Topic: Regime change
no photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:42 AM

I have some scars wanna see them?

its not a glamorous job, absolutely correct.

but I am off my ass, i am doing something that will bring about real change. hell saddams dead now isnt he, theres one change that has happened.

I dont disagree with you on your points of it being dirty nasty back breaking work reviled by many, just on the substance in which you are trying to claim we , THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the root of everybodies woe's through out the world. take some blame, take some responsibilty, be a leader, stand up and change your country then you will have a leg to stand on when you try and tell me how to change mine.

ok, here's my concerned were you about Iraq, Saddam, terrorism before 2001? How compelled were you to go serve your country and "make a change" for the better in Iraq before the "war of terrorism" was declaired?
What have you done for your country prior to getting shipped out? Served on any boards, attended any council meetings? Did you know who the mayor of your town was? Did you vote for him/her?Patriotism is way more than waving flags and saying fck the enemy.
Even though I was forbbidden to vote, I have been politically active all my adult life, even in your country, I did what I felt was my responsibility to do in my host country and now I do it in my own.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:44 AM


You posted on page 2 that if we look back you "use Bush, baby shrub, great burning bush, etc.... Pet names is all."

Considering your stance, the above doesn't make sense. It was God or the Voice of God in the Burning Bush.

Bush said himself that god told him to do these things ie burning bush reference.

smo's photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:55 AM

Why we are in Iraq

By early 2003, the status quo on Iraq was crumbling and could not be sustained. The international sanctions regime no longer constrained Saddam’s ability to spend money as he wished, and the regime was growing stronger, not weaker, under the existing sanctions. At the same time, critics around the world were demanding that those sanctions that remained be lifted. U.S. and British warplanes patrolled the no-fly zones, taking fire from anti-aircraft guns on a weekly basis. America was forced to keep troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, in an overtly hostile environment, with no light at the end of the tunnel. International pressure on Saddam was wavering, and intensified only when the United States showed a determination to deal with him once and for all. Even the renewed inspections in 2002 and 2003 took place only when Saddam was confronted with coalition troops deployed to his borders— an obviously unsustainable situation— and even then he refused to cooperate fully.

We must also remember the mockery his regime made of the United Nations Security Council. He violated no less than 17 Security Council resolutions. If the word of the United Nations is ever to be worth more than a press release, there must be enforcement.

more here

interesting stuff

Yeah, those sanctions were not working , He quit selling his oil for Dollars ,and changed over to Euros, and the other countries were not helping us very much with the sanctions because they did not agree with us very much? Our Puppet Saddum was slipping out from under our thumb and we Zionists did not like that very much!! SO WE PUT THE HAMMER DOWN ON HIM!!

He made a mockery of the UN because he knew it was the CAPITAL of the Zionist ONE WORLD ORDER?? Notice what CITY it is located in.(Capital of ZIONISM in my opinion) International pressure was wavering because Saddum was in the right and we were wrong ,so no one wanted to side with us, it is that simple. No one else except England and Israel wanted to be War Criminals. To me it seems pretty simple since ,I do not own any oil companies and I am not wanting to take over the PLANET SHAN (earth)

Our Marines have a tough time trying to protect all these Zionist corporations ,that are trying to take over the earth.(buy it, steal it, or kill it, our corp. will not take no for an answer.)(money, money ,power, more power) The UN Security Council is trying to be the New World Order govt for this planet. Problem is that a couple of the key Members (Russia , China) no longer go along with the Scheme. I hear that the original plan was that a RUSSIAN was to be head man of the UN Security Council, but it seems that US ,England and ISRAEL had a change of heart about that earlier agreement.(Renigged) Now of course there seems to be a reason for this, Not long ago before Putin, the zionists were still in charge of Russia, But somehow Putin took care of that problem over there. Russia is a Christian Nation NOW!!!

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:59 AM

I have some scars wanna see them?

its not a glamorous job, absolutely correct.

but I am off my ass, i am doing something that will bring about real change. hell saddams dead now isnt he, theres one change that has happened.

