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Topic: §|tⁿ☻'s Showcase
Sitngrin's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:29 AM
We Are Not a Number!

Today, they brought us together, the 11 of us and took a picture
I starred at the camera, thoughts racing through my brain so rapidly
Here, I am considered an enemy by most, at home, there is so much stricture
Though I never asked to go to war, I did volunteer and on all oaths I agreed

They provide each of us with a copy of the photo and my eyes form a tear
Looking at the 11 of us, knowing that only 3 or 4 could return home burns into my brain
These are my brothers, my family; thier families at home, all details made clear
I know about my brother's wives, parents, children; the thought of them dying nearly drives me insane

This damn war, which has brought us all so very close can take it all with one bomb
Americans sit on their comfy couches, watching the news, having no idea what it's like
They see the headline "Four Americans killed today in Iraq" and turn the page and continue on
Those four men were my brothers and you spend more time talking another gas price spike

Those men had families, they had people who loved them, they had hopes and they had dreams
All they are given by the American people is short headline in the paper or a quick news screen
We are dying here, try to understand we are so much more than just a number on a chart
Understand that we humans, we have families and that number you see means a thousand broken hearts

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

*This poem was inspired by this picture http://stliraqwarvets.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/iraq-war.jpg*

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:57 AM
My Support Chain

Whenever things go awry and I find myself about to fall

The love and support that I receive from my friends leaves me enthralled

At least one or two of you are always in my corner, always motivating me

At other times, you all scurry in from all directions and provide the comfort I need

I’m amazed at the love, empathy and true feelings which I am given from you all

Never in my life have I felt so much support from so many people whenever I fall

I need not even make a list to praise those of you who are always there

I just want to let you know that I truly appreciate how much you really care

When I feel myself breaking down, scared and like my life is blown

Every one of you reminds me again and again, that I am never ever alone

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:02 AM
Totally Fulfilled

Just as she had every night before, she knelt beside her bed to pray

Life had been so difficult on her, but it all had fallen apart today

As she always did, she prayed for others and asked God to bring them light

She finished praying for all others and suddenly began to cry

Please oh Lord above, you know my needs, only You are able to supply

The tears ran down her face as she lifted her head towards the sky

Suddenly a light appeared so bright she could hardly even see

The sweetest voice rang out to her, saying he would set her free

She felt a touch on the top of her head and she was lifted from all strife

She was totally fulfilled spiritually, and thanks to Him, was content with life.

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:43 AM
Bouncing Rolling Yo Yo

Excitement filled my soul as I got my first yo yo

After being in the light a while, at night it would even glow

I learn how to walk the dog and every trick I could learn

Only one trick alluded me; the ability to really bounce my yo yo

After weeks of practice and patience, my heart was filled with joy

I had finally mastered the art and became a yo yo master; no longer was it just a toy!

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:06 AM
The Journey Of A Tear

My journey begins deep inside the stomach, slowly I work my way up to the heart

Along my path, I bring with me chills, escalating more and more from the start

I cause physical pain, I can forcefully cause you to bend, bend right in half

I spread terror throughout your entire body, I am a truly a master at my craft

Eventually, I will make your eyes well up, swell and begin to sting

It is amazing how I can rip you apart, how much agony I can bring

I will cause your nose to run, cause you heart to break and force you to cry

My life then turns to the outside world as I slow drip down from your eyes

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 09/21/08 12:40 AM
The Blast

My eyes burn as I gaze upon the debris
Still in shock, my ears so loudly ring

The air I draw within my lungs nearly suffocates me
I cannot allow this confusion, this perplexity

I must remember my training, I must persevere
The smoke slowly dissipates making vision clear

I see my unit fully intact, I say a tiny prayer
How many angels moments ago, were standing with us, when we were standing there

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

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