Community > Posts By > Greiving

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Sat 09/01/07 12:27 AM
I believe Barbara Cartland when she says that sex with a condom is masturbation. There is no actual or real touch from which there are benefits. Some women say that if U can't ride em bareback, do not ride at all.
Unless one gets cut, aids is not transmitted by vaginal sex; but other stds are like herpes. Aids, when sexually transmitted, is by anal sex. I never did and will never do that. So my fear of aids is lessened.
Where I work, all have to take aids and other STD tests every year.

If I like a woman and she insists on condom, she could keep moving away from me.
If I am going to be with a woman FOREVER, what am I using a condom for? If it is to prevent pregnancy? I could take a vasectomy, (I'm 57) or she can tie her tubes or something.
She will be at an age where she either do not want or can't make any children.

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Sat 09/01/07 12:02 AM

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Sat 09/01/07 12:02 AM
huh huh

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Fri 08/31/07 11:12 PM
Right here!

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Fri 08/31/07 04:48 PM
Well I am seeing a lot of GOOD advice here. To precis? "If you could wait until you are like 25, having obtained plenty evidence (called certificate) of what you studied, you will be a great magnet to women. Loaded first and "handsome too!" They will say. "A DOUBLE whammy!"

To some youth, even though that is true, that is ONLY GOOD on paper and like 'words are wind.'

Some or all of those persons advising were not able to do that WHEN they were your age.
You know why?
Because the raging hormones (like little babies running in your veins) is part of physical development, and it affects everyone. Like when a female dog is calling (ready for sex) The feeling is overwhelming. More overwhelming for some.

So for everyone when they are around that age feelings are the STRONGEST that it will ever be in their WHOLE lifetime ESPECIALLY since it is NEW TO THEM.

There is ALSO the curiosity about the UNKNOWN and how this or that feels; or how should I do this or that.

THERE IS also the desire to be loved and embraced. Some people FORGET THEIR PAST and hope that for you, it will be different.

Some people study BEST when they HAVE a good relationship. They walk around happily singing all the time; some can't because as soon as they get into a relationship, that takes over. Then again, a good relationship might turn sour, and now you can't study. Only God knows what will be you story and advice next 30 years.

Now you ask if 'this' will hurt you later?
What is the 'this?'
(A) That she says she doesn't want a serious relationship now?
(B) That you never had a girl friend since she being your first?
(C) That you are hurt as you feel dumped?

Well 'A'
People like her mother, and here, would have given her the SAME advice you are getting here now. "Don't get serious because of education pursuit." This will not hurt you later.YOU WILL UNDERSTAND BETTER maybe why she said that.

Others will tell her: "Generalize for now?" She might also tell herself that, if found to be having sex with someone else (while you are waiting with she being in the glass case,) she could tell you: "Remember I told you I wasn't serious!"
This could hurt now, but later it will be experience to better you, and you might realize then that when you start a next relationship, do not punish someone for what someone else did to you. Do not start one's account with somebodyelse bad debts.

Well B?
That will not hurt you. That will help you. As one advisor says: "She wished she had a daughter." You might be worried about 'making-love art and no experience.' Don't worry about that! That will not hurt you. When two people are in love, anyhow they touch, they are on fire, and pleased, and you will invent, positions and learn what makes you two satisfied. Then you will learn a few moves as you watch movies and internet which I'm sure you watch plenty of already, even though some is fake.

And C'
How this hurt now will affect you later? I do not think it will. BTW get prepared to expect some possible coming hurts.

Start, as some advise, to have plenty friends(without sex If you have sex with a pretty drama queen and she gets pregnant what will you do?)
While doing this dicuss the things that you FEEL cause breakups of relationships; things you absolutely can't live with, and things you can tolerate. Filter it down from your many, many, down to one who seems most compatable.

Then the script the Almighty has, or foresaw for you, will unravel.