I dont disagree with you on your points of it being dirty nasty back breaking work reviled by many, just on the substance in which you are trying to claim we , THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the root of everybodies woe's through out the world. take some blame, take some responsibilty, be a leader, stand up and change your country then you will have a leg to stand on when you try and tell me how to change mine.

ok, here's my concerned were you about Iraq, Saddam, terrorism before 2001? How compelled were you to go serve your country and "make a change" for the better in Iraq before the "war of terrorism" was declaired?
What have you done for your country prior to getting shipped out? Served on any boards, attended any council meetings? Did you know who the mayor of your town was? Did you vote for him/her?Patriotism is way more than waving flags and saying fck the enemy.
Even though I was forbbidden to vote, I have been politically active all my adult life, even in your country, I did what I felt was my responsibility to do in my host country and now I do it in my own.

questioning me on my patriotism?

ok heres the background. I enlisted in the military in 1990, prior to Saddams invasion of Kuwait. I served until 1998, under both Bush Sr. and Clinton. I re-enlisted in 2003, prior to the war with Iraq.
I have voted in every single election since I was eighteen.
Yes I know the mayor.
I know who sits on the school board.
Yes I am politically active, if you couldnt tell from the other post.
I have worked as a Youth counselor, among many other things, during the time I wasnt in the army.
I am educated and do have a degree.
As far as what have I done for my country prior to being shipped out... I guess the same as many, I pay my taxes, I have went to city council meetings, and school board meetings. Have I ever chaired one or been on the board- nope. Will I, you bet, have to start somwhere before I just throw my hat into the race for President. It is my future ambition to become the first prsident with the name Dennis, and when that happens you can truly put your head down and wait, cause its coming.

it was ashame to read you were forbidden to vote, someone should stand up and....FIGHT , for your right to do so.flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 11:16 AM


You posted on page 2 that if we look back you "use Bush, baby shrub, great burning bush, etc.... Pet names is all."

Considering your stance, the above doesn't make sense. It was God or the Voice of God in the Burning Bush.

Bush said himself that god told him to do these things ie burning bush reference.

Well then we better do what he says.

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 11:45 AM

well the truth is you can not be 100% sure that you havent or will not shoot and kill innocent civilians and thats something you are going to have to live with as will your commerads..Ive worked with vietnam vets and saw what having done that did to them..I hope you dont end up like them, and if it doesnt bother you...thats even more frightening.

this is one of the most disturbing posts I think I have read...attempting to play with minds using guilt as a tool is disgusting...I don't believe you have ever worked with vets since you only have contempt for them...not compassion..:angry:

you dont know $hit about me. I have contempt for politicians that send out young men and women to die without ever getting their hands dirty. I have contempt for people like you that spend more time attacking people like me because its easier than actually getting off your a$$ to make a change in the system. You wait for people like me to do it, take the credit when it goes right and lay the blame on others when it goes wrong....

Im glad you think this post of mine is disturbing...its supposed to be, killing is not glamorous or "rambo-like". Its ugly, leaves lasting scars and should not be swept under the bed like something messy that needed to be done but shouldnt be talked about...

you are what you write and it's clear you have contempt for soldiers or you would not take a chance of rekindling memories that no one wants to have....your a despicable person

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 03:13 PM

questioning me on my patriotism?

ok heres the background. I enlisted in the military in 1990, prior to Saddams invasion of Kuwait. I served until 1998, under both Bush Sr. and Clinton. I re-enlisted in 2003, prior to the war with Iraq.
I have voted in every single election since I was eighteen.
Yes I know the mayor.
I know who sits on the school board.
Yes I am politically active, if you couldnt tell from the other post.
I have worked as a Youth counselor, among many other things, during the time I wasnt in the army.
I am educated and do have a degree.
As far as what have I done for my country prior to being shipped out... I guess the same as many, I pay my taxes, I have went to city council meetings, and school board meetings. Have I ever chaired one or been on the board- nope. Will I, you bet, have to start somwhere before I just throw my hat into the race for President. It is my future ambition to become the first prsident with the name Dennis, and when that happens you can truly put your head down and wait, cause its coming.

it was ashame to read you were forbidden to vote, someone should stand up and....FIGHT , for your right to do so.flowerforyou drinker

nice to see that you are one of the minority that talks the talk and walks the walk, my hat off to you sir, and I hope you do become the first president named Dennis (I think you have a great sense of humor, by the way).
Non-citizens are prohibited by law from voting and holding the public office beyond local boards or commissions (put a damper on Arnolds political career). Makes sense when you consider what the founding fathers had in mind for your country. I didnt mind...I did enough to do my part for what I believed in. By the way, I dont think you are a terrorist nor do I question your patriotism. It was never my intention to imply as such and I apologize if my words came across that way.
Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me.

