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Topic: does it really matter
itsmetina's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:06 PM
Edited by itsmetina on Wed 03/19/08 01:08 PM
if we vote?with the delegate system and superdelegates really deciding who will win?the whole race has been messed up with obama not even being on the ballot in some states.i say let the people decide lets do away with the whole delegate system.what say you?

sexxyandsingle's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:11 PM
<-----------this cat don't vote anyway happy

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:12 PM
yes the superdelegates really do decide who is nominated to run for president. we are just the popular votes, the way they choose the delagates is determined whether or not you show up at the political party headquarters are the voting is over. thne they choose the delegates that will go on to the state convention and then the national convention.

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:15 PM
i choose not to vote because no matter who gets elected into office they won't keep their "promises" anyway. i think nowadays being the president is nothing more than an ego trip. i just don't want republicans in office anymore because they do nothing except keep money in the pockets of the rich and keep us middle class people screwed over. i've always been a patriot, and i love my country, but these people we keep electing keep making me wanna move over seas.

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:15 PM

You pose a good question there! While I could see a need for the delegate system when our founding fathers originally put it in place, I would wonder about it's relevancy now.

Personally - I would go one step further. Remove the delegate system, each state tallying up it's own popular vote.

After the election - the president and related staff stays in DC. The rest of the Senators and such (and staff) should stay in the state they claim to represent.

There should only be two 'face to face' get togethers in DC every year, with set agenda. No one leaves until complete - there are plenty of hotels.

I *like* the idea of being able to have my Senators and Representatives living and working in the same state as me. Where they can be held accountable - face to face - and not hiding off in DC somewhere.
Technology in today's world could easily provide for this, and would remove some of the undue influence of the 'big lobbies'

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:19 PM
very true it would even nice if the popular votes would choose the president, since the electoral votes choose the prez

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 04:47 PM

if we vote?with the delegate system and superdelegates really deciding who will win?the whole race has been messed up with obama not even being on the ballot in some states.i say let the people decide lets do away with the whole delegate system.what say you?

You cannot make the statement that the whole thing has been messed up, because Obama was not on the ballot in two states. Even though Hillary won those two states, the dems are refusing to give those votes to Hillary, so that is a draw.

In this instance, the superdelegates will not decide who gets the nomination. Obama has won the popular vote and the dems dare not let the superdelegates over-ride the people. If they do the democratic party will implode, because the black people will riot in the streets, believing and rightly so, that their will has been overturned. Additionally, the younger people in the democratic party who voted for Obama will feel disenfranchised and they will leave the democratic party.

Therefore, Obama will be the nominee for the democratic party. He won't win because in order to beat McCain, Obama needs the independent voters. The independents are disgusted with Obama's doubletalk and his refusal to separate himself from Wright. They feel that this man who claims to be a unifier is nothing but a divider and a racist. Therefore, they will give their votes to McCain, and McCain will be our next president.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 03/19/08 05:24 PM
what kind a democracy is this when the people has no choice, but the delegates?

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 05:51 PM

what kind a democracy is this when the people has no choice, but the delegates?

Imperfect. That is why it was deemed "The Great Experiment" by such as Jefferson and "the Political Experiment" by James Madison in the Federal Papers.

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:57 PM
We don't live in a democracy. We are a Republic. There is a huge difference and one worth learning about.


ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:58 PM
voting`s for puss`slaugh

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:50 AM
All those who think it cool not to vote, thank you for shirking one of your main responsibilities as a U.S. citizen.

I don't want to ever hear you b*tch about our political process - you sacrificed your credibility when you didn't vote.

Moondark's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:59 AM
Edited by Moondark on Thu 03/20/08 02:59 AM
As some of my older friends like to say, and I think it is a very good point, if you don't vote, you don't have much of a right to complain. You didn't choose to make your opinion heard when they give you a chance. So don't complain about the results later.

Although, I think the delegate system is obsolete and each vote should stand on its own.

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 06:06 AM I am curious.

What would it take to remove the delegate system? Popular vote on a national referendum?

Will have to do a bit of research now.

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:02 AM
In a country where a candidate can win the popular vote but still loose the presidency because of not winning the electoral vote,,, Id say yes..your vote doesnt count for $hit.....but hey, there's always American least your vote counts there....

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:14 PM
Information is the currency of democracy.

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:15 PM

what kind a democracy is this when the people has no choice, but the delegates?

it is not a democracy it is a republic

bookworm's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:18 PM

if we vote?with the delegate system and superdelegates really deciding who will win?the whole race has been messed up with obama not even being on the ballot in some states.i say let the people decide lets do away with the whole delegate system.what say you?

I absolutely DO think it counts! My father used to say... if you don't vote, you don't get to bit*h about the results. laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:21 PM
That's why I don't vote, we are no longer a true democracy as in we don't decide. Besides either which way, history has shown us that inevitably our presidents screw up/go against what they promise. So flip a coin and vote.

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:22 PM

if we vote?with the delegate system and superdelegates really deciding who will win?the whole race has been messed up with obama not even being on the ballot in some states.i say let the people decide lets do away with the whole delegate system.what say you?

I absolutely DO think it counts! My father used to say... if you don't vote, you don't get to bit*h about the results. laugh

and he was right

if everyone that did not like any candidate wrote in a name
which would prevent a majority

i wonder what would happen

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