Topic: §|tⁿ☻'s Showcase
Sitngrin's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:11 AM
A void only One can fill

When things were high in my life, I never felt a need
To come to you and tell you thanks, or even ask you please
Then times got bad and finally I bowed down before you and asked you to forgive
You lightened my heart in the blink of an eye, you forgave all my sins
You were the void that I could not fill with drugs, sex, booze or pills
But when You forgave me, I felt the void disappear, my life was now fulfilled

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:12 AM
As the Eagle Soars

As the Eagle soars so high above, floating on the sky
He looks down, eyes concentrated, and then begins to dive
The tiny figures he sees below soon begin to grow
Gracefully he glides just a top the water, headed for his prey
In one fell swoop he grabs a fish, and then he’ll fly away
Enjoying his meal, he decides on seconds and back aloft he goes
He’ll yank another fish out with those claws he has for toes
The fish is just swimming along, minding his own business, but so the circle goes

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sat 03/15/08 11:48 PM
Blue Eyes

I look into your blue eyes and am reminded of an ocean reef

The clarity is so astounding and I am pulled straight into you with each glance

The beauty of your blue eyes is simply beyond all belief

For hours and hours I could stare into your eyes as we slowly danced

The spell your eyes bring over me, I simply cannot overcome

My mind is filled with nothing but you and my body goes numb

When your eyes are closed, the world is dark and grim

When you open them up, the world lights up with vibrance once again

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 02:26 PM
Believing Again

I know I let you down, I know the pain I caused
It was not with intention my darling, I'm a human and have flaws
Never will I lie to you, in me you can put all of your trust
I will never hurt you like that again, or treat you with unjust
Allow yourself to forgive me and believe in me again
Help remove this frown from my face and allow me once more to grin
I will not disappoint you baby, I'd rather be tortured and killed
Then to bring inside you heart once the pain I made you feel

© 2008 Den Wedding. All rights reserved.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 03:21 PM
Never Give Up On Love

For so long now, I have been sad and closed, so secluded, so lonely
I wake myself in the night with my arm reaching over for someone to touch
I watch couples arm in arm walking down the street and I think if only……….
I miss the things I once had, the physical touch, the sweet soft times
And I ask myself, how did I get so alone, things have become so intertwined
My heart begs out to me to please open up for the world to see
I begin to think on things, how I’ve given up, how I wish I could rewind
Before sadness takes my heart, however, it quickly occurs to me
That never should I give up on, I will find that ONE eventually
So open up my heart I did and let my soul shine through my eyes
That special one did show up, all my dreams came true; we’re living life side by side
Now that I’m in my own utopia, I’m able to share my story with friends
To my extreme delight, I see my advice has brought them love in the end

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:01 PM
Stars In Your Eyes

In my silent, solid black outfit, I quietly slide down the way
I slip by the moving cameras to gain access to the door I’m seeking
I slide my eyes into the room and see the gem for which I will be so well paid
Carefully, I precisely use my tools and quickly unlock the secure door
I inhale a deep breath, knowing what to expect; an alarm, a room full of smoke, tear gas reeking
Knowing there is nothing to fear, until my feet land on the floor
My escape route perfect, I have but one guard whom I must bypass
I do a double flip, pulling out my sword in midair, I slice the protective case
Reaching in, I acquire the gem and quickly escape from the gas
I open my eyes and 47 seconds left to escape, I must use all of my wits and speed
30 seconds, time is running low; a guard comes directly towards me
I reach into my pouch pulling out my stars, I’d really hoped for another way
I fling my stars into both of his eyes, his life I took from him this day
I sell the gem to my employer for the highly negotiated price
With the profit I made, off of a single deal, I’ll spend the rest of my life in paradise

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:00 PM
What To Do? What To Do?