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:34 PM
Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me.

don't think like you?'s goes deeper than that..noway

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:02 PM

questioning me on my patriotism?

ok heres the background. I enlisted in the military in 1990, prior to Saddams invasion of Kuwait. I served until 1998, under both Bush Sr. and Clinton. I re-enlisted in 2003, prior to the war with Iraq.
I have voted in every single election since I was eighteen.
Yes I know the mayor.
I know who sits on the school board.
Yes I am politically active, if you couldnt tell from the other post.
I have worked as a Youth counselor, among many other things, during the time I wasnt in the army.
I am educated and do have a degree.
As far as what have I done for my country prior to being shipped out... I guess the same as many, I pay my taxes, I have went to city council meetings, and school board meetings. Have I ever chaired one or been on the board- nope. Will I, you bet, have to start somwhere before I just throw my hat into the race for President. It is my future ambition to become the first prsident with the name Dennis, and when that happens you can truly put your head down and wait, cause its coming.

it was ashame to read you were forbidden to vote, someone should stand up and....FIGHT , for your right to do so.flowerforyou drinker

nice to see that you are one of the minority that talks the talk and walks the walk, my hat off to you sir, and I hope you do become the first president named Dennis (I think you have a great sense of humor, by the way).
Non-citizens are prohibited by law from voting and holding the public office beyond local boards or commissions (put a damper on Arnolds political career). Makes sense when you consider what the founding fathers had in mind for your country. I didnt mind...I did enough to do my part for what I believed in. By the way, I dont think you are a terrorist nor do I question your patriotism. It was never my intention to imply as such and I apologize if my words came across that way.
Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me.

its more than cool Symbelmyne. I think that debate is good, i think that dessention is good, if we all thought the same it would be boring.

thanks tho I do appreciate the fact that you can be civil, I am trying myself.


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:16 PM

During McCains speech last night, as he read his expert prepared speech, his high point of the speech for the crowd was regime change from Saddam's regime. You say so what, right, nothing new, right?

The international lawyers stated that if we went to Iraq for regime change then we are quilty of war crimes against Iraq. Hope he and his supporters realize this very valid important fact.

McCain is a racist. As close minded as the bushy guy who would keep going on with this nonsensical war. Keep consuming tax dollars, and killing young american lives, as well as iraqi lives.
Don't let this criminal propaganda of war alianate your brain.
Let's find peace and remove North American troops from Iraq before is too late.

oldsage's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:26 PM
I just keep asking; What country is beter than the USA?
If that is how you think, why are you here?

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:27 PM
Nice hit and run piece Miguel, long time no see.

hope all is well with you (present post having nothing to do with that)


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:28 PM

Nice hit and run piece Miguel, long time no see.

hope all is well with you (present post having nothing to do with that)


nice to see u around here again.
I'm fine, thank you. I hope all is well in your side of the world.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:29 PM

I just keep asking; What country is beter than the USA?
If that is how you think, why are you here?

No country is better that another.
A better question is: what country is richer than the USA?

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:44 PM
aahh yes, that is the question isnt it.

what country has more resources than the US?

But can I add to that with out it seeming like I am being a jerk?

What country has the people that are willing to do what ours does?

Im not asking in a bad way, what the meaning is, is there are other countries in the world that are doing good things, no doubt. But how many of their citizens are willing to take life into their own hands and do what must be done in order to protect the actions of their country?

we are a very proud people, too proud some would say, but we the people do it selfishly no matter what the government's reasoning is.


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 03/05/08 06:52 PM
Nevertheless, the ideal that these wonderful people fight for has any validity for the common well-being of North America or the humanity in general?
What is the purpose to go around the world and establish military basis in countries which does not belong to the USA?
What is the purpose to generate war and hate in other countries?
I admire the soldiers who go out there and fight for this country. But what is the final purpose? who is benefiting out of the war created by this country?
Honest and sincere questions that I would like to understand.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 03/05/08 07:59 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Wed 03/05/08 08:03 PM
can't answer this without sounding like a broken record....frown

anyhow, i dont pretend to try to know exactly why we invaded iraq. i think there were many people with their own agendas on the issue. However the general reason had something to do with iraq turning away weapons inspectors that were investigating whether or not saddam had weapons of mass destruction. U.N. doesn't really have enough guts to address such a situation. Also this supposedly broke a treaty iraq signed. Anyhow, Why are we there now? Since we took Saddam out of the equation Iraq lost its structure. Fortunately our presence there is preventing a massive civil war that will break out the moment we leave. Another thing people don't commonly realize is that Iran and Syria are aiding certain organizations of insurgents. This is because when we do pull out they will move in, take over and have an ally. This is a bit dangerous as Iran and Syria are both terrorist run countries. Not to mention us running away with our tails between our legs would allow us to be viewed as weak. This would help tremendously with their recruitment. Anyhow, back to us preventing a civil war.... insurgents target iraqi civilians. Not to mention they have like 9485328947589 different clans of people that don't like each other. So we are helping to keep them safe. We are also helping to make sure they get fed and recieve proper medical treatment. Not to mention we buy things from them, and put some iraqis to work which gives them a little more money than they had. Anyhow, despite what any media organization is saying most of them are actually pretty greatful for us. Right now we just need a tangible, realistic plan of their own government taking over and being self sufficient enough to at least deter a civil war.

