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Topic: kids are amazing
lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:25 AM
isnt it amazing how our kids can turn our mood around.i swear seeing my
pop and mattie this morning has got me feeling really good right now.i
was feeling pretty down the last couple of days and my son gave my moral
a real kick in the ass .lol
i would like to hear anyone elses stories of how their kids can light up
our lives.i would like this thread to stay a drama free please
keep the peace and love flowing.

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:32 AM
I love it when i pick up my angel at daycare and she comes running to me
saying MOMMMMMMYYYYYY. i pick her up and swing her and all the drama of
the day just goes away. I love that feeling

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:35 AM
great inspiration Lion.. thanks..

Kids DO do the darnest thangs.. my youngest daughter has been pretty
sick lately... nothing out of the ordinary, flu, cough, food poisoning..
and I, being the Constant Nursemaid, have not had much sleep this past
week.. well.. this morning.. relieved... I see she's feeling MUCH
better.. she come's up to me.. hugs me tightly and says.. "I love you
mom.. but you Look like Crap!!... Thanks!!" :o)

brought tears to me eyes.. my little girl is growing up ;O)

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:48 AM
thats awesome.i know i can always count on my lil one to bring out the
best in me too.

no photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:54 AM
only problem is.. now that they're getting Older.. they sometimes bring
out the WORST in me LMAO..

yet SOMEhow.. at the end of the day.. the week, the Month.. it all
balances out...

I'm Truly blessed to be a work from home mom.. and get to see ALL the
facets of their growing.. what an amazing miracle of life they are...
what Inspirations!! :o)

and Christmas is in 2 days and I'm more anxious I think, than them!!!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 10:57 AM

ellgee1976's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:26 AM
no matter what the stress, or what's goin on at the time, or how upset i
am...when i see Raina runnin towards me saying "MOMMMMMMYYYY" every
thing on my mind melts away..

her smile makes me smile, her laugh makes me laugh, the way her eyes
light up when she talks...

everything about kids is amazing...they do more for me than i do for
them sometimes..

someone asked earlier what is love? THAT's love..right there, in your

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:28 AM
so true LG so true

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:30 AM
yepp that is real love.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:34 AM
Well both of my kids are grown but you never forget the little things
that they did that would light up your world in the darkest moments.

But I'm the lucky one still I have a granddaughter that will be 4

There is nothing better than when she comes up to me and says granny
hold me I need some loving or when she walks by and just blurts out

Where they come up with some of the things they say who knows but
ohhhhhhh it just melts my heart.

But... even my kids at ages 22 & 24 can still do the same my son came by
last nite and I was looking up at him he is grown into such a good
looking man with a smile that will melt a womans heart as he was walking
out to his truck he turned around and yelled out MOMMMY I LOVE YOU!
don't think he can't still melt my heart ya wrong!

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:35 AM
:) you are right LG can't get any pure then that

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:35 AM
i love to watch my son read to his little sister. he'll be reading a
book and she wants hiw to share so he'll say "come here baby" and put
her in his lap and read to her. it's so sweet to see their little heads
together as he reads and shell lay her head on his shoulder and look up
at him and say "I LOve" i cry everytime.

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 11:37 AM
real good stuff .really good stuff.lmao

LAMom's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:05 PM
Kids, the best gifts in the world!!!

I having 4 and my grandson he is the Coolest
he can make you smile and cry all
in the same breathe without batting an eye.

enjoy them and charise them, they provide
you with that unconditional love like no other

Lion and Ice beautiful little ones i might add.

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:13 PM
thanx hes my six year old and a laugh riot lol.

Morena350's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:18 PM
so true lion,
when Im depressed, or feeling down, and my son comes up to me and hugs
me, telling me " momy I love you" I just look in to his eyes, and every
sadness, and depression goes away...
its a wonderfull feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and then you know that that love is so real, you can feel it, in your

Morena350's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:20 PM
hello everyone!!!!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:22 PM
im glad so many know the feeling of a kids love specially this time of
year cause thats who the hollidays are for.our kids the best gift anyone
could have.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:37 PM
Funny when my kids were little I was soooooooooo much into making them
believe in Santa I wanted those fanstasy to stay as real as long as I
could for kids have enough to deal with when they grow up with life so
make there lives fun while they are little and let them believe as long
as you can. One of the things I did every year for a long time was

Buy a can of that spray snow on christmas eve round the kids up as you
are putting out the cookies and milk for santa then take the can of snow
and let them watch you as you do this expain to them why spray the snow
real thick all over the carpet about 3 foot out in front of the tree and
were your stockings are hung I promise it will not hurt the carpet as it
drys it turns into just a powder do not touch it or step on it untill it
drys completely want take too long lmao explain this way if santa shows
up to fill the stockings you will be able to see his footprints. lol I
would set my almarm for around 2-3am go to bed with the kids in my bed
the night before x-mas get up put on a pair of old work boots that were
my ex's lol and make footprints to the stockings and tree to set the
gifts that Santa brought and to fill the stockins alwas carefull to step
back the same way I came so only one set of foot prints could be found
lmao hey this worked for several years there is nothing like the smile
on a kids face that lights up there whole face when they think they have
fooled Santa and proved he was there. I can still see my kids yelling
look mommy Santa really was here.

After all is done just run the vacuam cleaner and all the snow will
vacuam up with no stains or marks on the carpet trick is just to let it
dry first I mean a $2.00 can of snow can give a child a smile that is
hard to ever forget!!!

herewego's photo
Sat 12/23/06 12:44 PM
my daughter on occasion will come and sit in my lap, but you have to
understand she is 5'9" and i'm only 5'6" and she'll want to snuggle with
me. she is in college, but she still loves to curl up with me and that
is the best feeling.

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