"but then it is not IMPOSSIBLE that a woman could WANT SEX THE FIRST TIME and BE SERIOUS. IF SHE KNOWS NOTHING about promuiscuity, and she is a widow who was with her husband since after a hurry sex with a good man 15yrs ago, SHE might TAKE a next chance even though she is 48yrs old. |
There is a time for example, a woman might be withholding sex, but she ALWAYS WANT to correspond with you.
I know that she is trying to find out IF she can TRUST ME and we are agreeable to each other. That woman is not thinking 'one night stance. She is thinking 'till death do us part. She might not know it, but I will be thinking the SAME thing. Believe it or not, but there are some women who WANTS to have sex the SAME TIME they first meet you, just like some men. They do not EVEN KNOW or can remember your name. They are not looking for any life partner but then it is not IMPOSSIBLE that a woman could WANT SEX THE FIRST TIME and not be SERIOUS. IF SHE KNOWS NOTHING about promuiscuity, and she is a widow who was with her husband since after a hurry sex with a good man 15yrs ago, SHE might TAKE a next chance even though she is 48yrs old. This MATURE woman gave me a story. Feeling lonely, having no man for a while looking sad, sad, she went drinking in a pub. Met this man with wife being ABROAD problems. They had sex the SAME night and moved in together soon after. Together for years. SHE WAS LUCKY. lAST TIME I checked, about 4 yrs ago, THEY WERE STILL TOGETHER, getting better and better. Being vacant at one time, I sought to be with this woman. She gone TRYING to get my files. Different women in the 'village' told her: "That man! He is a GOOD MAN! a PRIZE." (I DID NOT KNOW SHE WASN'T.) "DON'T WASTE NOT TIME! SNATCH HIM QUICK!" Thirsty for a woman's touch and hugs, like if I am dying, I RUSHED INTO the relationship based on she saying she is a good woman. Well it was like if the DEVIL open fire on me. I was not so lucky like the above example. The better thing is like what Hotandspicey said considering all what I just said. |
Well I agree with EVERYTHING Hotandspicey just said. And I am NOT looking for ANY prize.
Before sex, study what you are doing BECAUSE after sex you are STUCK AND SHOULD stay with your decision. So most of the time spent BEFORE SEX is to find out IF you two ARE compatable. With me, WHEN I find out that, I CANNOT wait anymore to get at the bulleye to mash it up with an iron bolt erection!! And usually, the woman with be MORE in a hurry then, than I am. |
I agree with Lexfonteyne: "Some people have the misperception that "slow and deliberate" necessarily carries a connotation of "well-thought out."
If you've ever seen a sloth, you know this is not always the case.... """ Unquote. Not all OLDER adults think the SAME way on this. Even SOME who say "Take it slow." would SPEED UP if they recognize, the PROSPECTIVE mate is a prize. Then it would be: "Do not waste no time!!" Not because they ARE older means that they are SMARTER on EVERY ISSUE!! There are some older people, especially women, who are saying this 10yrs now, and DELIBERATELY resisting the progress, SLOWING it down to a near STOP until their prospect goes elsewhere. And they CALL that MATURE. To some WOMEN, DELIBERATELY s l o w i n g it down means seeing the other person twice a week for 2 hours, While speeding up in accepting all jewelry and OTHER MATERIAL gifts WITHOUT SHAME. They tell him: "Take it slow" when it comes to sex while they having sex with somebody else. To some,they want a man from YESTERDAY. Money or not. And they will use every OPPORTUNITY, with their experience,to SEEK OUT a GOOD MAN QUICK, to be with him as OFTEN AS THEY CAN. So being with prospective mate 2hrs a day, twice a week for 6 months thinking you are bright, calling it taking it slow, WILL yield MUCH LESS info than seeing each other 8hrs a day for one month. But it is NECESSARY TO know the person well b4 you go to some deeper stage? AND IT IS THE MORE YOU CORRESPOND WITH A PERSON, YOU GET TO KNOW ABOUT THEM. So that what some call: "Take it slow and you will get to know the person better is BS. And they call themselves mature. |
What is a Wizard?
here's my dilemma
So U come out to fight for your friend. ok!
