Topic: Where to live together?
Duttoneer's photo
Mon 08/12/24 01:46 AM
When you have met the right person, and both of you decide to marry or maybe live together, would you want to live at your place, their place, somewhere new starting afresh? Where do you think is the best place to start living together? Does it really matter where you live, what are your thoughts?

Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Mon 08/12/24 07:24 AM
:thinking: Will keep it on halt, after getting married will answer it, who knows if in future my wife reads it, then will shall debating or maybe I maybe staying outside the home... :wink:

soufiehere's photo
Mon 08/12/24 09:20 AM
People have a lot of baggage.
That becomes pertinent.

I got lucky.

He moved from Abilene, Texas (born, raised) to
Oregon and he still cannot get over the delicious
weather after 15 years here ;-)

AαƚHҽҽɾα's photo
Mon 08/12/24 09:50 AM
When you have met the right person, and both of you decide to marry or maybe live together, would you want to live at your place, their place, somewhere new starting afresh? Where do you think is the best place to start living together? Does it really matter where you live, what are your thoughts?

Hi Duttoneer, Good day to you :sparkles:

it really matters to me that we both should live together surrounded with each other's presence.. we would decide to settle down in his place mostly at priority but he wouldn't say No if he had to stay with my family at my place for few months, if required too.. but for me, most important is, after marriage, not letting him to stay alone without me anywhere anymore:grin: that matters most to me 🥰

Mike6615's photo
Mon 08/12/24 06:45 PM

When you have met the right person, and both of you decide to marry or maybe live together, would you want to live at your place, their place, somewhere new starting afresh? Where do you think is the best place to start living together? Does it really matter where you live, what are your thoughts?

Paris or Rome is always nice...

soufiehere's photo
Mon 08/12/24 08:31 PM

Paris or Rome is always nice...

Now there is a romantic ;-)

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 08/13/24 01:29 AM
Thanks for all your responses. I would prefer we live at my place, but personal circumstances influence decisions at the time, and as mentioned already the amount of 'baggage' one of you has accumulated over the years where you live. I agree, what is most important is that you are together.
South of France would be nice as well in the summer time. smile2

no photo
Tue 08/13/24 02:39 PM
As long as it's not a big town or somewhere that gets really cold, I could live in many places in the USA. I don't know why it would be bad to live in the town that I already live in. It's a great small town.

no photo
Wed 08/14/24 11:15 AM
with my elderly parents :blush:

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/14/24 11:36 AM
Honestly that would all depend on where each live.. If they lived in an apartment then it would be my house...

If they had their own house and we lived within the same area. I would have no problem them keeping their place and me keeping mine and go back and forth.. Until we were absolutely sure. Actually dated a man for 11 years and we had our own places.

It would depend on who had the better place to far as moving and where their place was..

Even if it was his place I would rent mine out.. For I have no intentions of not having a place to live if things did not go as it should.. I will never be left without a place to live again. Been there done that and bought my own place 32 years ago.. and not willing to give it up.

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 08/15/24 01:27 AM
Living apart together, by each staying in your own place at least to begin with is an idea. If you do actually own your own home, I agree you need to make sure you keep it by renting it out if necessary, and make a prenup/preliving together agreement, to ensure what is yours stays yours if the relationship fails, so you will always have a place to live.