ch? and I blocked her. This was my first negative
anything on JSH.
BTW if I look at your profile, it doesn't automatically mean I want to
marry you. Not automatically anyway ....lmao

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 04/24/07 06:09 PM
There are 3 reasons to divorce: the three A's 1) addiction 2)adultery 3)
abuse........ now you have to figure out what your going to do! good
luck, I know what I would do. I would try to figure out why it really
happened, and I mean really! Then I would try to figure out what the
chances are of it happening again. Then only after all that would I
figure out if I could take it happening again!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:50 PM
out of curiousity who would you match me up with?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sat 04/14/07 06:29 AM
there are alot of us around KITTYKAT40

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sat 04/14/07 06:23 AM
Those remarks by Imus were terrible.

With that being said. I believe that the only people who can credibly
cast stones are those who have also publicly denounced the same kind of
speech from any other person or group. (example: rap music) If you have
looked the other way or promoted (promoted = bought CD's) this kind of
behavior, what ever your color, you should keep your mouth shut. I
really have not heard much criticism before now from the majority of the
so called "black community"
How easy it is to look at your neighbor and point out his faults, and
then scream that he is picking on you.