I sit here in this chair alone, asking myself what to do, what to do
My feelings run deeper than I thought they would, I’m truly addicted to you
You make me smile; you make me laugh, each other we see straight through
But yet I still have that posing question, What to do, what to do
I don’t wish to complicate your life, but I am at wit’s end, what to do
If I tell you how I feel, would that bring an end to our friendship too?
If I don’t tell you that my heart is somehow attached to yours, I’ll feel like a shoe
I get down on my knees and pray for hours until my knees are sore and blue
The answer I feel inside my heart, is the one I believe to be true
I’ll do it, I tell myself, and then upwardly I look, telling God Thank you
Good or bad, no matter how it turns out, at least now I know what to do

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:02 PM
Edited by Sitngrin on Sun 03/16/08 11:31 PM
Falling In Love From a Distance

After years of searching, patiently waiting, looking under every rock
I finally find the one I’ve searched for, finally found my soul mate
Why does fate play such cruel jokes on my heart, as if it wants my love blocked
Tell me why, I scream out loud, why must it be someone so very far away
Relations are hard enough to maintain in person, much less in a different State
You offer me my mate for eternity, but obstacles are abound
Why could we not be in the same place, why must it be so confound
They say to have patience, and the best things always come with a wait
But can you not feel my desire to be touched, by my true soul mate

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:14 PM
Down In The Backside Heart

I looked up at my wife, such fear consumed my eyes
She told me not to worry; I’d make it through just fine
Tears had filled her eyes; I feared I was going to die
The ambulance arrived shortly, they didn’t take their time
I described the symptoms of my pain and where it hurt the most
Upon arrival at the Emergency room, I was scared death was too close
The Doctor ran a series of test, my blood and all my stats
The next time that he walked in the room, a small smile upon his face
There’s nothing here to worry about, in an hour you just need to flatulent
I smiled at him, as he sat down and quickly filled out my chart
Hard to believe I thought I would die and I simply needed to fart

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/16/08 11:48 PM
Black & White Photography

The invention of color film brought pictures more to vibrant life
But to this day, they have never been able to replace those black and whites
The shadows falling as they do; more emotion I think they show
A black and white can be transformed just by the way the light flows
Not to mention the countless boxes that retained for us memories
Of those who are long gone, but not forgotten, their faces we can still see
It’s hard to believe that so much life can be seen with just a few shades of gray
There are few things on Earth as sexy as a lady in a black and white picture, who wants to play

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/18/08 12:38 PM
Being a single Mom

I never dreamed that I would be raising you all alone
But I l will be the best parent I can, and I will raise you until you are grown
Bomb threats, kids taking guns to school, violence is all abound
I chose to home school you for your safety, some days I feel so confound
At times I want to sit in the corner and cry from all of the pressure
Even during those times, my children are still my treasure
To say it has been an easy process would make me into a liar
But I know with me at your sides, you will be taken much higher
Though frustration mounts, and sometimes I want to pull out my hair
You will always know in your heart, that Mom will always be there

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/18/08 12:39 PM
Suicidal Squirrels

For generations up generations we held this land, this territory
Now man is cutting down our homes, to build buildings with multistory
We had a meeting, our food is nearly gone, tell me what reason is there to go on?
Now as we hear the loud noises that so quickly cut down our homes
We refuse to keep running further and further away, we're too tired to roam
And now we choose to take our own lives, before we allow man to drive us away
Keep cutting down our homes, ecologically, it won't be long before YOU pay

Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/18/08 12:48 PM
Your Mistake

I saw your cute picture, your red hair and your blue eyes
I spent three hours of time talking to you, enjoying your voice
You deserve an academy award for your performance that night
I thought the next day, after the way we’d talked, we’d have no choice
But to make contact as early as possible, thinking you liked me as I did you
Turns out you decided to be dumb and blow off the best of the brew
Don’t think for a second that letting go of you caused me any pain
Hell, truth be told, you’d probably do little more than complain
I offered to be there for you for your insecurities and pain of the past
You decided against having me in your corner, a mistake that will last and last
I KNOW what value I have, I know that I am a great person with so many qualities
I hope you enjoy your hole you live in, I tried to help you out; someday you’ll see
And then you’ll realize in the end what it is you threw away like yesterday’s trash
You’ll be wishing you had a nice guy like me when you hit the ground and crash
You’ll eventually find that you had a diamond surrounded by a pile of rocks
But hey when you finally realize what a damn fool you were, you can just with common stock

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/19/08 12:19 PM
A Lady Of Such Delight

Eyes of such sweet seduction, pulling one in piece by piece
Until the moment, she has you locked in within her gaze
Until she is damn good and ready, there will be no release
Intimate Encounter is probably the worst possible phrase
Behold the beauty before you, treat her like the lady she is
The one to land this rare catch is sure to be filled with delight
I know I'd sure enjoy sleeping next to her every single night

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/19/08 12:33 PM

God created only one perfect being
But you are the closest that I've ever seen
Your blue eyes invite me deep into your soul
Is there any chance of escape, I don't think so
when you come online, it makes me want to shout
My thoughts spend most of their time to West and to the South
Where an Angel and her little one are , I can just imagine all the fun
We'd have if fate could be so very kind and bring us together as one

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sat 03/22/08 03:20 PM
Cyber Dating…..

