Topic: §|tⁿ☻'s Showcase
Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:19 PM
Spaghetti in Chinatown

As the phone rang, I grabbed my coat and ran as fast as I could run
I’ve been all over the world and this spaghetti can be topped by none
All day, I’ve been waiting for this meal, my stomach growling with desire
As I make my way down, I trip over a hose putting out a grill on fire
Up to my feet I quickly spring, bloody knees , the blood runs down my leg
I run into a Chinese man, who is carrying a dozen eggs
Now covered in slime, shoes filled with blood, I look up to my dismay
The grill that they were putting out was at my destination
I hang my head as I read the sign “Closed for renovation”

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:20 PM
Cletus, The Giant Carrot

The biggest carrot in the world, Cletus the giant carrot knew he was bound for a great destiny
When the call came in and the farmer spent 2 hours uprooting him, he knew he’d hit the big time finally
He was carefully loaded into the old farmer’s pickup truck and driven all the way into town
Never before had he seen such machines, machines that could lift in the air and fly
He smiled, well as best as a carrot can and just knew he would be known around the world for all time
He was handled so carefully, so gently as they carried him up the stairs into the room
Five men were there to skin him, trim up his top, checked him up and down to make sure he was properly trimmed
Once they had finished their job, the men cleaned up the mess and the leader congratulated the crew
Seconds later, Cletus found himself being pushed out a window into the world’s largest kettle of stew

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:20 PM
The Beaver, The Banana, and The Gopher

She had a quaint colorful property on a peninsula
Everyday, she cared for all of the vegetables and fruit
She was climbing the banana tree one day and fell and broke her fibula
She cried until she had no more tears and the situation had grown acute
She prayed and prayed until one day, she started to notice her garden flourish
The ripe bananas were placed on her porch every day for her to nourish
Soon, healthy vegetables began to also appear out of nowhere
As she healed, she thanked God up above for answering her desperate prayer
Just when she thought she would starve to death and her life was over
God sent down a special friend to help, in the simple form of a gopher

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:55 PM
Let The Pride Fill You inside

How much more pride could a mother have then to see her son make a stand?
He knows the risks, he takes them every day, but he swore an oath and raised his right hand
She is more proud of you than she can even express in simple words, though she tries
Every time she writes her words for you, it takes a piece of her and for a day, she dies inside
Sit back and relax for a time, Mom, I will be happy to give a rest and flow the words from my heart
You see, I too served my country and the biggest fear I ever had was who I’d leave behind if I departed
He needs you to be at your very strongest, he’s fighting because you taught him to be brave
You taught him what this land was worth and what freedom is, he’s there to make sure you are safe
When that fear creeps into your heart, dry your eyes and fill yourself with all that pride
You raised a good kid, who stands by his beliefs and would not want to see you cry
On those days that you feel you can’t even stand, reach out and take my hand
I’ll be happy to lend a hand to you, and I salute Brett for keeping this land free and the home of the brave

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:28 PM
Riding to Love

Our calves grow more tired by the second as we make this climb
We know the hell before us, but we also know what we will find
Atop of this hill we will be able to see for miles and miles
A romantic interlude with a picturesque background, we kiss and smile
Together, having made it through the struggle as one, we suddenly realize
That if we can accomplish this, a climb so very high in size
Together, we can do anything we unilaterally put our hearts to

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:52 AM
How it began

I met her with you in my hand and without a struggle you got me in the door
You’re overpowering beauty and silky feel had us kissing on the floor
Over time, developed between the two of us, love and mutual trust
Now you hang upon the wall, but everyday we remove the dust
You companions I have used to leave a romantic path to the bliss
Entirely covered upon our bed, we deeply, softly kiss
In this bed and with your help our children were conceived
I look outside the window and I find it hard to believe
As I watch them play outside with the water and the hoses.
All of this started with a little spark and a dozen roses

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/25/08 12:37 PM
Spread Your Wings and Fly

You mourned her loss for so long, twinkling tears filling your eyes
The day that you lost her was the equivalent to yourself dying
With grand children, children and all the family at your side
You knew you had to go on, knew you had to keep your life alive
You took the day everyday to visit her at her resting place
Wind, cold, freezing rain, snow, all blowing in your face
You would never let her go, not ever for one small second
Until the One above called down to you and beckoned
Your rewards await you, you’ve been a good man, no longer will you cry
He spread his wings and up to her, he began to fly

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:30 AM
Hopes and Dreams

We all have plans when we are children to grow up to be this or that
After a few slaps in the face from reality and others, life becomes for us like combat
For those little hopes and dreams we have make room to being Dad’s and Mothers
And bit by bit, it seems our own dreams are replaced just trying to fulfill other’s
Don’t ever let that feeling die or think that dream is just too high
And never give up on the hope that you have no matter what the time
Reach back inside yourself and find that little inner child once more
And glance at what you once had for hopes and dreams in store
Sometimes, it only takes a spark to build a huge, raging fire
But it’s up to you to take that step and waddle through the mire

