Topic: Why Democrats will win big in 08....
Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:25 AM

Since 9/11, America has not been attacked. That is credit to the Bush administration. Numerous plots have been foiled and I'm sure there are many more that we don't even know about. No matter what Bush's other failings may haven been, in this one respect, America will keep the trust of the GOP in the White House.

noway You believe this crap toonoway unbelievablenoway The ONLY reason we have foiled attacks and have not had another attack is due to homeland security WHICH would have happened after 9/11 REGARDLESS to who was in office. COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:31 AM

Here's a good article on that very point:

If the Bush Administration had
listened to Richard Clarke and
not dismissed him, they could
have uncovered the 9/11 plot
and possibly even prevented it!

mrtxstar's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:32 AM
Last 6+ years no attacks. That really bugs the left. I think you want America to be attacked just so you can adjudge "it's Bush's fault". But it's not going to happen.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:32 AM
I believe in giving credit where credit is due, Saddam and Iraq paid for 9/11, period. No way to get around that, bin laden was never baby shrubs target. Baby shrub had an agenda that did not include Americans or at least not the average American, he has shown it over and over again. If you are too blinded by the spin, I cannot help with that.

As for illegal immigration, we have covered this many many times, we must close the borders down before we can address the issue in our country. Then we must not become Nazi Germany with hostile roundups. This is a complex issue and must be addressed in steps. All illegals are not criminals, they come here because they are disadvantaged in their country. Humane and considerate actions must be taken.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:33 AM
want america attacked? that's....i'm not even going to get into what that is, that comment sickens me.

Len76039's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:33 AM
Dragoness, etc;

You liberals can call me and other conservatives names and insult us all you want! Children and people with no factual basis fight with those tactics. Try arguing with documented facts and actually framing your thoughts. Please do so better than the one quote I have seen thus far. I will be offline for a couple of hours. This gives you a chance to search the MSNBC, CNN and the other liberal websites for some type of quote.

By the way; if it makes you feel any better. I have a real problem with Bush's stance on illegal immigration. I am not a Bush fanatic. I am just looking for a strong leader who doesn't BS everyone. For example, I am starting to follow Congressmen Ted Poe from TX.

Have a good day!

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:34 AM

Um, not to be splitting hairs here, but WHICH party was in control of the White House on September 11, 2001?

Shall we discuss which criminal was in the Whitehouse when terrorists killed hundreds of Americans world wide during the 90’s? The same person who was offered Bin Laden on a silver platter not once but twice and ignored it? But none of this matters NOW! It really is time to get over the blame game and this blind hatred for the opposite party. It is counterproductive and really only keeps the wrong kind of people running the system. Stop buying into this rhetoric.

What is important for our country, today and in the future is that we hammer terrorism world wide at any cost. And the more that pacifist say come home now, the more they encourage the terrorists to continue.

But most of all, we need to get back to the basics on which this country was founded and stop voting for ANY party/candidate that promises to fix our problems. I for one have only one problem that any elected official can remedy and that is TAXES. I for one am tired of paying the way of others because they will not take care of themselves. Charity is a private matter and should not be a Federal responsibility!

We need to solve the illegal immigration issue NOW! No amnesty! Ban all “Sanctuary City” laws. Crack down hard on anyone that employs them and they will go home. This cheap labor undercuts wages, and in the long run hurts, not helps our economy. They also take out $3.00 for every $1.00 they but into the system in services. They drive up the cost of education, welfare, healthcare and a host of other things.

