Topic: Global warming.. whats you take on it? | |
Um. The photon belt? um? Yup, and the government is putting tracking devices in underarm deodorant but only Old Spice. Algore said so. ![]() ![]() So THAT"S why that stuff itches. ![]() ![]() ![]() lolol |
| I believe that the temperatures constantly change as a natural cycle of the planet. I just ignore Gore lol. The past 100 years of human civilization, driven by its infamous industrial era, has succeeded in creating a human consumption machine that is in the process of exhausting reserves of fossil fuels which took several 100 millions of years for the earth to build. We have gradually 'pumped out' of the ground, a rate of consumption which adversely is releasing a hellish amount of contaminants into the atmoshpere. In the United States, more than 90% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the combustion of fossil fuels (US Department of Energy on greenhouse gases). Combustion of fossil fuels also produces other air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals (US Department of Energy on greenhouse gases). The burning of fossil fuels produces around 6.3 billion metric tons (= 6.3 gigatons) of carbon dioxide per year!!! But it is estimated that natural processes can only absorb about half of that amount so there is a net increase of 3.2 billion tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide per year (International Energy Annual 2005). Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that enhances radiative forcing and contributes to global warming causing the average surface temperature of the Earth to rise in response which climate scientists agree will cause major adverse effects, including on biodiversity and, over time, cause sea level rise (US EPA.2000. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks). We won't stop the cows from farting methane into the atmosphere, and we don't need to. We have abused our privileges on this planet. We are abusing its resources as though they were at the service of mankind. Natural phenomenon?!?!?! Only if we consider human idiocy as a natural phenomenon!!! And by the way, there are 2,5 billion people between emerging China and India, whom are progressively claiming their rights to the same consumption 'idiocy'. What moral leg do we have to stop them!!! |
Yea I live in Minnesota and the last few weeks, the only double digits temps we've seen have been below zero. Thank god for all this warming. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There are actually two separate theories...the predominant one, which Al Gore speaks of, is global climate change, not global "warming" per se. This theory holds that the temperature swings are becoming more severe in their natural direction. Eg. summer will be hotter, but winter will actually be colder. So claims that "it's damn cold out" don't refute the theory of global climate change, regardless of their humorous value. There have been two studies released, one particularly recently, which touch on the matter. One determined that the increase recorded in ocean temperatures was not scientific, because the scientists conducting the study had been taking samples near commercial hubs and bays (an inherently warm area of water), and comparing it with samples of decades pas which had been taken in the open ocean. The second, and more recent, concluded that mankind's influence on global climate change was at best "negligible." It was inconclusive as to the extent that global climate change was even occurring, but stated that regardless of that issue, human civilization does not/would not have much of an effect on it at all. I'm too lazy to reference them right now but I can find them if someone wants. |
I think that because we are headed into the photon(radiation ) belt(cycle), does not mean global warming , but rather it means that we will be having radical , severe ,or abrupt weather, which can go from one extreme to the next extreme. It can go from exreme hot to extreme cold, wet , or dry etc. Burning coal is not going to change the cycle of the planet's travel through space. But this radiation belt we are now starting into will matter. Hey, the BIG GUYS have underground shelters already made,and being made in lots of places, Mountains of Australia, in New Zealand,South America, lots of places here in America too, I figure you helped pay for all of them. They know about this Photon BELT, (forgot to tell you though), Russia has underground shelters for their whole population, China has an underground Tunnel system for all their population, which is even greater engineering feat than the GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! A nuclear attack would kill very few of their population. But what do we have here ? Al Gore and his Global warming Boogeyman, to draw our attention away from the Photon Belt, the real cause of our coming weather problems. We are just getting started, have you and your friends been working on your shelters ,and how you are going to be self sustaining ? You need to work together in little communities to survive this thing,and you need real friends to help one another.
