Topic: IQ test for abortion under Roe v Wade | |
Legality and Morality are two different stories. Most of the time they are on opposite sides of the fence!! Your right legal applies to everyone and morality is individual. My morals cannot be pushed onto others, regardless. |
yes a womans body is her own. She has the right to choose not to have sex if she doesn ot want children. however she does not have the RIGHT (I am not saying anything about legality here), she does not heave the right to tell a man he can not be a father because she all of a sudden realizes she made a mistake by chooising ot have sex and ios now pregnant.
Get it straight people a woman has her choice, yes. That choice is wether or not to have sex, NOT wether or not to murder an innocent and helpless child, OR to tell a man that he can not be a father. again if she does not want to birth the mans child, she should not open herself up (excuse the pun please) for the possibility ofit occuring. i think you're failing to understand that some people do not see it as murder and a woman has a choice on if she wants to birth a man's child, it's her body and all the trials are hers to bear. |
We as humans have no right to judge anyone or anything, we ourselves are to flawed, but why set back and see this merciless, unjust slaughter go on? Its a barbaric human ritual that is based on control! We as humans have a hard time realizing how our actions affect others, we mask what truly matters, and that is Love. My mother could have aborted me instead of the choice of adoption but im here on this planet as an active, healthy, constributing member of society. By the laws, I could be dead but because my mother loved me, im here making my mark on this world and im my opinion the other children should be givin that oppritunity also!
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 02:37 PM
Sure men and women are equal, equal parties in sex but not equal parties in carrying and delivery and not equal parties in the after care of said child. Men can leave a woman and his child easier than a woman can, why this is I am not sure but men will and do way more than women will leave their children. There is the unequality. After the child is here a woman will be the responsible party for said child. You can tell me all about how you did not do this or so and so did not do this but there are many many more single mothers of children then single fathers with children. So there is more responsibility by the women in this issue. She will be able to do with her body as she deems necessary and until men can carry children in their body this will remain the same. until very recently in history, you are correct a woman was shunned for leaving even if she was being beaten to within an inch of death. However, in current times a woman DOES have the choice of leaving not o nly the husband (for nay reason atall to include he got fat and she finds him repulsive), but she can alsoleave her children. Start reading the newspapers and looking for it, and you will see that woman abandoning their children, and women not paying hteir support when the judges take the children away from the mother is matching if not exceeding (in the case of child support not being paid) that of men in current society. So in current society you can not claim men are more likely to run than a woman. Now, I do agree that a man should be responsible in all aspects of the pregnancy from helpoing you out while your pregnant, to providing support and assistance after the birth. The same thing for a mother. This is why I got sole custody of my children (and I say my not in terms of ownership, but because I have sole custody. she is in the process of losing even visitation). My ex decided to leave the marriage and the children because she did not like having the responsibilities of a mother and wife. She wanted to be ableto go out and parety all night long every night whenever she wanted to with no consequences or regards to her family. In the end I firmly believe that if you do not want to be a parent then you should abstain from having sex. |
It means that you suffer your own consequences
exactly. and the same thing goes for the womans side. if a woman chooses to have sex and gets pregnant when she did not want to be pregnant, then she should have to "suffer the consequences" of her choices and actions. Thank you for stating this so clearly for me ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 06:32 PM
First off I did not get rude. I simply made the statment that I was only saying something once, due to the fact that what you said/inferred was highly offensive to me. Second, you claim you never commented on how I make my decisions. You did just exactly that when you said "So yes, your beliefs do tend to follow your religious views whether you actually acknowledge it or not" You literally just stated that I am not aware of how I am making decisions as it is subconcious and it is due to my religious beliefs. I am very much aware of how I make my decisions, and I can garuntee you that I do not "subconciously" decide anything. I suggest that you learn to pay attention to what you are saying before you accuse others of acting subconciously. Hey... when i said "so yes, your beliefs do tend to follow your religious views whether you actually acknowledge it or not" was just a figure of speech and was not directed at you in any way. It was just merily a statement that was following the comment that was made about studies showing how religious views tend to affect moral beliefs and values. Im sorry you think that study offends you, but I was stating the truth and what I have studied in college. Now instead of jumping to conclusions and assuming that comment was directed at you, I suggest you take your head out of your ass and ask next time if the comment was directed at you or not. |
Okay folks I'm locking this one up.
Robin- Forum Moderator |