Topic: §|tⁿ☻'s Showcase
Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:09 PM
A Survivor of Child Molestation

You touched me in places and did things that you know were not right
I was just so little, though I wanted to; there was no way I could fight
Nobody would believe me, and right to their face you lied
You’re a filthy piece of garbage; I can’t wait until you to die
But listen to me closely, you little dirty piece of lice
I did not let you destroy my mind; I went on and lived my life
I survived all of the pain that you inflicted upon me
I did not let you tear me down; I made my life go well
I live with the assurance of knowing you will surely rot in hell

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 09:55 AM
Fire, Ice, Chaos

A ball of screaming flames leaves a distinct line of smoke in it's wake
Chaos surrounds the entire planet, man killing man, just to survive
This cold, heartless clump of ice from the sky, how many lives will it take?
The early news reports its last reports as everyone scrambles to stay alive
Women and children first, not true, survival instinct kicks in for all
I never thought I would witness the day that our planet, our Earth would fall

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 09:58 AM
Free Me

To what end this torture must I endure, this purgatorious plight

For sins I had committed once, Divine gifts cast aside

Omnipotent and Holy One, I beg of you to hear

Cast me not asunder, plunge me not to the abyss

But know my limitations, Lord, and see that they are near

Stretch out to me, Oh God I Pray, your kind and loving hand

I fear the cross I'm burdened with is more than I can stand

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:04 AM
Hurtful Words

Frustrations mount and piercing words can sometimes be abound
We say sometimes the things we feel, regardless how they sound
Voices raise and tempers flare, but one thing that we must beware
Is to remember that our bind is meant to last for all of time
To think that we will never raise our voice is just absurd
But keep in mind my loving dear we both want to be heard
And if we keep in mind the fact that truly we are one
And that the words we say in anger never are undone
Then maybe we can take a breath, a walk or just a break
To keep from saying something that we know is a mistake
To lose your love for me I know, would end in my demise
And for my part of what was said, I do apologize

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:05 AM

I know sometimes that I forget, to lend to you my ears
And that your words, they have no worth, that's how it may appear
But open up your ears my love, and hear the words ring true
Nothing is as important as the words that come from you
And when I slip and I forget to look you in the eye
Please don't be upset with me, I hate for you to cry
Just give to me a gentle nudge, remind me of your needs
Then I will know to listen close, together we'll succeed

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:08 AM
Peaceful Death

Breath no more, my life is gone,
my days on Earth have passed
Looking back, I can't believe,
the time it went so fast
I ponder on my yester-years
and think of thoughts so old
I feel the numbness taking me,
my body's growing cold
My body now is gone from me,
my thoughts they still remain
I feel no fear inside my mind,
my body feels no pain

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:09 AM

Taken from my loving arms and moved so far away
Though the distance separates, my love will never sway
I think of you each day and night, I pray to God above
That you always remember me and always feel my love

I've heard it said too many times that Dads don't seem to care
But often we are powerless, it just seems so unfair
Children taken from the state, a call each week or two
I doubt the children understand the pain that we go through

I'll have children write, I must have heard a thousand times
But checking on the mail each day, reiterates the crime
They say they setup laws for the best interest of the child
I wonder where the Fathers were, when these laws were compiled

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:10 AM
The Chance

We stem from apes, as some would claim
But yet the questions still remain
It all began with a big bang
No mention how the Angels sang
But do we even have the brain,
or have we just become too vain

We strip the credit from our Lord
And say we know the keys
We clone and alter all he's done
For Him, we have no need
But just as he has given life,
that life he too can take

And when you gamble on this chance,
it is your soul at stake

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:12 AM
Time Alone

My day begins before the sun can rise upon its perch
I'm running, never ceasing, for some time alone I search
My duties truly do wear down upon my energy
And though I love to be with you, I need some time for me
I need to find a place where I can let out all my thoughts
Please don't be upset with it, do not be distraught
Quiet thought and silence do not mean I am upset
Just give me a bit of time alone, there is not need to fret
And when that time is passed and to my love I do return
You'll see that when I'm quiet, that there's no need for concern

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:13 AM
To be chosen

To hold you in my arms so tight,
from sundown till the morning light
Brings to me a joy untold,
worth more to me than tons of gold
I watch you sleep, I feel you breathe
Why you want me, I can't conceive
I feel so blessed, I feel such glee
That somehow you have chosen me

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:14 AM
Trust, Love & Strength

Your trust I've yet to earn, but take my word, and know I will
Give me the credit I deserve, your dreams I will fulfill
Don't look so hard to find my love, for it is at your feet
Bind with me your strength my love, together, we'll be complete
Help me to remember to laugh, each and every day
And talk to me so I can know the things you need to say
Worries you needn't have, for to my heart you hold the key
I want us to enjoy each other; mentally, physically, and emotionally

