Topic: Why Democrats will win big in 08....
mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:03 AM
So what's your point armydoc4u?

What are you getting at?

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:11 AM

Yes, we don't need
to give welfare to
rich people.

Republicans keep
bringing up Ronald
Reagan in this election,
but people are thinking
George Bush Jr. and Iraq.

The housing crisis was
created on his watch.

He gave big tax breaks
to corporations and
wealthy individuals
while ignoring the
middle class.

Let me ask you,
who, collectively
has the most disposable
income in this country?

You screw the middle
class, you screw yourself,
and that's what they did.

The George Bush Jr.
Administration is the
tar baby which will
stick to the Republican
candidates no matter
what and may sink
their chances for the

None of them
(except maybe Ron Paul)
is offering solutions
to get us out of the
Iraq quagmire.

I learned the other
day that California
Republicans are shutting
out Independents from
helping select the
Republican nominee.

Big mistake. And stupid.

Democrats are welcoming
the Independents with
open arms.

Blah blah blah. Do you actually believe that? You are all over the board. Standard liberal fare...... don't focus on one topic longer than it takes to move on to another. If you are able, please throw out one topic and stick with it until you realize you were actually right or wrong and then admit it, leaving the old "switcheroo" out of the equation. Keep repeating "Its okay to be wrong sometimes".

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:20 AM
By your last
comment you
offered nothing
to the discussion
except criticism.

I will bring
up more than
one topic if
I think it is
relevant, or
follows a
pattern of

This election
is about issues,
and no issue is
off the table.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:40 AM
Edited by Zapchaser on Sun 01/27/08 10:49 AM

By your last
comment you
offered nothing
to the discussion
except criticism.

I will bring
up more than
one topic if
I think it is
relevant, or
follows a
pattern of

This election
is about issues,
and no issue is
off the table.

No, I offered direction. An attempt to keep the discussion a discussion. Rather than puking several different issues in one post, I find it better to get my point across or to learn from others when I am not running around flailing my arms and throwing out talking points and calling them "discussions".

Sorry, I neglected to ask which issue were you referring to? You tickled a few but forgot to include the others.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:42 AM
About issues? Really? I dont see anyone on either side discussing issues with any depth at all. I hear a lot of buzz words, catch phrases and empty platitudes. Bigger governement is not the answer and as long as 50% of this country ( the lower 50% in earnings) pay ZERO taxes they will always vote for the one that offers to give them the most stuff/money/services.

George Bernard Shaw once observed, "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul."

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:48 AM

About issues? Really? I dont see anyone on either side discussing issues with any depth at all. I hear a lot of buzz words, catch phrases and empty platitudes. Bigger governement is not the answer and as long as 50% of this country ( the lower 50% in earnings) pay ZERO taxes they will always vote for the one that offers to give them the most stuff/money/services.

George Bernard Shaw once observed, "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul."

An interesting addition to that statement would be to question how is it that one can receive a check from the IRS after not having paid taxes to begin with?

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:57 AM

About issues? Really? I dont see anyone on either side discussing issues with any depth at all. I hear a lot of buzz words, catch phrases and empty platitudes. Bigger governement is not the answer and as long as 50% of this country ( the lower 50% in earnings) pay ZERO taxes they will always vote for the one that offers to give them the most stuff/money/services.

George Bernard Shaw once observed, "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul."

An interesting addition to that statement would be to question how is it that one can receive a check from the IRS after not having paid taxes to begin with?

A very good question indeed!! One can also add that tax cuts can only be given to tax payers. How can you cut the taxes of someone that does not pay any?

Chazster's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:05 PM

None of them
(except maybe Ron Paul)
is offering solutions
to get us out of the
Iraq quagmire.

You do realize that Hilary and Obama both said they wouldn't be able to withdraw the troops during their first term. I like how the Dems would always try to force Bush to withdraw yet now when they are close to getting a chance to be president they are saying they can't do it yet. It was just a ruse to get people to drop support for the Repubs. Politics has just become childish name calling and finger pointing.

andrewzooms's photo
Sun 01/27/08 04:07 PM

noway Demo's wont win cause they're mostly gay! Stupid!!

Good point. not!

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:07 PM
Well Zapchaser, since it
seems that you suck at
multitasking, I'll break
the issues down for you
one at a time.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:09 PM
Issue # 1:

We don't need
to give welfare to
rich people.

Following me,

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:10 PM
Issue # 2:

Republicans keep
bringing up Ronald
Reagan in this election,
but people are thinking
George Bush Jr. and Iraq.

And that doesn't bode
well for the Republicans.

Got it?

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:11 PM
Issue # 3:

The housing crisis was
created on Bush Jr.'s watch.

I'll allow a little
time for my next post
to give Zapchaser time
to catch up.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:22 PM

Issue # 1:

We don't need
to give welfare to
rich people.

Following me,

Yup, I am taking my estrogen pills as we speak so I can keep up with you.
Define welfare for rich people.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:25 PM

Issue # 2:

Republicans keep
bringing up Ronald
Reagan in this election,
but people are thinking
George Bush Jr. and Iraq.

And that doesn't bode
well for the Republicans.

Got it?

Sorry, that makes no sense. In your eves it doesn't matter what the republicans bring up. It is all wrong as you see it.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:30 PM

Issue # 1:

We don't need
to give welfare to
rich people.

Following me,

Examples of welfare for rich people:

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:40 PM

Issue # 2:

Republicans keep
bringing up Ronald
Reagan in this election,
but people are thinking
George Bush Jr. and Iraq.

And that doesn't bode
well for the Republicans.

Got it?

Examples of Republicans
invoking the memory of
a dead President:

Importance of the Iraq War:

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:45 PM

Issue # 3:

The housing crisis was
created on Bush Jr.'s watch.

I'll allow a little
time for my next post
to give Zapchaser time
to catch up.

Created by whom? Oh wait, you believe as a liberal that government has to hold your hand while you take a pee to make sure you don't get pinched in the zipper. People are too stupid to know that they are spending beyond their ability to repay, right? Just WHERE does accountability come into the equation and WHO is to be held accountable? You live in Minnesota. A nanny state if there ever was one. Don't you ever feel (a good liberal word) that people are accountable for themselves? Did the lenders break any laws? No. Did they act unethically? I think so. They sold mortgages and shortly thereafter sold the mortgages to another lending institution. No culpability. The first lender didn't care whether or not the homeowner would default, it was out of their sight and would not affect them. The major construction companies that handled financing in house were playing the same game and they got what they asked for. Awwwww the estrogen is kicking in and I am feeling the need to hug somebody, hold hands and sing kumbaya. Is that how it works for you?

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:47 PM

Issue # 2:

Republicans keep
bringing up Ronald
Reagan in this election,
but people are thinking
George Bush Jr. and Iraq.

And that doesn't bode
well for the Republicans.

Got it?

Examples of Republicans
invoking the memory of
a dead President:

Importance of the Iraq War:

Like I said....
Sorry, that makes no sense. In your eves it doesn't matter what the republicans bring up. It is all wrong as you see it

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 01/27/08 06:50 PM

Issue # 1:

We don't need
to give welfare to
rich people.

Following me,

Examples of welfare for rich people:

From your link:
Sound economic policy should harness the market in ways that produce desirable social outcomes – decent wages, good jobs and affordable health care.
Yup, I agree.drinker