As for vietnam and korea we were supposedly fighting the spread of communism. And we were winning the Vietnam war until the soldiers were forced to withdraw. I guess we actually detered the spread to some extent though. Since it really didn't grow much afterwards. Americans do tend to be arrogent, but sometimes i think the entire world benefits from our arrogence.

Sorry for the brief sidetrack.....back to subject.

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 09:17 PM
Edited by armydoc4u on Wed 03/05/08 09:22 PM

Nevertheless, the ideal that these wonderful people fight for has any validity for the common well-being of North America or the humanity in general?
What is the purpose to go around the world and establish military basis in countries which does not belong to the USA?
What is the purpose to generate war and hate in other countries?
I admire the soldiers who go out there and fight for this country. But what is the final purpose? who is benefiting out of the war created by this country?
Honest and sincere questions that I would like to understand.

Sorry for taking so long to respond to this.

First question is pretty easy to answer in regards to humanity. this is an anicdotial story about how many people would you let die to save a million people, 1? 2? 5000? The lives already lost that need not be have been from the Iraqi side more so than from the American side. The No BS amounts of mass graves that have been found can lead one to draw the conclusion that more were surely to follow. Saddam Hussien is credited with the conservative estimate of killing more than 1 million people with methods that would make you throw up in your shirt, and some say that the number is more like 2.5... now I can not tell you if that is close to what it really was or way off. And I can only say that what ever the number, it was to many and needed to be stopped. In my opinion more than finding any nuclear bomb. did we stop a crazy man from attaining the near hitler status of the past? I would submit to you that we did, for humanity.

Establishing military bases through the world in regions where there are or have the potential to be conflicts of great concern is important to being able to quickly react and help those people in need when and if the situation calls for it. It is better to prepare for something and not need it than to not prepare and find yourself needing it badly. The countries that military bases are at have granted us permission to utilize their lands for this purpose. It is not just for our safety tthat we do this, but they will agree that it is for theirs as well. Military bases in germany helped to end the cold war as we know it by their simple presence(no action ever taken out of Germany against Russia). Bases in Korea have eased the threat of the North Koreans, and some would say China from invading and surely conquering South Korea and possibly Japan. There are others as well but you should get the point. We do not have a military base on a land that we have not gotten permission from or were asked directly. Except maybe Cuba, but we had a base there before Fidel Castro, and now it seems we will have one there after he is gone.

The "final purpose"? Freedom to live humanely. There are certain rights that should not be taken away from any humanbeing. The right to breathe being chiefly among them. The right to speak, the right to eat, the right to read, the right to chose for them away of life that will benefit them and their families. When these rights are stripped away, and people are forced to live their lives for the state then surely humanity suffers.

Who benefits from the actions of the United States, with regard to these things that you mentioned? It is my opinion that humanity benefits. Who cares if you call it democracy (forced or otherwise) or a republic or hell even a communistic socialistic theocrity, so long as basic humanity and the rights given to all us as humans are not destroyed by it, then yes, human kind benefits from our actions. Yes there are those the world over who profit monetarily, it is the way it is, it is not right to profit on the shoulders of the weak and less fortunate from any group of people or country. Are we or have we been guilty of it, yes. Will we or some other benefit in the future, yes. Does that make it right, no. Does that mean we should stop trying to help because someone scammed some money, no.
Some of us do what we do because we believe in it. Others do it for money. Still there are some that would have you do nothing for the money that it would surely bring as well, while others like yourself would do nothing because that is what you truly believe to be the right course.

Always seek to know who gains from both, and chose the path that benefits not only you but your fellow humanbeing as well.


Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:04 PM
once again, well said Doc, well said...drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 10:47 PM

Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me.

don't think like you?'s goes deeper than that..noway


Hey ...... you might want to go back and change "hart." I am sure you meant to post "heart." I don't think you want to call yourself a "hart." laugh laugh