I think that because we are headed into the photon(radiation ) belt(cycle), does not mean global warming , but rather it means that we will be having radical , severe ,or abrupt weather, which can go from one extreme to the next extreme. It can go from exreme hot to extreme cold, wet , or dry etc. Burning coal is not going to change the cycle of the planet's travel through space. But this radiation belt we are now starting into will matter. Hey, the BIG GUYS have underground shelters already made,and being made in lots of places, Mountains of Australia, in New Zealand,South America, lots of places here in America too, I figure you helped pay for all of them. They know about this Photon BELT, (forgot to tell you though), Russia has underground shelters for their whole population, China has an underground Tunnel system for all their population, which is even greater engineering feat than the GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! A nuclear attack would kill very few of their population. But what do we have here ? Al Gore and his Global warming Boogeyman, to draw our attention away from the Photon Belt, the real cause of our coming weather problems. We are just getting started, have you and your friends been working on your shelters ,and how you are going to be self sustaining ? You need to work together in little communities to survive this thing,and you need real friends to help one another. LOL. Everybody start digging, the photons are coming! ![]() |
I belive global warming is out there, but I'm not one of those nuts whos going to shout 'OMG WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE IF WE DON'T STOP AHHHHHH!". Theres so many different theories about it, from cow farts to SUVs, nobody really knows, but all the crap that goes into the air isn't helping anything really.
if the ozone is deteriorating then how come all the polutants just doesnt go out tha hole?
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they invented some new stuff to hold the pollutants here instead of letting them leak out the hole in the ozone layer, its called Gravity.
The pollutants react with the ozone layer, they don't just burst through it. It's not that there is a literal hole there, just that what used to be ozone has now been changed to a different chemical compound which doesn't have the same UV-blocking properties. |
Al Gore is an idiot- I was just out today and it's very cold.
I remember 30 years ago when all the scientists and meteorologists said the same thing - in reverse! We were warned of a new imminent ice age.
We, as humans, are too young to predict the cycles of this earth. |
Watch the "Great Global Warming Swindle" from the BBC, youtube gore is workin with the globalists for a one world government and the only way that we the people would ever do that is if we could "come together" on something, they are using this as well as for a world wide carbon tax that would be the first step toward a world government..a world law!
I remember 30 years ago when all the scientists and meteorologists said the same thing - in reverse! We were warned of a new imminent ice age. We, as humans, are too young to predict the cycles of this earth. To be succinct: I agree |
Watch the "Great Global Warming Swindle" from the BBC, youtube gore is workin with the globalists for a one world government and the only way that we the people would ever do that is if we could "come together" on something, they are using this as well as for a world wide carbon tax that would be the first step toward a world government..a world law! To be succinct again: I wholeheartedly disagree. |
Watch the "Great Global Warming Swindle" from the BBC, youtube gore is workin with the globalists for a one world government and the only way that we the people would ever do that is if we could "come together" on something, they are using this as well as for a world wide carbon tax that would be the first step toward a world government..a world law! You remind me of Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory, except he was way cooler.... and right.. |
google it, they Are proposing a world wide carbon tax in the name of "man-made" global warming
Chazster..... a man who ignores Al Gore is one smart guy.
Briefly, here are a few facts to add to the thread. There is no "scientific consensus" on global warming. Climate is always changing – with or without man. The Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than temperatures today, and was a golden age for agriculture, innovation, and lifespan Most of Antarctica is actually getting colder. Hurricanes are not getting worse; our tendency to build houses in their path is getting greater. Many big businesses lobby for global warming policies that will increase their profits and our costs. The media only recently abandoned the "global cooling" scare. The real agenda behind the "global warming" scare? A massive expansion of government control over the economy and our lives. |
Chazster..... a man who ignores Al Gore is one smart guy. Briefly, here are a few facts to add to the thread. There is no "scientific consensus" on global warming. Climate is always changing – with or without man. The Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than temperatures today, and was a golden age for agriculture, innovation, and lifespan Most of Antarctica is actually getting colder. Hurricanes are not getting worse; our tendency to build houses in their path is getting greater. Many big businesses lobby for global warming policies that will increase their profits and our costs. The media only recently abandoned the "global cooling" scare. The real agenda behind the "global warming" scare? A massive expansion of government control over the economy and our lives. I Concur ![]() |
I am here to serve! Thank you.
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Man Made global Warming is a bunch of Crap! like I said Al Gore is washed up Politically and needs to make a Living somehow ![]() |