Topic: stagflation
LonelyWoundedWolf's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:23 AM
I don't have to look it up... I work for the man that coined the term "Socionomics" - and if you know stagflation, you know socionomics.... (

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:24 AM

I am asking because we are going to be hearing that word a lot ... Smarties ..

Nooooo, tell me it's not true!

<--- wants more girls at the parties. :cry:

jumps out of a cake to remind you , you only need one incredible girl there babycakes ..

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:26 AM

jumps out of a cake to remind you , you only need one incredible girl there babycakes ..

Touche! drinker

JaceKnows's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:27 AM
Well, it helps to have MORE than one incredible girl at a Stagnation-Socioeconomic party....

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

<throws dollar bills in the air>

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:27 AM
it is slow or no economic growth with high unemployment...i deal with it everyday in my line of work :cry:

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:28 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Spanking a deer with a cat o nines drinker

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:30 AM
Edited by shoes4rhon on Thu 02/28/08 10:30 AM
Stagflation, a portmanteau of the words stagnation and inflation, is a macroeconomics term used to describe a period of inflation combined with stagnation (that is, slow economic growth and rising unemployment, possibly including recession..

According to wikipedia ... thank you

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:31 AM
I think the parties need some chickflation as opposed to stagflation. Down with sausage parties! grumble

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:32 AM

I think the parties need some chickflation as opposed to stagflation. Down with sausage parties! grumble

I love a good sausage fest flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:33 AM
its actually pretty scary because shoes is right. we will be hearing alot of it. its getting bad all over. people used to move to florida because it was easy to get a job. once they now get here, there really arent any. the economy is getting bad, cost of living keeps rising and people are not hiring as they did. this is where i come in working in outreach helping those in need. the number of clients we help are steadily increasing. very sad!

lilith401's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:34 AM
I really prefer bratwursts to sausages, so much juicer.. aren't they? flowerforyou

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:34 AM

I think the parties need some chickflation as opposed to stagflation. Down with sausage parties! grumble

I love a good sausage fest flowerforyou

You would. laugh laugh :wink:

They get my testosterone levels too high, and my alpha personality kicks in...never a happy ending there. :tongue:

itsmetina's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:36 AM
when prices on things are going up but pay isnt

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:38 AM

its actually pretty scary because shoes is right. we will be hearing alot of it. its getting bad all over. people used to move to florida because it was easy to get a job. once they now get here, there really arent any. the economy is getting bad, cost of living keeps rising and people are not hiring as they did. this is where i come in working in outreach helping those in need. the number of clients we help are steadily increasing. very sad!

MadamX that is why I posted the word , the current admin is in denial it is inevitable .. and very little of the economic stimulus that they have planned is going to help .. the perfidious ( that was for sox's) acts of "economic stimulus are nothing more than a mere bandaid on a bleeding artery ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:39 AM

I really prefer bratwursts to sausages, so much juicer.. aren't they? flowerforyou

whoot whoot I brought mustard

LonelyWoundedWolf's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:44 AM
Edited by LonelyWoundedWolf on Thu 02/28/08 10:45 AM
While the current "Stimulas" plan is not going to do a lot, it's going to do more than TAXING the heck out of us.

What was it Churchhill said about a Nation trying to tax it's way to economic growth/prosperity being like standing in a bucket and trying to pick it up by the handles??? (OK, it's been a while - someone go Google it for me, I'm being lazy bigsmile )

And, Bush made a good point at the press conference this morning when asked about gas possibly hitting $4 a gallon... he said if you think that's hard for people to afford now, Imagine how hard it will be for people when the tax cuts expire and they are paying not only more for gas, more for groceries but getting less in their paychecks every week.

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:45 AM

its actually pretty scary because shoes is right. we will be hearing alot of it. its getting bad all over. people used to move to florida because it was easy to get a job. once they now get here, there really arent any. the economy is getting bad, cost of living keeps rising and people are not hiring as they did. this is where i come in working in outreach helping those in need. the number of clients we help are steadily increasing. very sad!

MadamX that is why I posted the word , the current admin is in denial it is inevitable .. and very little of the economic stimulus that they have planned is going to help .. the perfidious ( that was for sox's) acts of "economic stimulus are nothing more than a mere bandaid on a bleeding artery ..

i tend to get really pissy about the admin thoughts and denials on this matter. it is not them or their loved ones standing in the soup kitchen lines, struggling to feed their families or dying because of lack of medical care...they do not know the harsh realities of it nor have they had to head on deal with or face the results of such matters. while they are sitting in their million dollar jets traveling the world....their people are suffering while they claim how times are good or getting better...yeah right...for who? maybe im wrong, but i see this and deal with this DAILY!!!

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:47 AM
good thread shoes! like getting different people's thoughts and ideas on such matter...nice job!

shoes4rhon's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:49 AM

While the current "Stimulas" plan is not going to do a lot, it's going to do more than TAXING the heck out of us. what good is the six hundred dollars going to do if it is already spent by most for the basics? I guess the utility companies will be gaining something ..

What was it Churchhill said about a Nation trying to tax it's way to economic growth/prosperity being like standing in a bucket and trying to pick it up by the handles??? (OK, it's been a while - someone go Google it for me, I'm being lazy bigsmile )

And, Bush made a good point at the press conference this morning when asked about gas possibly hitting $4 a gallon... he said if you think that's hard for people to afford now, Imagine how hard it will be for people when the tax cuts expire and they are paying not only more for gas, more for groceries but getting less in their paychecks every week. that is already happening in my area .. lots of employers are cutting back to part time to not pay benefits , health insurance premiums have doubled and that is passed on to the employee ,, what planet is he living on ??

LonelyWoundedWolf's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:49 AM

i tend to get really pissy about the admin thoughts and denials on this matter. it is not them or their loved ones standing in the soup kitchen lines, struggling to feed their families or dying because of lack of medical care...they do not know the harsh realities of it nor have they had to head on deal with or face the results of such matters. while they are sitting in their million dollar jets traveling the world....their people are suffering while they claim how times are good or getting better...yeah right...for who? maybe im wrong, but i see this and deal with this DAILY!!!

But, taxing everyone to feed a few is not a solution either, it's a band-aid that has been in place too long.

Creating jobs (Tax breaks to companies) so people can go back to work.

Job training so people can get better jobs.

Taxing and government programs are giving the man the fish so he can eat for the day.

We need to teach these people HOW to catch their own fish so they will never go hungry again and not have to DEPEND on tax dollars.