Secure our borders so people like those that committed 9/11 are stopped before they get here. Stop the gangs and thugs from coming in and driving up the crime rate and overwhelming our criminal system. Screen people that want to become citizens. We have room and opportunity here for many and I welcome them with the following conditions that my family had to live by when they came here 3 generations back:

1. Come here legally.
2. You are NOT a criminal or terrorist.
3. Come here because you want to be an American Citizen.
4. Learn and speak American English 24/7. If you do not, you will always be treated as second class and will always earn second class wages.
5. Adapt to OUR customs. If your ways are better for you, go back to where you came from. You obviously do not have an interest in being an American.
6. Pay your own way. I don’t want to support your family, I have my own to support.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:35 AM

I believe in giving credit where credit is due, Saddam and Iraq paid for 9/11, period. No way to get around that, bin laden was never baby shrubs target. Baby shrub had an agenda that did not include Americans or at least not the average American, he has shown it over and over again. If you are too blinded by the spin, I cannot help with that.

As for illegal immigration, we have covered this many many times, we must close the borders down before we can address the issue in our country. Then we must not become Nazi Germany with hostile roundups. This is a complex issue and must be addressed in steps. All illegals are not criminals, they come here because they are disadvantaged in their country. Humane and considerate actions must be taken.

but they are criminals, entering this country illegaly is a crime. not paying taxes is a crime.

there are legal routes in entering this nation

Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:36 AM

Last 6+ years no attacks. That really bugs the left. I think you want America to be attacked just so you can adjudge "it's Bush's fault". But it's not going to happen.

Well you can sheild your eyes from the truth if you want to but I prefer not to live with rose colored glasses on. Baby shrub banked on the people keeping the rose colored glasses on and he got his wish.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:38 AM
you know 52% of mexicans believe that texas and california are a mexican teritory and they legally belong there?

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:38 AM

watch out you'll be called a hater and any facts you post will be called propaganda BSdrinker

mrtxstar's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:39 AM

I believe in giving credit where credit is due, Saddam and Iraq paid for 9/11, period. No way to get around that, bin laden was never baby shrubs target. Baby shrub had an agenda that did not include Americans or at least not the average American, he has shown it over and over again. If you are too blinded by the spin, I cannot help with that.

As for illegal immigration, we have covered this many many times, we must close the borders down before we can address the issue in our country. Then we must not become Nazi Germany with hostile roundups. This is a complex issue and must be addressed in steps. All illegals are not criminals, they come here because they are disadvantaged in their country. Humane and considerate actions must be taken.

WTF? illegals not criminals? The very definition of illegal is "criminal". But I do agree, you have to stop the flow into the country before you can deal with those already here.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:42 AM

Dragoness, etc;

You liberals can call me and other conservatives names and insult us all you want! Children and people with no factual basis fight with those tactics. Try arguing with documented facts and actually framing your thoughts. Please do so better than the one quote I have seen thus far. I will be offline for a couple of hours. This gives you a chance to search the MSNBC, CNN and the other liberal websites for some type of quote.

By the way; if it makes you feel any better. I have a real problem with Bush's stance on illegal immigration. I am not a Bush fanatic. I am just looking for a strong leader who doesn't BS everyone. For example, I am starting to follow Congressmen Ted Poe from TX.

Have a good day!

Quote me where I called you a name, come on do it........can't cause I did not.

I can feel sorry for those who were fooled by the great bamboozling baby shrub. I really do. He fooled alot of people considering his slowness that is a great accomplishment. I am not fooled and was not fooled when I wrote about his bull about Saddam and Iraq before we went to war. I predicted this result and still WHERE the hell is bin laden??????????????????????? He did do 9/11, right??????????????????? Was that a lie then????????????????????? Come on people, you cannot see??????

Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:46 AM

watch out you'll be called a hater and any facts you post will be called propaganda BSdrinker

Just for youflowerforyou Most of the illegal immigration stats being posted on anti-illegal immigration sites can be proven to be b s propaganda. I have verified it myself with the REAL government sites. Look it up. Is that better AZ?flowerforyou

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:48 AM

sounds like propaganda to melaugh laugh
how you doingflowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:53 AM
I am good AZ, I hope everything is well with youflowerforyou

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:56 AM

well I could be making some money, but other than that it's gooddrinker

mnhiker's photo
Sun 01/06/08 10:56 AM
I never want America
to be attacked, no
matter who's in office.