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:25 AM
The Phone and the Computer

I went to the store and I had to choose between new computer parts or a phone
I figured, hell I've got at least 20 feet of line, I'll get the upgrade, then upgrade the phone in time
So happily I made my out of the store and on my way I went
I got home, installed my brand new three gig of RAM
Man that sucker blazed, I sat back and yelled "Bam!"
I was talking online at the speed of light, new faces were abound
I found a girl named sex4ubaby6969, and then I heard the sound
The phone rang over and over again; I got to it just in time
Running back to sex4ubaby6969, my feet flew out from under me and I landed right on my spine.
By the time I'd finished my call, she'd moved on to another, leaving my alone
Today, believe you me, I'll be back at the store to trade my RAM for a new phone

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:46 AM

The few, the proud, that is the line we will most often see
But this organization was founded long ago, in 1775, The Marines
Never will it be just a single Marine; they are taught they are ALL a team
You fight one, you will fight them all, they hold above all honor, pride and creed
Significant losses have been suffered by their kind for hundreds of years
Marines know the risk at hand; but still they refuse to show their tears
Each Marine holds a bond to each other Marine, a bond like no other
There are very few I’d trust with my life, except this band of brothers
I stand there and see old glory flying high and proud up in the sky
I stand at attention, raise my arm to salute and whisper “Semper Fi”

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:39 AM

I feel the walls closing in; my breath is all but disappeared
Millions of thoughts and worries run through my brain, nothing seems clear
Fate taunts me with different choices, different paths, which will be the end, which will last
As soon as the path seems clear, the skies darken and clarity is lost- then with a blast
Fate awakens me again only to give enough of a hint of the right direction I should seek
While not manly in some circles, I let out a scream, I hold my ears, and I drop to my knees
The pressure, I’m going to explode or implode, I don’t even know my name
All of life blends together, everything becomes allusive, and all becomes the same
Just one day, one day I want respect and to see all paths, the translucent answers made aware
I reach out my hand, reaching for help, into utter darkness, with eyes wide open I stare
Things I ask are so simple, so clear, God help me attain my wishes remove my fears
Before all the pressure builds up inside me and like a powder keg I ignite
My mind seems banished from thought, I seek the path of wisdom to bring me true life
Careening back and forth with no map, no help, in circles I walk alone here in the dark
Forever to be lost or will the right path be revealed before me, before it’s too late, where is my spark?

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 04/04/08 05:02 PM
Friendship that feels like Family

Strangers from all the country, all the entire planet
Collaborate together with their favorite interests and love
Some are gentle and fragile, some hard as steel or granite
In some mysterious way, regardless, we’re all able to bond
For some, the bond is stronger than the strongest steel
For others, it is in a dimension that we can’t quite grasp, far beyond
And we develop a love among us, from the most serious to the most silly
We come together in spite of our differences, and forge from our friendship, a Family

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 04/04/08 05:56 PM

Though elegance and social activity was never your scene
You brought the knowledge of the universe and many more some have never seen
Your appearance also may not have been your thing
But your hairstyle, still to this day, is copied by Don King
E equals MC squared, an equation that turned the science world upside down
At first they laughed at you, thought you were being funny, being a clown
As soon as you explained the equation on a level they could understand
All your past forgotten, then suddenly, YOU were the man
Those who laughed at you in school and thought you were a dim-witted
Would someday be eating crow and of being backwards you were quickly acquitted
The government took your greatest knowledge and applied it to kill masses
All they had to do was take your knowledge and mix the correct gases
Your formulas to this day are still a mystery to the average person
You quietly kept to yourself for years, agoraphobia started to worsen
Maybe you were sent to us as a test from another life form far beyond our clarity
Instead of using the knowledge you provided to help others, we chose to build bombs to destroy huge cities
A gift from someplace out in the beyond, and we failed the test and showed your race
That we are still so very primitive and we are far from being ready for rest of you out in space

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sat 04/05/08 03:24 PM
The Hustler

