Topic: §|tⁿ☻'s Showcase
Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:56 PM
*Dedicated to all the fallen soldiers in Iraq*

I gave my life for you to keep your freedom

I stare up at the bright stars, lying on my back
My mind filled with confusion, I don’t remember the attack
I hear screams of horror and orders being shouted
I knew the risk that came with the job, the odds I truly doubted
I try to raise my head, but weakness overtakes me
A medic kneels down at my side, now I see all the debris
It must have been a road side bomb, such a horrible scene
The medic looks so panicked as he shoots me with morphine
A Chaplin takes his place and kneels down right beside me
I hear him start to say a prayer, his voice is quickly muffled
They put me on a gurney, to the bird I’m quickly shuffled
I feel so light up in air; I’m staring down at my body
I hardly recognize myself; I stare at myself so oddly
I have no limbs attached, and then a voice inside my head
Says come home son, your time has come, I’m sorry to say you’re dead
I turn around to see from where the sweet soft voice is heard
I see an Angel, hand held out, this is not what I preferred
She takes me up to heaven; peace and freedom fills my soul
I sacrificed my life for peace, before my eyes it all unfolds
I see the pearly gates ahead; the streets are made of gold

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Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:56 PM
A Wing and a Prayer

The pair slides down in front of me, full of grace and finesse
With my eyes, I take a peek and slowly they undress
Surrounding me the completion is intimidating
I have little time to choose my path, everyone is waiting
I decide to give over all I have, I feel such a rush
At the very end, my gut was right, as I hit a royal flush

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Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:57 PM
With and Without You

Without You
It would be like the earth without the Sea
Like trees without leaves
Like birds without wings

Without you,
It would be like the sky with no blue
Like the mountains with no dew
Like a cloud that never flew

With you,
I am complete, I am whole
There is no longer void in my soul
My heart is yours to control

With you,
Things take on a different light
I think of you each day and night
You bring to me such a delight

With you,
I've come up off the ground
You've helped me rebound
My soul mate, I've finally found

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Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:58 PM
Reach Out My Friend

My friend, I’ve been down the same path you’re on, I know the pain you feel
I’ve attached to a rope this stone; I’ll pull you up from the hole you’re in
And then to you, in every detail, all my pain I shall for you reveal
You will notice that just as you think nothing could be worse
You’ll know from my words, further into hell, I’ve been immersed
I wish I had more than just words to offer you, to help you get through
Were we closer, I’d hold you close and put my arms around you
Things are always better than they appear when you are down
I hope somehow that words I sent your way will cease your frown
Anything I can do to help, my hand is reaching out to you
And you will someday find that one, who will always be true

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 07:58 PM
Soft kisses in the rain

The rain slowly drizzles around us as we dance in each other’s arms
No need for words in this moment, your eyes are filled with charm
We smile, laugh and twirl and I gently dip you down
The rain gathers on your face and I pull you up and spin you round
Lovingly, I wipe the rain from your face, not a single drop shall I miss
We stare into each others eyes, with a flow of magic we begin to kiss
Soaking wet from head to toe, we refuse to end our embrace
You look so beautiful standing in front of me with such grace
I hold you in my arms and whisper I love you in your ear
You reciprocate your love, then laughing, we run to any shelter that is near

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:00 PM
From a distance

I quietly sit back and observe her from a distance
Though painful as it is to me, it's in her better interest
I desire her, there is no doubt, but I must give her her space
Her decision now is hers to make, as well as is the pace
My mind juggles these thoughts, trying to make sense
I think it a wise decision, others think of me as dense
If the day arrives that she decides it's me she wants to be her man
I’ll offer her more love than she could possibly withstand
I do not need to hold the standard vows of past in hand
I 'all write my own vows, from my own heart, they will not be so bland
I promise to her all that the things that standard vows involve
She’ll receive all those, but will also she will see new vows evolve
A heart you cannot rush and the answer to patience is time
I hope that when she makes her choice, our hearts will intertwine

