Topic: Why Democrats will win big in 08....
andreajayne's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:37 AM
I dunno about most dangerous, but he definalty is a stupid man with too much power. He has a personal vendeta, wants to finish what daddy started... IMPEACH the bastard!

Democrats shouldnt have a problem taking over the White House, Bush screwed'em all!

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 09:19 AM
All I know is that George Bush IS SATANdevil mad :angry: explode grumble

I can't believe he hasn't been eliminatednoway

mrtxstar's photo
Fri 01/18/08 04:14 PM
I am disgusted about these people that go around bashing Bush on a daily basis. They should be awarded a medal of stupidity. Whatever happened to respect for the president in office?
Oh yes, I forgot the ones that are protesting are against anything moral in this country. Stem cell research? It has already been proven that adult stem cells are more viable then fetus stem cells. The overplay of this issue shows the ignorance of those protesting. The war in Iraq — I didn’t see a draft, did you? These honorable men and women that CHOOSE to serve this country are over there fighting for the right for us back at home to bicker over such babble (one of our many luxuries that we take for granted everyday by the way). In addition, the liberation of Iraq was a good thing. What do these people want? Do they want to hand over Iraq to al Qaeda? That would be utterly beyond stupid. That means men have died in vain. And, of course evolution taught in schools. Remember that Darwin’s theory is a THEORY. Most people do believe in intelligent design. To NOT teach intelligent design as a possibility is dishonest since evolution has not and cannot be proven to be true. These people are a bunch of bleeding heart liberals that have nothing better to do than to hate someone they will never meet, let alone ever really know. Perhaps they should examine their hatred for Bush than focusing on their own selfish agendas. Gee, why don’t they blame him for the hurricanes too. That is what liberals do. They play the blame game. It is a bunch of complaining, and empty rhetoric and they offer no real tangible solutions. Get over it, people, he won, and he is doing a darn fine job. 60 million people voted for him, so deal with it, and grow up.

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 01/18/08 04:46 PM
do you not believe in freedom of speach? anyone is free to say whatever they want about bush, positive or not.

evolutions and natural selection may be a theory, but there is very little factual basis for intelligent design. also, we have separation of church and state. since in this world, there is more than one version of god. natural selection is the most factual and probable out of all, and to most, the least offensive. so it is taught. if you don't want your children to learn what has been accpeted as the standard of history and our progression, put them in a church school.

liberals don't blame natural disasters on any man, that's more similar to what the religous right does. jerry falwell... the blame goes on bush because there was very little done to help our own people.

mrtxstar's photo
Fri 01/18/08 05:59 PM
I will never understand why people don't stand by what they say. I can guarantee you that after Sept. 11, 2001, a majority of the people in the United States said, "Let's take [the terrorists] out." Why did they change their minds? Well, the answer is that people think [the war is] taking too long. President Bush said from the start that what we were doing would be a long process. He never said it would be fast and easy. Throughout our lives we have all been told not to succumb to peer pressure. So why is it that Bush comes under fire when he doesn't give in? If he were a regular person who resisted peer pressure, he would be respected. What's worse is the fact that he's coming under fire by people who didn't even vote. As a U.S. citizen, you are guaranteed the right to vote. And I personally think that anyone who didn't vote has no right to complain. After all, they had the opportunity to do something about it. They themselves are the dumb ones, not Bush. Contrary to popular belief, President Bush is not a dumb person. The man graduated from Yale and Harvard, and before you start thinking it, shut up-you cannot buy your way into those schools. He has done some great things while in office. He pushed through a $1.3 trillion tax cut program, created the No Child Left Behind Act, lowered unemployment to around 4.6 percent and took out Saddam Hussein. Hussein tested biological weapons in towns of his own country! By eliminating Hussein, Bush has saved Iraqis, not condemned them. It's not Bush's fault that we are in a war. If we want to place blame, it should be on former President Clinton. He had an opportunity to capture Osama bin Laden (whom the U.S. had put into power to begin with). Bush is just trying to clean up Clinton's mess. So next time you're about to go on a Bush-bashing tirade, remember that just because you have freedom of speech does not mean that everyone wants to listen.

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:18 PM
iraq has nothing to do with bin laden, at least it didn't before we got that. that's been established, even done so by our own government.

most of your post is bunk.

maybe you can't pay your way through those schools, but you can sure snort and drink through em laugh

mrtxstar's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:45 PM
The American people are looking for real leadership and not a bunch of losers that blame everything in the world on President Bush. The fixation on destroying President Bush has blinded the democratic leadership in Congress and allowed what they feared most to continue and that is total power and control over their actions by President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 01/18/08 06:50 PM
i still can't believe those sissies didn't impeach him. he's acted on fasle pretenses quite a few times.

they were big talkers when they got in. "oh a democratic congress, we're going to get so much done and clean up the messes our bad bad president has made" so far they haven't done squat, but what's new?