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:15 AM

I can hardly wait to touch your face and wrap up in your arms
To see your smile and kiss your lips and give you all my charm
The time I am apart from you feels more like days not hours
I would have never thought before that love had such a power
I dream of you when we are apart and wish the time to pass
Happiness will engulf me when I get to hold you again at last
Until that time, I hope you know, my thoughts center on you
Then I will feel alive again, my heart will be renewed

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:16 AM
Winning my love

My heart had been so hardened, no love through me could pass
So many expectations, them all you would surpass
I told you I could never love, I drove you from my side
I'm sorry that I brought you pain, I'm sorry that you cried
It crushed my heart the day you confessed
You needed love and nothing less
I tossed and turned and skipped each meal
No longer my love could I conceal
I opened up my soul that day
What you revealed left me in dismay
If only I'd shown you that all along
My love for you had been so strong
We wiped the slate and started anew
And now I know my love is true
Please stay with me through thick and thin
You worked so hard my love to win

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:17 AM
Your Love

I can't explain the way I feel whenever you're around
I'm like a happy little child, I hardly ever frown
A surge of love goes through my soul
Now that I have you, I'm finally whole
And happiness like I've never known
Your love I'll never again postpone
Without you, I am but half a man
When I met you, my life began

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:19 AM

Tumbling end over end into a bottomless prison
Trapped with no way out but to end my own existence
A small light appears; A hand! A hand to pull me up
I begin the climb, feeling hope and excitement
Suddenly the hand is gone and I am once again left alone

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:53 AM
Hit me or Kiss me?

We had a bad day, so many disagreements and shouting
I went for very long walk to give us both some space
I slowly opened the door, my heart was still doubting
I expected with all the words we said, you'd slap me in the face
I saw the tears in your eyes and asked if you wanted to hit me
You wrapped your arms around my neck, and said you'd much rather kiss me

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Wed 03/12/08 12:29 PM
Finding the feminine side for balance of the soul

We start our life as pure energy, but still we are a soul
Before our birth metamorphoses our soul to the physical
We have no gender, until at last we are born and made whole
Then once we are established within the anatomical
Our gender is formed, but as we grow older, we begin to see
That understanding the opposite sex is truly the key
A man must find his feminine side, to truly understand and agree
Once the testosterone is overlooked and we truly look inside
Then we are able to understand her needs, her desires
That sometimes she just wishes to be heard, not to have a problem fixed
When we have established that, our souls can truly bind
And we will understand each other for the remainder of our time

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:10 AM
Take me to higher places

Armageddon had begun, due to their strength, some were chosen to fight
Others, due to their speed, were chosen to carry souls to heaven by flight
Massive explosions abound as Angels and Demons fought for the souls
I had flown down quicker and quicker and had thus far retrieved the most
Let it not be misunderstood that I had done this alone, and I had no time to boast
Though immortal, we still could lose our existence and He had to orchestrate
It would be thousands of years before his fallen Angels he could recreate
The risks were high, but bound by an Oath, we went on and did our job
I was sent to retrieve the soul of a mother and her child amongst a mob
Carrying one soul could be taxing enough, but I could not let that child be destroyed
I swept in with all my speed, grabbed them both in my arms and started to retreat
I felt the pain of heat on my back, but I had to get them to heaven, my task I had to complete
I took her higher and higher, her blue eyes starring into mine as my vision blurred
I set her and her two year old down by the pearly gates, then suddenly it occurred
I looked behind me and saw my wings were destroyed and I would soon lie dead
She looked deep into my eyes, and my last image before I went was her kissing my forehead

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:10 AM
Why does it hurt, when I feel no pain?

I stand here in the cold rain, tears streaming down my face
Never thought I’d find myself, standing here in this place
I look up at your bedroom as the rain begins to pound
Rain has me covered from head to toe, I cannot hear a sound
I took my own life, to escape the hell of losing my sweet Elaine
I shouldn’t be able to feel, so why does it hurt when I can feel no pain?

© Copyright 2008 Den Wedding. All Rights Reserved by Author.

Sitngrin's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:11 AM
Twice Baked Virgins

I went to hang out with some friends and found myself at a party
We sat around drinking, smoking, laughing, the weed was hearty
The more we sat and smoked and talked, secret details were revealed
Some needed just to talk things out, and then found that they were healed
Other info was also told, which brought to my face such a big grin
Two of the ladies in the room, sitting next to me were both untouched virgins
I smoked them up another time, twice now they’d been baked
I took them both up to my room, having ice cream AND cake
The experience was delightful; we had all had lots of fun
Until one of the virgin’s Father walked in with a gun
Running down the street half clothed, now that part WASN’T fun!

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