Topic: Bush Policies Likely to Blame for More Teen Births
Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 08:11 AM
Well, some presidents screw us more than others - like the current president.

Chazster's photo
Wed 02/27/08 08:23 AM
Edited by Chazster on Wed 02/27/08 08:23 AM
I haven't found myself screwed by the current president. In face, I am looking forward to the extra tax money this year. How about all you anti-bush liberals give that money away since you hate all his policies so much.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:07 AM
When are liberal socialists ever going to take responsibility for their actions. They can't seem to teach their children any moral values at home. They expect the shool to educate them about sex. They teach them that anything is ok and abortion is a legitimate means of birth control and then they want to blame the government for the rise in teenaged pregnancies. Teenage sex is the reason for teenage pregnancy. Teach your children to be responsible and perhaps they will act responsible. However, if you teach them there are no moral values don't blame the government if they act in an immoral manner. Any parent who has a pregnant teenager has only to look in the mirror to see who is responsible. That face looking back at you wont be George Bush.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:29 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 02/27/08 10:38 AM

When are liberal socialists ever going to take responsibility for their actions. They can't seem to teach their children any moral values at home. They expect the shool to educate them about sex. They teach them that anything is ok and abortion is a legitimate means of birth control and then they want to blame the government for the rise in teenaged pregnancies. Teenage sex is the reason for teenage pregnancy. Teach your children to be responsible and perhaps they will act responsible. However, if you teach them there are no moral values don't blame the government if they act in an immoral manner. Any parent who has a pregnant teenager has only to look in the mirror to see who is responsible. That face looking back at you wont be George Bush.

I will say this again:

Why on earth would someone being a Democrat mean that they are not teaching their children morals and responsiblities?

There is no reason to put people down for what political party they belong to - liberal or conservative. I thought that we were all adults here.

I am a Democrat. My child is taught morals and responsibilities. My child even attends a Christian school. My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me. We also perform volunteer work for the less fortunate. Now tell me again how being a liberal means not being a good parent and not teaching morals and responsibilities?

Laughable...abortion for birth control.

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:30 AM

I haven't found myself screwed by the current president. In face, I am looking forward to the extra tax money this year. How about all you anti-bush liberals give that money away since you hate all his policies so much.
too bad it borrowed from China or another government at interest and on the defecit account......Let sell our kids futures for a few hundred bucks. laugh

Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:41 AM

I haven't found myself screwed by the current president. In face, I am looking forward to the extra tax money this year. How about all you anti-bush liberals give that money away since you hate all his policies so much.

Yes, the tax money will be nice as interest rates are getting lowered again and gas prices went up this week and the houses aren't selling and more are going into foreclosure. Yes, it will be nice for the heating bill that went up too.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:42 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 02/27/08 10:42 AM
Darn double posting.

no photo
Wed 02/27/08 12:14 PM

When are liberal socialists ever going to take responsibility for their actions. They can't seem to teach their children any moral values at home. They expect the shool to educate them about sex. They teach them that anything is ok and abortion is a legitimate means of birth control and then they want to blame the government for the rise in teenaged pregnancies. Teenage sex is the reason for teenage pregnancy. Teach your children to be responsible and perhaps they will act responsible. However, if you teach them there are no moral values don't blame the government if they act in an immoral manner. Any parent who has a pregnant teenager has only to look in the mirror to see who is responsible. That face looking back at you wont be George Bush.

because the left wants to leave all the traditional values behind...huh

Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 02:49 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 02/27/08 02:54 PM

When are liberal socialists ever going to take responsibility for their actions. They can't seem to teach their children any moral values at home. They expect the shool to educate them about sex. They teach them that anything is ok and abortion is a legitimate means of birth control and then they want to blame the government for the rise in teenaged pregnancies. Teenage sex is the reason for teenage pregnancy. Teach your children to be responsible and perhaps they will act responsible. However, if you teach them there are no moral values don't blame the government if they act in an immoral manner. Any parent who has a pregnant teenager has only to look in the mirror to see who is responsible. That face looking back at you wont be George Bush.

because the left wants to leave all the traditional values behind...huh

That's B.S.!! Do you live in the USA, btw?

Oh, yeah, btw, this Democrat that "leaves all traditional values behind" is taking her child to church tonite.

Lindyy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:00 PM

Maybe it's just coincidence that more adolescent girls are having babies. More likely, it's the inevitable result of a raft of foolish policies.


this is astounding. adolescent girls haing babies is President Bush's fault? It is his fault they do not have morals, that the do not know how to say "NO" to sex outside of marriage. They do not know how to keep their legs crossed and just not have sex? This is President Bush's fault?

