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Topic: Who You Are?
TattooLover's photo
Tue 11/28/23 04:10 AM
What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? What makes you who you are?

TattooLover's photo
Tue 11/28/23 04:13 AM
Edited by TattooLover on Tue 11/28/23 04:35 AM
I think my greatest strength is my communication skills and perhaps my greatest weakness is rushing into things too fast. You know the old saying about fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

no photo
Tue 11/28/23 09:31 AM
Alone Talker

no photo
Tue 11/28/23 10:57 AM

My Nickname is ~~~ MEPHISTOPHELES

Naomi's photo
Tue 11/28/23 04:24 PM
God makes me who I am and is my strength

Don's photo
Wed 11/29/23 02:06 AM
Strength: free from superstitious nonsense
Weakness: women (also Tunnock's dark chocolate tea cakes)

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 11/29/23 11:02 AM

What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? What makes you who you are?

Who I am... A goat herderer
My strength... Half a brain
My weakness... The farmers daughter (Basanti) :joy:

Rock's photo
Wed 11/29/23 06:39 PM
Who da f'k are you?

My strengths are, I've been a hard worker
since I was 14. I've learned not to take
any schit from anyone, not to give a schit
about most people. I'm just not in the
schit business.

I'm 100% loyal to those who are 100% loyal
to me.

MuseOutsideTheLines's photo
Mon 04/01/24 06:17 PM
My greatest strength always and forever comes from my children and how they inspire me to grow beyond what even I thought possible.

My greatest weakness I am ashamed to admit is and remains my monster of an abusive ex. Given that our boys are heavily involved in sports, I have to seek him. And he controls when I am allowed to see my own teenage children. But worst of all is trying to get rid of the mental conditioning which broke my spirit, confidence, and identity.

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 04/05/24 01:27 AM
Bacon & Cheese burgers.


Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 04/05/24 01:43 AM
I'm Nobody Nothing !!!!
Looking for Something..!!

Jessica Isadora's photo
Tue 06/18/24 05:38 AM
my strength relies in my weakness
I surmount courage on fear and that is how I triumph

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 06/19/24 07:35 AM
My strengths for me are the weaknesses what others see in me
And God made me who I am.

Kamil Oakville's photo
Sat 07/27/24 06:54 AM
Sorry, what was the question?

Ronald's photo
Thu 10/17/24 04:25 AM
Do you know you are beautiful

JulieABush's photo
Sun 10/27/24 03:19 AM
I’m Northern by birth and Southern by blood.
I’m a daughter, sister, niece, aunt and cousin (up to second once removed) and friend. I’m an employee of 30 years. I come from 60’s parents born and grew up in the 70’s and 80’s (which is my era) and graduated in 92. I could go on but I don’t have the time now.

Benjamin Lin 's photo
Sun 10/27/24 01:31 PM

CrazyCreative's photo
Fri 11/15/24 04:45 PM
I am a medium who can be too Empathic for her own good so it's a double sword.

no photo
Fri 11/15/24 04:55 PM
My creative thinking is my greatest strength. My greatest weakness is that once I've made up my mind, I can be stubborn as a mule when someone tries to change it.  

Katherine k jess's photo
Sun 11/17/24 12:31 PM

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