Is what I seek too much to ask, I’ve learned so much from the past
I learned to listen, not just hear, I thought I had it down so clear
But every corner I turn results in my heart once again being burned

I give respect and dignity, I treat a lady as she should be to make it last
Seems that lately when I find someone, and love seems to be near
Suddenly, she disappears; I’m not sure which way to turn

So many show interest, what is my mistake, what am I doing wrong?
Could it be my direct honesty, why must I go through such torment?
I simply ask for one to love, to respect and love me in return

Perhaps my biggest weakness is that I ‘m just too nice of a man
I pour my heart and soul out, seems all that I receive is just lament
I thought that my requests were simple, but yet my heart still yearns

Show me common courtesy and love me more than I can stand
Love, honor, dignity, affection, and love for life that is what I offer you
Maybe being the “typical guy” would leave me much less spurned

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/23/08 09:55 PM
No More

I sit daily at my desk, wasting my thoughts on days already gone by
Occasionally I’ll get the strength and I’ll refuse the thought and it feels so free to fly
But before long, I’m pulled back down; into this reality I call hell
You haunt my mind and I put you up on a pedestal, thinking only of happy times
I’ve gotten so good at hiding my emotions, my friends and even family can’t tell
That you lurk in the shadows of my memories, get the hell out of my head and take this grime
You have leeched enough from me for a lifetime and I’ve gained nothing but this shell
This shell I have surrounded myself with, to keep from thinking about YOU
How many times have I said aloud “I’m sick of you, tired of you making me blue”
Until now, I have talked a good game, but it has been a façade
But know this, you had your chance and I am now finished saying that you’re gone
I have my friends, my backbone, my support, my pain for you is now forgone


© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/23/08 10:25 PM
When I Reach Out to You

You say anytime you need me, just feel free to call
When I do, my bad day gets multiplied by two
I try to talk to you; you’re too busy watching TV
How can I talk to you when you say huh to me?
I’m just as well off talking to the wall
Seems none of my problems have you enthralled
Just a quick word of hope, A hug through the phone
To help make it through one more day, without feeling alone

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Sun 03/23/08 11:17 PM

Why do I find that when I get close to someone, they seem to want to flee
It’s like they start to see that I am truly what I say I am and not a fantasy
I love with passion and treat with respect the ladies I give my heart
Seems many are interested at first, just to gouge out my heart as we depart
The answer to the question is YES, I am WHO and WHAT I say I am, the waters you need not test
The games of trying to figure if my words are true have done nothing but depress
Between what *I * have to offer, not playing stupid ass online games
It’s such a shame that ONE hasn’t found me and realized what they have gained
A man of my age has knowledge, grew up with manners and gives his love eternally
Why are there so many stupid people out there, who are just too blind to see
Maybe you need to be treated like trash s’more before you know the difference
Between having someone with high qualities is a rare find you threw overboard at Sea
And YES, I write this to all of your have taken a piece of my sweet, sweet heart
And replaced it with a bitter taste to add me to your little chart
I’m not a toy, my heart runs deep and if you are too blind or stupid to see
Then you deserve what you get, instead of one whose love they will impart
So just keep playing your games, adding your tick marks & going down the list
In the end you will get yours, realize your mistake an figure out what you have missed

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Mon 03/24/08 07:19 PM
The Turtle

Though appearing cumbersome and slow
We lay our eggs inside a sandy hole
When we are attacked by a beast from hell
We quickly pull in our feet, our head and our tail
Though graceful we may not seem on land
Put us in water and you will understand
That we will be one of the lasts to survive
Though it might be boring to hang with roaches, at least we'll be alive

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