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Topic: Maybe the age difference?
soxfan94's photo
Wed 02/13/08 02:55 PM

...If your still livin at home with mom,workin a minmum wage job, no car....Im NOT interested....Thats just me:tongue:

Oh ok maybe we're working on different definitions of "not having your feet under you"...lol. Sometimes I forget that there are people my age without cars living with their parents.

Jeff's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:17 AM

I think anyone not using proper language and grammer at first light should be strung up and a public flogging should thus ensue. Or maybe a good old fashioned hanging and as the neck snaps on the gibbet we can all look point as say 'what up? that up!' at the swinging corpse. Then its time to finally get even with those fools that have ruined the phrase 'whatever' from a light whatever you fancy darling to a go F**k yourself remark.

8607's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:25 AM
He was texting so I would've gave him a brake, but I don't like to hear slang all the time, it gets on my nerves, just joking around is ok though to me.:smile:

stevex86's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:38 AM
Im 39 and I say "whats up?" all the time. I would never say "what up", but I do leave off letters or spell phonetically when I text all the time just because of space. I figure if I can get my point across it met its purpose. I think you definitely over reacted!

Why the second thoughts now? Seems there is much mroe to this than meets the eye. First the kiss off for an apparently meaningless violation of grammer, then subsequent second thoughts several days later.

I have a unique idea. How about next time talking to him about it first! Im sure it would have saved you both some hurt feelings, confusion and heart ache, not to mention the rest of us many key strokes, LOL. :wink:

PS: Happy crappy Thursday. We should make this an official Holiday or something. What should we call it? Maybe somethign that starts with a "V". How about Vacancy day!

unsure's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:51 AM
My question is this..did you tell him that you had bi-racial children? I am sure that you did and you just didn't leave him in the dark about that. Sure to some people colour is not a factor but to some ignorant people..colour is a big issue.
I think you have issues about your children being bi-racial and you take everything personally. I think when this guy said "what up" you took it as a slang word because your children are part black. I don't see it that way..do you know how many people say that?
If you like this guy I think that maybe you are taking things the wrong way. Not everyone speaks proper, you have to realize this. What you were taught as a child doesn't mean that everyone is going to follow that. I think you need to relax a little bit and not be so defensive.
If you like him, I think you should contact him. I don't think I would mention anything about the "what up" issue. He might think you are a little uptight..I know I would. I wish you luck on whatever you decide to do flowerforyou

GuideHenri's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:55 AM

I think anyone not using proper language and grammer

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I can't work out if you are joking or illiterate.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:00 AM

I think anyone not using proper language and grammer

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I can't work out if you are joking or illiterate.

Ohhhh boy, I was trying to avoid it...but I knew someone would stumble upon that can of worms and find it simply to enticing to leave shut. :tongue:

QwicherBytchin's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:14 AM

I think anyone not using proper language and grammer

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I can't work out if you are joking or illiterate.

Ohhhh boy, I was trying to avoid it...but I knew someone would stumble upon that can of worms and find it simply to enticing to leave shut. :tongue:

LOL, I was keeping my mouth shut (or fingers still) on this one. I figured I'd caused enough trouble!

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:17 AM

I figured I'd caused enough trouble!

There's no denying THAT! laugh

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:46 PM

I'm 39 and I say "whats up?" all the time. I would never say "what up", but I do leave off letters or spell phonetically when I text all the time just because of space. I figure if I can get my point across it met its purpose. I think you definitely over reacted!

Yes, You did leave a lot of short hand messages when you texted.

That is why we have "text" talk, OP. Like IDK, (which is my boyfriend's favorite shortcut) YW, TY, OMG, ROFLMAO, ROFL, LOL, BFF, etc....

Lighten up, sweet-pea. He texted you first thing in the morning. Do you know much I loved it when I got texts from a sweet person to wake me up with a smile, regardless the grammar? I miss it cause now my sweetheart is in Iraq and can't text me GM or WU or IMY.

I think what is going on here is you have other thoughts about this man that are bothering you. Maybe it's financial. I know you said, you don't care cause you are stable enough for all the sh*t you own and your kids (IMHO, you are bragging a bit honey), but he only has a motorcycle and a roommate in an apartment. Maybe you think he will be a gold-digger? IDK, but there is something far more serious going on with you than being pissy about "What Up" in the morning.

Trust, I was raised with respect and morals and proper grammar and spelling and all that wonderful crap, but shoot, life was not meant to be taken so seriously. Lighten up a bit. If you felt like you really had a connection with the dude, don't let a damn text get in the way of love.


With the stress of a SERIOUSLY long distance in a war zone, I for damn sure wouldn't be letting a damn "What Up?" ruin my relationship. In fact, I think that the only way my relationship WILL end is if I get the dreaded phone call that no one wants to hear. (Knocking on all the wood in my house!!! frown )

BTT, give the guy another chance. That is, if he still wants to after being dropped like a hot frying pan on a just washed floor.

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