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 07:00 PM

I agree with you that adult stem cells
should be used wherever possible,
that way there is no controversy.

In 2001, we were not fighting Iraq.
We were fighting the Taliban, which
is an entirely different fight and
you know it.

The problem came when Bush declared
war on Iraq on faulty British intelligence.

Ordinarily, this might have been forgiveable,
but the neocons in their blood lust to get
Saddam Hussein, made a monumentally stupid
mistake by pushing for quick war WITHOUT

We were sold a bill of goods about non-existant
weapons of mass destruction.

They should have let the U.N. inspectors
finish their jobs, which is what they
were paid to do, but no, the neocons
were itching to go to war.

The incredibly stupid neocons like senile
old fool Donald Rumsfeld miscalculated that
Sunni and Al Quaida sympathizers would
become the insurgent force fighting and
killing Americans and Shiites.

And what happened then? More than 3,000
soldiers dead later, we're still there.

Remember the 9 Billion dollars that
was spirited away from Iraq and
we didn't even know about it?

Were did it go?

Remember, 'Mission Accomplished'?

And Osama Bin Laden is still alive.

And meanwhile, we didn't do enough
in Afghanistan. Now the poppy and
heroin season is stronger than ever
and the Taliban is getting stronger
in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Because of our folly, Pakistan may
fall and Afghanistan could be retaken
by the Taliban.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 08:34 PM
The Republicans will eat themselves,
they don't need the Democrats to do
it for them.

They have lost the trust of the
American people, so they deserve
to lose the Presidency.

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 08:53 PM
For people saying Bush is stupid, you're very wrong.

For people saying Bush is the devil, you're right.

Think about it. Bush put on this, I'm a retard act, while he's stealing money from our pockets and getting away with anything and everything. He's actually very smart...the devil though...but smart. He fooled this whole country.

Oh and, yeah, the Democrats are definetly going to win. Bush ****ed us up so bad, people are even scared to vote for a white man laugh

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 09:06 PM
I think of Bush as Oz
with Cheney as the man
behind the curtain
doing all the nefarious

That is why I said
Bush isn't the devil,
he's only Mephistopheles.

Bad enough.

Let's not forget Alan Greenspan,
who I think shares much of the
blame for the current housing crisis.

Here's a link:

No matter how much he says:
'Bush made me do it' that's
kind of like if you said
'the devil made me do it'
when you have free will
and the devil doesn't
make you do anything you
wouldn't normally
do yourself.

Now he's cashing in
for helping to destroy
the economy by joining
a hedge fund that made
billions on the housing

mrtxstar's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:21 PM
Democrats: Politics of Evil

laugh laugh laugh

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:32 PM
Speaking of 'obsessively going back'
isn't that what the Republicans
do whenever Bush is criticized?

Point to something that happened
in the Clinton Administration
as an excuse for the high crimes
and misdemeanors of the Bush Administration?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:36 PM
Clinton was the best. He's like my generation's Kennedy.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:40 PM
I also find it interesting
that they single out Obama
for ridicule in that article
for not speaking out against
the CIA debacle or the other
investigations going on.

Why not single out Hillary?

Are any of the Republicans
talking about it?

If they aren't doesn't
that also mean tacit approval?

That's as useless an
argument as pointing out
that Hussein is Obama's
middle name or that he's
really a Muslim when he isn't.

There is no logic to
it at all.

But that's typical of
the Republican hatemongering.

It's just more senseless spin.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/18/08 10:49 PM
There are those intelligent people who knew before the illustrious dictator of America decided to go to Iraq and make Saddam pay for bin laden's sins, that it was a mistake and wasn't fair. I was one of those but people would not listen. Babyshrub played on the vengence of the American people to take the war to a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Hell, yea, we are pissed and now it going to take all this time to get someone to correct the wrong as much as it can be corrected. We already preemptively struck a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, tore them to bits and are democrazing people that did not ask us to do that to them. It makes no sense that this man and his sick agenda have been able to take this country down the toilet and let us lose face worldwide.noway grumble mad :angry:

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:41 PM
The subject of this topic brings an old Areosmith song to ming.........
Dream On.

laugh laugh

toastedoranges's photo
Sat 01/19/08 07:49 AM

Democrats: Politics of Evil

laugh laugh laugh

do you actually believe that dribble?

cmon man, i almost laughed when i saw the link had aol in it. takes a bright person to get ripped off every month with absolutely no gain over the competitors

mrtxstar's photo
Sat 01/19/08 11:13 PM

Democrats: Politics of Evil

laugh laugh laugh

do you actually believe that dribble?

cmon man, i almost laughed when i saw the link had aol in it. takes a bright person to get ripped off every month with absolutely no gain over the competitors

I absolutely believe the article. You didn't address the content. I doubt you even read it. The rest of your comments are presumptions in ignorance. "AOL" in the link is irrelevant. Just concede you hate Bush and the article has merit.