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Topic: In love with more than one woman …
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Fri 06/30/23 02:32 PM
Edited by Blondey111 on Fri 06/30/23 02:33 PM
The bachelor said he was in love with three women at the same time and intimate with two of them . The one he was not intimate with was the one he loved the most .

When the three women found out .. what should they have done ?

What can women learn from this ? :tongue: waving

no photo
Fri 06/30/23 04:01 PM
You are not in love.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 06/30/23 04:10 PM
Walk away.

no photo
Fri 06/30/23 04:54 PM

You are not in love.
each of the three women believed they were in love with him . He told (and apparently showed ) each of them he loved them . In their own relationship with him they believed the love expressed was genuine .
The woman who was not intimate with him , learnt the truth before she turned down intimacy and rejected him . I guess the other two woman did not doubt his love abd never thought to ask lmao 🤣

no photo
Fri 06/30/23 04:57 PM

Walk away.
Run really fast and don’t look back biggrin
He was left ditched and crying like a baby .

no photo
Sat 07/01/23 01:27 AM
The (pun) balls of this (pun) dick of a guy!

Rock's photo
Sat 07/01/23 01:32 AM

The bachelor said he was in love with three women at the same time and intimate with two of them . The one he was not intimate with was the one he loved the most .

When the three women found out .. what should they have done ?

What can women learn from this ? :tongue: waving

I never quite grasp why people do this.

Basic supply and demand = I have 1 penis,
therefore, I need only 1 woman.

Dood seems like he was trying to boost his ego,
at the expense of other people's emotions.

An adult as flighty as he, really needs some
common courtesy stomped into him.

If any of the three women knew this was going on,
shame on them for being an enabler.

no photo
Sat 07/01/23 02:55 AM
Definitely walk away!

What can women learn from this?... Aside from taking time to truly get to know someone before entering into an intimate relationship, be clear of his intentions. Sometimes what we want to believe isn't the reality of the situation.

But in this situation, the women believed he loved them because he told them he loved them, and showed it. So it wasn't just a matter of believing in some fairytale conjured in one's own mind. Or is it?

With the third woman, the one who didn't get intimate, perhaps she hesitated because she sensed the red flags. We have this wonderful thing called intuition. When we're tuned into it, we are able to discern when someone isn't being truly honest with us, when somethings not quite right. So paying attention to the signs, and listening to your gut feeling, is important. The third woman was able to avoid further heartache by listening to her intuition, thus discovering his deception.

no photo
Sat 07/01/23 04:04 AM
The bachelor said he was in love with three women at the same time and intimate with two of them . The one he was not intimate with was the one he loved the most .

When the three women found out .. what should they have done ?

What can women learn from this ? :yum: :wave:

Still should the women keep learning or lesson the cunning man..
Or another web series......(A)

Decide Fast ambulance is waiting :ambulance:

Maj's photo
Sat 07/01/23 10:33 AM
Dang. Women should stop settling for such kind of men. We should all know our worth.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 07/01/23 12:35 PM
What they should've done... get together and give him hell!
Sisters gotta stand together!

As for what to learn...
Surely if he has 3 women in his pocket he can't make time for each on regular intervals. He probably came up with weird excuses a lot as to why he couldn't see them, as he was spending time with the other, and constantly alternating this.

So pay close attention to the signs, the red flags, and intuition. If something feels off, it is off. Trust that, not the man or what he says.
Then ask questions and if you're not satisfied with them, take appropriate action, even if that means having to deal with heartache and loss.

In my area only's photo
Sat 07/01/23 01:37 PM
That's what they call Polyamourous

Morticia's photo
Sat 07/01/23 02:28 PM
In cultures where polygamy is being practiced legally, these women would actually 'live together in harmony' with that jerkoff

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 07/01/23 03:42 PM

That's what they call Polyamourous

Polyamory is when all people involved consent to it.
From what was said this wasn't the case in that situation.
So it isn't polyamory but lying & cheating, potentially putting people at risk of STDs, and leading them on.
In short: being a total @$$hole.

no photo
Sat 07/01/23 11:45 PM
WhatsApp me for realation ship 9516197851

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 07/02/23 12:06 AM

WhatsApp me for realation ship 9516197851

You are a fake. You have a fake pic and you’re not from Indore, you’re from Lakshadweep, Kerala!

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 07/02/23 01:22 AM
Well he must be quite a rich fellow to have been in three relationships at the same time, and an expert in deceiving people. I very much doubt this went on for a long time before the women discovered what he was, the kind of people that do this can only keep up the pretense for so long before tripping themselves up. Sadly, sometimes we only see what we want to see, hopefully, they all walked away from him. Maybe, if they had been less trusting at the very start they would have avoided the heartache since they all believed he loved them.

no photo
Sun 07/02/23 01:56 AM
Edited by Blondey111 on Sun 07/02/23 02:10 AM
Thanks everyone for contributing your thoughtful responses .

It wasn’t just a case of one man loving three women at the same time ,… all three women believed they loved him also . Such is the power of love .

Each woman compartmentalised her feelings of love ..and felt the love was genuine and mutual . They did not know the betrayal that was happening . Only he knew the reality . At some point he realised he did love one woman more and he could not imagine his life without her .It was only then that he could no longer see a future with the other two woman .

Although he ended up alone , There was a reconciliation with the woman he “loved the most”. . They went on to start a relationship together .

What is the moral of the story biggrin

no photo
Sun 07/02/23 04:08 AM
A story that sounds to be from the reality TV dating series The Bachelor; and no, I have never watched that frivolous show.

no photo
Sun 07/02/23 06:45 AM
Thanks everyone for contributing your thoughtful responses .

It wasn’t just a case of one man loving three women at the same time ,… all three women believed they loved him also . Such is the power of love .

Each woman compartmentalised her feelings of love ..and felt the love was genuine and mutual . They did not know the betrayal that was happening . Only he knew the reality . At some point he realised he did love one woman more and he could not imagine his life without her .It was only then that he could no longer see a future with the other two woman .

Although he ended up alone , There was a reconciliation with the woman he “loved the most”. . They went on to start a relationship together .

What is the moral of the story :grin:

First have to do it practically so can get the proper moral hazard of the theory...
jzt kidding

Moral : Such stories will spoil the life..
But still Love is pure. impurities is in us.

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