How much of your anti-christian,anti-President Bush propagand do you think the illtelectual world can tolerate?

You are a broken records. You offer no positive input into anything in this world.

The name dragon fits you quite appropriately.


Lindyy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:04 PM

My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me.

You will encourage abstinenance but not taught abstinenance only would not be responsible?

If you did not present this as a Christian's point of view, but you claim you are a Chrisitian,I would be able to understand. But as a Christian, go read your BIBLE. I think God says differently.


That is a new one on me.


Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:25 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 02/27/08 04:16 PM

My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me.

You will encourage abstinenance but not taught abstinenance only would not be responsible?

If you did not present this as a Christian's point of view, but you claim you are a Chrisitian,I would be able to understand. But as a Christian, go read your BIBLE. I think God says differently.


That is a new one on me.



Why are you being insulting with "I claim to be a Christain"?

I will encourage abstinence. But..I do not have blinders on as to what teenagers are like. One cannot be with their teenager 24/7. We hope and pray that the foundation that we laid for them will be strong enough to withhandle peer pressure and hormones. But...I wouldn't want any child to get diseases (and HIV kills) and/or pregnant if they make the wrong choices.

That is not being un-Christian-like. It is being caring.

The last time I checked, Christian-like behavior included being caring, compassionate and being alturistic and kind.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:34 PM

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

I have two points to make:

1. Why is it always necessary to slam people that are liberals? Because a few speak up with their view points does not mean that all think the same way(no I am not an out and out liberal - I am middle of the road). I get tired of people not discussing the issues and just promptly turning it in to and us vs. them. The issue plan and simple - are policies affecting teen pregnancy?

. 2. I have been teaching high school now for 15 years - through the Clinton and the Bush presidencies - and as a matter of fact presidential policies do affect what happens in schools(lets not forget NCLB and its wonderful affects/effects on schools) and in homes. Someone already mentioned something about what was being taught in the schools and it went from examining all aspects of birth control to abstinence. Does it work? No preaching abstinence does not work for all and never really has - lots of babies born out of wedlock or before a couple had been married 9 months (historically speaking).
The issue of parents teaching morals - I don't think that morals overrides horomones for all teens. Some counties in the Bible Belt states have reported in with a 40 out of a 1000 birth rate among teens while the national average was 22 out of a 1000(I believe these statistics were from 2003 or 2004, which is the most current I have). How about responsibility? Most teens have that part down - after they get pregnant they have the child and drop out to be responsible.
Blaming a specific person makes no sense - blame the policies the man endorses and those that can't see the whole picture as well. All my years teaching have been spent in impoverished areas - reservation to inner city students, and I have seen the change in the birth rate go up among teens drastically in the last 7 years. With a lot of teens they don’t see education as a means to get out of the poverty cycle, they don’t think they can achieve anything more than a minimum wage job, so why bother – start the family early, quit school and move on with life. The cycle perpetuates itself.
What needs to be truly discussed is not that Bush made this happen, but rather how if this trend continues it will affect you, because it does. These kids get pregnant, drop out and become welfare moms….which comes out of your pocket, whether you are a conservative or a liberal.

It is not the governments job to raise your child. Can't raise them or support them. Don't have them. It's kinda simple. I didn't sleep with you so why am I responsible for your child. RAISE YOUR OWN KID AND STAY OUT OF MY WALLET!

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:34 PM
I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:36 PM
Did you see me speak at Democrats??? No you didn't. You saw liberal and put two and two together. Your mistake not mine.

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

Why on earth would someone being a Democrat mean that they are not teaching their children morals and responsiblities?

There is no reason to put people down for what political party they belong to - liberal or conservative. I thought that we were all adults here.

I am a Democrat. My child is taught morals and responsibilities. My child even attends a Christian school. My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me. We also perform volunteer work for the less fortunate. Now tell me again how being a liberal means not being a good parent and not teaching morals and responsibilities? laugh

To Armydoc:

The more money put into education means more hope for the future of the children. The children will feel that. Money needs to be put back into schools for sports and the arts. Hmmm...wasn't that money taken out of the schools after Clinton? After school activities help keep kids busy and off the streets and less time to spend on "other" things.

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:38 PM

I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world

this is the first sensible comment I have seen from you, the one about the real world, not the having kids sexually oppressed.