So are you CONFESSING that when it comes TO me, she cannot fight for herself. Or if she had a good point, her fight would not be fruitless. Well, where I work, the men and some women agree with my points and contributed. Also if you had read my posts on this, or you had the capacity UNDERSSTAND, U WOULD have seen that practically ALL pious Church goers (and some not pious as well) will proclaim the SAME things that I am saying. It is quite clear that U HAVE just come here in a rage, to fight for your friend whether she is RIGHT OR WRONG. THIS introduces ANOTHER phiposophy which is that 'U ARE NOT HELPING A FRIEND WHEN U TELL THEM THEY ARE RIGHT WHEN THEY ARE WRONG. THEN YOU ARE MAKING A MONSTER OR ADDING FEATURES. TRYING TO MAKE THEM LIKE YOURSELF! Now come out from sleeping in the BACK of the class, and come sit in front. Take this assingment home. "Read my post again two hundred times for sleeping and just jumping up when U hear the word SEX." And STOP telling jokes like your friend who was helping you on the stage. Remember WHEN YOU WERE 18. AND STOP making those FUNNY NOISES and being an IMPS telling me that you are 46yrs old ! When I was 11 U just born. Two people in love since High School,lost each other, found back each other, now things are GREAT, so they are engaged where marriage is being discussed and they are not having sex because you say so? And you want to CONTROL me to go sit in a corner wringing my hands and crying because you come to fight for your friend. U trying to seek a special screw as U prize. If U only ask for that payment, she will say you are CONTROLLING. THEN, POOR THING, YOU MIGHT COMMIT SUICIDE. Please don't??????? The young lady did not say that her Lover was CONTROLLING. YOU AND OTHER JOKERS WANT TO SEND HIM TO PRISON ON TRUMPHED UP CHARGES. And why are you so brave to come out without your clown costume for everyone to see your face? It was Unsure who attacked me once more as she ALWAYS DOES. MAYBE SHE LIKES ME. SHE SEND ME FLOWERS!! YOU KNOW THAT. I AM SURE SHE NEVER SENT YOU FLOWERS. Please put away that suicide rope???? |
He might choose to spend time with you instead of the football. Are all men the SAME?
advice needed
JaymeStephens84a0l. You have confessed to being a Witch in another thread.
What does the Witches Bible have to say about this situation and about the future or past of Word events? |
Well I believe in the Bible because if accurately foretells the future and the past. Because of this I believe the OTHER things. Hope you don't object?
Unsure HAS a point I did not think about. The Law. what is the age of consent for a female in that State.
If I were you, I would CHECK Unsure because of what she says happened to her son. She will HAVE appropriate info. |
advice needed
If the blind lead the bling they both shall fall into the ditch.
here's my dilemma
Ihanks for the flowers Unsure. At last u getting to like me! I reaaly hope U would have sent me a kiss though
when she is genuine or when she find someone that bring out the best in her
Are Men....more romantic???
What do you mean by 'romantic?
advice needed
Beebee!! Thank God you are alive.
I thought the male witch was called a Warlock who could fly just so WITHOUT A BROOM. I saw witch moveis more that once with that.
Well I am afraid of Withches etc BECAUSE I believe they are dealing with the Devil. and the Devil is a Supernatural being that I cannot battle with and a person's dealing with him could cause demons to HAUNT ME OR THE HOUSE in which we dwell.
Only God can save me from him, with much prayers and commandment keeping where one of the commandments is to stay AWAY from ANY path that even SEEMS to lead to the Devil. Could You clarify? |
Parttimeviking you you have me laughing I cant stop!!
I thought that a Witch was a female using a broom and the male version was a man who could fly just so without broom?
So what's the difference between: Voodoo, Witchcraft, Occultism, Black magic, High science, Druidism, Obeah etc etc? |