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:01 PM
Sex and Love

My eyes flow left to right as I engulf the image of your body and store it in my soul
That sultry look, those sexy eyes, taunting me to come to you
I lie down softly on the bed, into your arms I gently flow
Bare skin upon bare skin, simply indescribable by words
I softly run my fingers down your arm and to your hand
I whisper that I love you as I say I’ll always be your man
The aura of passion surrounds the room, pleasure heard for miles
Collapsing onto each other, gentle kisses assure our vow
My arms wrapped so tightly around your chest
I feel our love flow back and forth, for you I feel so blessed

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:01 PM
A board

I once stood tall and mighty, taking 70 years to grow
I look down at these humans, ripping me apart, bit by bit
I soon find myself no longer standing, on my side I roll
I am only half of me, my other half has been split
I’m being pulled towards the water, my vision nearly lost
I float down the river, to the right and left I’m tossed
Everything is growing dark; I think my life I’ve lost
Pieces of me shipped around the world, they brought to me my death
What it is that they don’t see is that it also takes their breath

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:02 PM
Continuing Evolution

She steps out of the forest green and into the new dawn
Breakfast flies right past her eyes she releases her long tongue
Lazily and carelessly she swims around the pond
She decides to spend some time on the lily; she’s yet to have her young
She knows today begins the day to keep her breed alive
The males growl, grunt and fight, just to see who wins the prize
Then soon her tiny little tads are swimming right close at her side

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:04 PM
How many times?

How many times have I forgotten to be happy just to wake up alive?
How many times should I have listened when I thought I was being told lies?
How many times should I have taken five minutes, just to call a good friend?
How many times have I thought of that after their life end?
How many times have I looked back said only if I had?
How many times have I let someone below me make me sad?
How many times have I given thanks for family and friends?
How many times have I pondered how I’ll be seen in the end?

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:04 PM
My Best Friend and His

My best friend, I feel your pain, and know that you suffer
But Doo Dawg is a very rare breed, built to be much tougher
Shed no tears for now; remember all of the wonderful times
Many more times in this life, in your lap he will climb
I know his love and loyalty have stood by you for years
Now he needs at your strongest, do not show him you have fears
The energy you exhume to him will surely help him heal
And soon enough he’ll be sitting there, begging for your meal

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:05 PM
Cabin Fever

How long has it been since I’ve been waiting here, the snow up past the door
We brought in enough wood to last and fire at a roar
Three weeks tops he promised me as he went to look for cattle
I truly regret now that, but we had to make a decision
I feel these walls are closing in; I’m stuck in my own prison
My sanity it slowly flees as all outside is white
I’ll spend another sleepless night, stuck here all alone
I must be dreaming as I wake to hear a thunder
Has God come down to take me from this world is what I wonder
Then voices get louder and louder, the nearer they approach
I hear the snow being pulled away; it must be pulled by coach
Until at last I see the eyes with which I feel in love
Cabin fever leaves me now, I thank the Lord above

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:05 PM
Peace through War

As the waxing alabaster moon crawled its way lazily up the sky
The light it cast down on the planet each knew would soon mean to die
The battlements clawed across the surface like blunt talons holding a glowing crystal ball
Many of the battlements exploded by the fire to hydrogen causing licking flames so high
The war had existed for centuries, each faction absolutely refusing to die
Now that the alabaster moon had risen, was the safest time to fly
Juylius Sector 12 received its light, heat and power from supplier of life, their moon
As hundreds of battalions flew overhead, the main hall would be taken soon
The Committee for Planetary safety had but few seconds to make a choice
If the Tearians beat this planet, the other 3 in this solar system could never again rejoice
For the surface of Juylius Sector 12 was the only planet to have all fuel reserves
Many Haaasens lost their lives that day, and the rest would be involuntarily destroyed
The Committee had decided long ago to destroy the play and leave them only a void
As the moon peaked, a huge fireball of explosion vaporized the Planet and most of the fighters
Eventually there would be a truce resulting in sharing knowledge that made the moons three times brighter