Bush does get some
credit for the fact
that America hasn't been
attacked in the last
6 years, but any
sitting President
would have made
similar decisions
in going after
Al Quaeda, though
going into Iraq
was a huge mistake.

It didn't prevent
terrorist attacks
in the United Kingdom,
Spain and other

Al Quaeda has
simply focused
their attacks
on other countries.

They haven't
the U.S.,
and will
turn their
focus back
sooner or later.

In the long-term,
the decisions of
the Bush Administration
has made America weaker,
not safer.

The have failed to
stem the tide of
illegal immigration
or secure the borders.

The Bush Administration
has encouraged an
environment where
employers hire illegals,
because they work cheaper.

Is that a big national
security and law enforcement


Could some of these
illegals also be terrorists?

You betcha.

The shipping ports are
still unsecured.

A 'dirty bomb'
or suitcase nuke
could be easily
smuggled on board
a ship.

I could go on,
but, hopefully,
you get the point.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:02 AM
nope, we don't mnhiker. bush is great and you're wrong!


Dragoness's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:13 AM

Um, not to be splitting hairs here, but WHICH party was in control of the White House on September 11, 2001?

Shall we discuss which criminal was in the Whitehouse when terrorists killed hundreds of Americans world wide during the 90’s? The same person who was offered Bin Laden on a silver platter not once but twice and ignored it? But none of this matters NOW! It really is time to get over the blame game and this blind hatred for the opposite party. It is counterproductive and really only keeps the wrong kind of people running the system. Stop buying into this rhetoric.

What is important for our country, today and in the future is that we hammer terrorism world wide at any cost. And the more that pacifist say come home now, the more they encourage the terrorists to continue.

But most of all, we need to get back to the basics on which this country was founded and stop voting for ANY party/candidate that promises to fix our problems. I for one have only one problem that any elected official can remedy and that is TAXES. I for one am tired of paying the way of others because they will not take care of themselves. Charity is a private matter and should not be a Federal responsibility!

We need to solve the illegal immigration issue NOW! No amnesty! Ban all “Sanctuary City” laws. Crack down hard on anyone that employs them and they will go home. This cheap labor undercuts wages, and in the long run hurts, not helps our economy. They also take out $3.00 for every $1.00 they but into the system in services. They drive up the cost of education, welfare, healthcare and a host of other things.

Secure our borders so people like those that committed 9/11 are stopped before they get here. Stop the gangs and thugs from coming in and driving up the crime rate and overwhelming our criminal system. Screen people that want to become citizens. We have room and opportunity here for many and I welcome them with the following conditions that my family had to live by when they came here 3 generations back:

1. Come here legally.
2. You are NOT a criminal or terrorist.
3. Come here because you want to be an American Citizen.
4. Learn and speak American English 24/7. If you do not, you will always be treated as second class and will always earn second class wages.
5. Adapt to OUR customs. If your ways are better for you, go back to where you came from. You obviously do not have an interest in being an American.
6. Pay your own way. I don’t want to support your family, I have my own to support.

The issue is lot more complex then your pockets although that is an important issue as the war in Iraq is draining us daily, not only of our honorable young men and women's lives but financially.

Illegal immigration has been an issue in this country for many more years than just recently. People looked the other way for the last 50 years and allowed them to form lives here and a bases for others to come. We are at fault for this. We as Americans must find a humane way to resolve this problem that has grown through our own ignorance of the issue.

Close the borders, identify the illegals, and begin to process them however we can to make them legal. Some will be sent back in this process but not all. Our great American way is immigrants. The racists in our country holler that the great American way of life will be gone if we accept them as citizens, this is not true. The racists would like nothing better than inhumane roundups and mass deportation. This is not a humane or American way of doing things and should not be entertained.

I agree something needs to be done, but not because my pockets are affected. I want the slave labor to stop and I would like for these people to have the rights Americans have. I would like our country to have more control over who is here and if they are a terrorist or not. As things are we have no clue of any of this.