Beer glasses were quickly emptied as the sound of pool balls knocking around was heard
He watched carefully and slowly as his eyes went from one table to the next
There was always one to be had, one sucker among the bunch, he’s always find that nerd
He found his target and watched him drink down a pitcher or two, until he looked perplexed
Then he put his quarters up at the table, giving his target a quick nod as he took his game
He racked the balls in a loose manner, much like an average amateur would do
The young man in glasses looked over at the worn out old man and chalked up his cue
After winning the first match, the young man told the old man what he thought would be funny
The old man complied, letting him know that he was up for the task at hand and laid down a twenty
After losing the game to the young man six times, the old man had lost quite a sum of money
Arrogantly, the young man in the glasses ask if he was willing to double up on what he’d lost
Agreeing the old man tightened the rack this time and patiently waited as the balls were tossed
With no balls dropping, the old man stood from his perch, dropped every single ball, the display was great
He hunted down that final ball, mostly black with a piece of white and etched with the number eight
He dropped the ball with ease, gave a wink to the young man and offered him a piece of free advice
He told him next time he underestimates his opponent, he might want to think about this event twice

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:43 PM

The brilliant colors overwhelm me as I turn from left to right
New colors being produced by a simple bending of the light
A multihued display of fantastic arrays right before my very eyes
It does leave me pondering what colors from me are disguised
My eyes are limited in their ability to see all that is truly there
Curiosity fills my mind, wondering is there which I cannot see
What a beautiful blend must be hidden in this colorful potpourri

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 04/08/08 07:24 PM
Edited by Sitngrin on Tue 04/08/08 07:30 PM
A poem about sex and soda pop (Thanks to Vicki for the inspiration)

Sex and Soda Pop

I pull the ice code soda out from the ice
I let two drops splash across each of your subtle breast
I pull you nearer me and place the can below at the base of your spine
The chill of the ice cold near freezing soda brings your back to an arch
I roll the ice cold can over your entire body, caressing you and bringing you chills
I place the soda to the side, engulf you in my arms and repeatedly bring you thrills

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 04/09/08 09:52 AM
Dancing Into Your Heart

The anticipation mounted as my eyes were able to focus on the sign telling me I was minutes from you
We had talked so long, shared so much, from confessions to intimacy, with each other, always true
When you came to the door, I was stunned at how you nearly took my very breath from my lungs
It was obvious you had taken the time to present yourself well; for a moment, I just stood at the door mind hung
Reality snapped me back into place after you waved your hand in front of my face and we drove away
After we found our squatting spot and got our drinks, we decided it was time to hit the floor
I’d spin you around, then I’d fling you out and bring you back to Clay Walker singing “If I could make a livin’ out of lovin’ you”
Sweat poured down our bodies as we danced and seeing you glistening under the lights was almost more than I could bare
As the music slowed down and “The Dance” was played you put your head on my shoulder, on my neck I could feel your air
We continued to have a wonderful night of dancing, talking, drinking and learning to know each other more and more
After taking you home, the night came to a beautiful conclusion as you invited me into your bedroom for the grandest tour

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

“The Dance” © Copyright Garth Brooks
“If I could make a livin’ out of lovin’ you © Copyright Clay Walker

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 04/09/08 10:36 AM
** In dedication to all those dealing with this horrible disease. May my words give you some inspiration **


You invaded my body, without warning, leaving me with no way to stop you
You thought that I would simply let you run your course, take over and kill me
Obviously, you underestimated with whom you were dealing, you had no clue
I will not simply lie back in a bed and allow YOU to take my life- This you shall see
I will fight you until there is no more breath left in me to fight, you shall die before I
I WILL conquer you, my time on this Earth is far from over and this I’m ready to prove
When you ask yourself whether or not I will be an easy target, let me give my answer
It is that I will NOT fall prey to a parasitic cell size disease such as you cancer
I still have children to raise, grandchildren to see, my life here has only just begun
Defeat is a word that isn’t in my vocabulary, and YOU’LL be the one who is dead when it’s all said and done

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:27 PM
- I'd like to dedicate this to my brother, Jackie, who is going to have to go back to prison after only 4 months of freedom.

Today, I cry a tear for you

I watched you as you came out, ready to face the world, ready to stand up for your new ways

The drug addiction took place over a few months time; you had only 160 days, for you a taste of freedom to embrace

I cannot envision the suffering, the pain and loneliness you will once more have to face

Brother, I tried the very best I could, I gave you 110% in belief, in motivation, in faith

To make a man live in a cage is beyond my understanding of this entire human race

Teach a man a viable craft, a skill; give him a chance once he's out, LOOK AT the return rate

Putting a man in unbearable conditions, sleep wise, nutrition creates a man made of hate

As you go now, I will await you those two years you are gone, and remain your brother

And when you get out, if I am able, I will be there for you to have a place, when denied by all others

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 04/14/08 08:58 AM

I awoke this morning in a very rare form

I was so disappointed when back to reality I was torn

The dreams I had were all my dreams come true

It felt so real, that when reality knocked, I didn't know what to do

I tried to fight it and remain in the place where I felt so great

But as I grudgingly realized, you simply cannot win a fight with fate

But one little dream put a huge grin on my face that won't soon be gone

And through the trenches of reality, I must move until I am once again able to return

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