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:06 PM
Broken heart mending

The pain you feel so deep inside your heart, is literally tearing you apart
Do not be ridged, do not allow someone else to have that part
Allow your heart to bend, not stiffen, or soon all of life will be slipping……away
Allow yourself to sway; each new start can be like the start of a new day
And soon you’ll see the pain dissipate from your heart and life will be back
Get up and step by tiny step, you’ll feel your heart forget the past and enjoy
Then, in less time than you think, you’ll find yourself back on track
Our hearts aren’t toys, but they were built to be strong.
Keep your head on straight and listen to your brain

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:06 PM
What was that?

What was that he asked himself, taking his gun from his rack
He looked around the room at all the animals he had attacked
Endangered species was his least concern, he could always buy
his way out
He loved to hear their last scream, never offering them any mercy
So what if others made new laws, he'd have exactly what he desired
Suddenly, his knees went limp and his chest felt as if it were on fire
Then all the pain and torment he had given to all, animal and human alike
Stabbing at his soul, sharing their pain, and so would end his life

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:07 PM
I WILL be back

As I board the bus to spend the next six months in a dirty, sandy Hell
I look back at you one last time and “I love you” I hear you yell
I smile at you, not letting you see all the inside fears
Nothing makes me sadder than to your eyes with tears
I fear that all the plans we have, the baby on the way
Could end with just one bullet, intentional or stray
I did however; dedicate my life to fight for the free and the
Have no worries baby; I won’t come home in a grave
I’ll step off a bus and rush immediately into your arms
I’ll kiss your sweet lips, hold your soft hands, and protect you
from all harm

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:07 PM
Echoes in the night

I lift my dress, trying to run as fast as I can go
I’m not sure what that noise was, heartbeats begin to flow
It seems the sound is trailing me, faster, I must run
I look over my shoulder, my hands trembling with fear
Suddenly I stop in place, I see my husband there!
Blood dripping off the huge sharp knife he’s holding in his hand
Memory returns to me, the whole thing he had planned...
He killed me out of rage and anger, my throat he coldly sliced
I realize that the sound of my own screams is the echoes in the night

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:07 PM
Her Curves

Lightly touching with my nose, I draw a curve around her beautiful full breasts
The excitement in her breath, the rise and fall of her beautiful chest
Almost leaves me breathless with anticipation as I slowly replace my nose with my tongue
Her fingernails scratching ever so slightly down my back, I can hear her breath inside her lungs
Pure, unadulterated passion swallows us deep into a black hole of ecstasy
Releasing us only upon attaining the release we both so passionately needed

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:08 PM
The Panther

Black and sleek, his shiny coat travels stealthy across the grass
Prowling, his incredible sense of smell sniffs out his prey
He crotches down, deeply in the tall weeds, allowing his prey to pass
In utter silence, waiting by the water, he prepares to slay
In an instant jump he has his prey locked deeply in his claws
The struggle lasts for only an instant, the animal quickly falls
The beautiful beast fulfills his needs of nutrients for the day
He consumes his meal, then rolling over, he decides a bit to play
His muscles so defined, into a tree, his claws he wraps
Then with stomach full and body fit, he lays down for a nap

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Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:08 PM

Your life starts so high in the air, as a simple drop of rain
As cool air starts to surround you, you begin to change
Like a caterpillar to a butterfly, the air will transform you
You’ll become a beautiful crystal of ice before you are through
Gently, lightly upon the wind, you’ll fly down to your path
You can be so beautiful, but can also bring such wrath
Some will land upon the ground, coloring it in white
Others will return to rain as they hit some heat
Some days you survive for days, sometimes over night
We love you when you’re on the ground, but hate you on the streets

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