Marine1488's photo
Wed 02/27/08 03:39 PM

I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world
So you think in order to have morals you have to be religious or go to church? Its a little thing called universal right and wrong.

CuriousinPhoenix's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:20 PM

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

I have two points to make:

1. Why is it always necessary to slam people that are liberals? Because a few speak up with their view points does not mean that all think the same way(no I am not an out and out liberal - I am middle of the road). I get tired of people not discussing the issues and just promptly turning it in to and us vs. them. The issue plan and simple - are policies affecting teen pregnancy?

. 2. I have been teaching high school now for 15 years - through the Clinton and the Bush presidencies - and as a matter of fact presidential policies do affect what happens in schools(lets not forget NCLB and its wonderful affects/effects on schools) and in homes. Someone already mentioned something about what was being taught in the schools and it went from examining all aspects of birth control to abstinence. Does it work? No preaching abstinence does not work for all and never really has - lots of babies born out of wedlock or before a couple had been married 9 months (historically speaking).
The issue of parents teaching morals - I don't think that morals overrides horomones for all teens. Some counties in the Bible Belt states have reported in with a 40 out of a 1000 birth rate among teens while the national average was 22 out of a 1000(I believe these statistics were from 2003 or 2004, which is the most current I have). How about responsibility? Most teens have that part down - after they get pregnant they have the child and drop out to be responsible.
Blaming a specific person makes no sense - blame the policies the man endorses and those that can't see the whole picture as well. All my years teaching have been spent in impoverished areas - reservation to inner city students, and I have seen the change in the birth rate go up among teens drastically in the last 7 years. With a lot of teens they don’t see education as a means to get out of the poverty cycle, they don’t think they can achieve anything more than a minimum wage job, so why bother – start the family early, quit school and move on with life. The cycle perpetuates itself.
What needs to be truly discussed is not that Bush made this happen, but rather how if this trend continues it will affect you, because it does. These kids get pregnant, drop out and become welfare moms….which comes out of your pocket, whether you are a conservative or a liberal.

It is not the governments job to raise your child. Can't raise them or support them. Don't have them. It's kinda simple. I didn't sleep with you so why am I responsible for your child. RAISE YOUR OWN KID AND STAY OUT OF MY WALLET!

Excuse me, but why are you yelling at me and telling me to raise my own kid and stay out of your wallet? I assure you I have raised and supported my why are you yelling at me?

Marine1488 do you work? Do you own a house? You are paying for this whether you like it or not. If you simply think by telling everyone it isn't your responsibility the cycle will go away, you are dead wrong. I happen to agree with you on not using my money to support this, but I KNOW that it will take educating these kids before the cycle will stop.

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:22 PM

I think the Church likes to have kids sexualy oppressed as it makes them easier to manipulate. We all see what suppresion of sexuality has done to pastor Ted and any number of catholic priests who have been engaged in homo sex with minors. My own teen years were charged with parking and makeing out in the back seat sneaking out my bedrrom window to sneak in the neighbore girls window etc etc, you get the picture. I recall a nympho girl of my youth who went to church 3 timesa week and her parents were the pillar of the community, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion at 16.....welcome to the real world
So you think in order to have morals you have to be religious or go to church? Its a little thing called universal right and wrong.
I absulutly have no idea what you are trying to saynoway

Winx's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:25 PM

Did you see me speak at Democrats??? No you didn't. You saw liberal and put two and two together. Your mistake not mine.

How about being a good parent to your child and teaching them morals and responsibilities? I know thats a curse word for you liberals. Blame everything on Bush. So typical to always blame someone else for your behavior.

Why on earth would someone being a Democrat mean that they are not teaching their children morals and responsiblities?

There is no reason to put people down for what political party they belong to - liberal or conservative. I thought that we were all adults here.

I am a Democrat. My child is taught morals and responsibilities. My child even attends a Christian school. My child will be encouraged abstinence but not taught abstinence only. Why? That would not be very responsible of me. We also perform volunteer work for the less fortunate. Now tell me again how being a liberal means not being a good parent and not teaching morals and responsibilities? laugh

To Armydoc:

The more money put into education means more hope for the future of the children. The children will feel that. Money needs to be put back into schools for sports and the arts. Hmmm...wasn't that money taken out of the schools after Clinton? After school activities help keep kids busy and off the streets and less time to spend on "other" things.

Liberal/Democrat. Conservative/Republican. Have you heard of this before?