Listen to what men, in men talk say about women and what to expect. One of the main things is that most women, (by far)like to have things THIER way and men coud do nothing about it. Have you ever heard that: "This is a woman's World?" Well that is true. So when you find your woman is like that, do not let that be a ground for break-up because the NEXT woman will be JUST SO or worse. The next thing, plenty women don't like to KEEP their word. Their word is not like the Apache's word. So, get prepared not to be surprised when they don't. But keep yours.
And as a young friend here advises, 'wait until THEY say' that they are READY for a serious relationship while you BEHAVE ready, if you are. Do not play any games with women, because you can't win with women. They could set you up on an innocent rape charge and that would be the end of your life. Your motto, if you find them cheating at that time, should be: "If you don't want me, please release me peacefully." Don't try to spite them back." Try to ease out peacefully.

When this woman sees that you have other female friends she might SUDDENLY want a serious relationship. Do not be surprised when or if that happens but do the filtering down first inclusive of her. Tell her you are not ready until you have done it unless you did that already which I don't think you did.

This is the best I can do now under the existing stress so any mistakes of unclear thing just let me know. I was not intentional. And I haven't edited this.

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Fri 08/31/07 07:40 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 07:38 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 07:35 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 07:34 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 07:33 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 07:31 AM
Whatever she does, I hope there would be NO murder/suicide or grave/electric chair.

Some VERY QUIET people that get mercilessly dumped, after being 'great, sweet guy, cooks & cleans,' SHOOT UP DE PLACE,
Dumper and dumping advisors. Then they call him criminal.

explode Is not the Dumper really THE criminal, even though Dumpee should not exterminate, Dumper & Associates?

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Fri 08/31/07 01:54 AM
I still wish to dance with you. BELIEVE ME. I LIKE YOU LONG TIME.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Fri 08/31/07 01:50 AM
I will have to ask one of them to dance. What a DISGUST!!!grumble grumble grumble grumble

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Fri 08/31/07 01:48 AM
Makanda bahbye (pretty filipina) repeatedly calls up Greiving on the phone where I work and says she is a secret admirer and says : "I love you Makanda Guapo." I pretend I do not KNOW who it is. She works where I work.

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Fri 08/31/07 01:42 AM
Everyone gone?? Nobody dances with me???
Then I have 2 ponder on alternatives:

Pretty White woman runs up to Greiving dancing by himself. She says: "I hate to see a handsome man dancing by himself. Would you dance with me?" Greiving returns her embrace and dances with her. Greiving has it on video. "Anyone cares to see it feel free to ask.

Knock-out juicy latina beauty announces resonantly in the midst of multiple witnesses,where Greiving works: "Caballero!!! I want to give you a lil piece. You have any woman?"

Separated, BEAUTIFUL, juicy white woman, repeatedly says to Greiving: I love you U hear!!!!? Can we talk?"

Beautiful juicy darkie approaches Greiving in front of everybody where I work and says loudly: "Greiving. I find you a very handsome man y'know. I have 3 property!!!"

Pretty of-mixed-descent tells Greiving in front of EVERYBODY,where greiving works: "You are a DECENT man. I have been observing you. You are a geltleman (Caballero) I WILL FRIEND WITH YOU"

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Fri 08/31/07 01:13 AM

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Fri 08/31/07 01:06 AM
Catchme. Out the lights lets dance in the meantime?

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Fri 08/31/07 01:04 AM
Sugar-face Gypsy! I want to dance with U next. in fact. I should have ASKED you first. But I was afraid Jesse would have gotten jealou. Women does jealous me quick quick you know.

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Fri 08/31/07 12:57 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :angry: :angry: grumble grumble PLEASE DANCE WITH ME???????

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Fri 08/31/07 12:51 AM
Thanks for the CONFESSION and COMPLIMENT that Greiving is FAR AHEAD Quake. Thank you. Thank you.
While I am bending my head there, you are too far behind for me to see you far more to hold the certificate.
If I wait here, you think you can reach me by next Christmas?

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