Topic: God Help Trump
Bart's photo
Wed 09/20/23 04:11 PM

The worship of Donald Trump continues.

While the feeling of insecurity and distrust and a knife in the back continues among American citizens under the Biden administration.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 10/07/23 11:50 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 10/07/23 11:57 AM

With the way things are going in the U.S i dont think Trump was that Bad as the media made him seem. He was a lousy president who bragged at every chance he got but I'll be damn if I don't think America would be better if he comes back

America has definitely not been better since J Biden got in office.

America needs a competent Man as POTUS!

Mortman's photo
Sat 10/21/23 09:31 PM

With the way things are going in the U.S i dont think Trump was that Bad as the media made him seem. He was a lousy president who bragged at every chance he got but I'll be damn if I don't think America would be better if he comes back

America has definitely not been better since J Biden got in office.

America needs a competent Man as POTUS!

Biden isn't perfect, but he's still a good President.

Trump was never able to pull himself away from Twitter to disrupt markets or swindle money for his cronies, and while Trump kept having "infrastructure week" Biden actually got laws passed to rebuild the infrastructure. We never see disruptive comments from Biden on Twitter, and the only problems with Biden now are the ones the Republicans are inventing in Congress.

Did you see Comer's latest "smoking gun" where he showed a check from Biden's brother in 2018, when Biden wasn't in office? That's the best they've got. Meanwhile Trump has lost his NY business license, he's so criminal.

Bart's photo
Sun 10/22/23 05:41 AM
Please elaborate on what makes Biden a good president. All the polls say 75% of the U.S. think the economy sucks under this guy. We’re on the verge of Ww3 under this idiots watch but he’s more interested in telling everybody how racist half of us are. He has managed to let millions of illegal aliens in our country with no common sense idea what to do with them other than let them go wherever they want. They are illegals that should be kept track of to answer to the authorities for their illegal crossing . Not to mention the 100s on the FBI watch list that have crossed over. At least Trump could stay awake long enough to go on Twitter and post information that the democrat news media wouldn’t report because it came from Trump. .. While Joe Biden has been serving in government sines 1972 on a mediocre salary. How does he accumulate millions of dollars on that salary. We ALL know he is a crooked incompetent shister that thinks HE is above the law.. I’m sure Comer will produce the smoking gun..sooner or later…

Mortman's photo
Sun 10/22/23 11:09 AM

Please elaborate on what makes Biden a good president. All the polls say 75% of the U.S. think the economy sucks under this guy. We’re on the verge of Ww3 under this idiots watch but he’s more interested in telling everybody how racist half of us are. He has managed to let millions of illegal aliens in our country with no common sense idea what to do with them other than let them go wherever they want. They are illegals that should be kept track of to answer to the authorities for their illegal crossing . Not to mention the 100s on the FBI watch list that have crossed over. At least Trump could stay awake long enough to go on Twitter and post information that the democrat news media wouldn’t report because it came from Trump. .. While Joe Biden has been serving in government sines 1972 on a mediocre salary. How does he accumulate millions of dollars on that salary. We ALL know he is a crooked incompetent shister that thinks HE is above the law.. I’m sure Comer will produce the smoking gun..sooner or later…

Biden, Unlike the previous guy, works with the other side to get the job done for the American people. That's how he negotiated with Republicans to get the debt ceiling lifted, passed the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act and others to restore manufacturing jobs in the US. Maybe you can post links to one of "all" the polls saying the economy sucks, but compare the US economy to any other country's economy. I suppose you're just extending the sentiment on whatever other conservative blogger told you, but it's wrong.

Immigration problems didn't start under Biden, and maybe you've forgotten that this country was built on immigrants. The "crisis" at the Southern border isn't such a crisis. Sure there are many people trying to get into the country, but they're all humans, and statistically less criminal than the regular US population.

Lastly, anybody making $230K/year should have lots of money at the end of the pay period. Maybe your question should be: How could anybody who's been in Congress for decades *not* be a multi-millionaire--much less a guy who's been there for 40+ and commutes to work on the train.

Bart's photo
Sun 10/22/23 12:27 PM
Edited by Bart on Sun 10/22/23 12:29 PM

Please elaborate on what makes Biden a good president. All the polls say 75% of the U.S. think the economy sucks under this guy. We’re on the verge of Ww3 under this idiots watch but he’s more interested in telling everybody how racist half of us are. He has managed to let millions of illegal aliens in our country with no common sense idea what to do with them other than let them go wherever they want. They are illegals that should be kept track of to answer to the authorities for their illegal crossing . Not to mention the 100s on the FBI watch list that have crossed over. At least Trump could stay awake long enough to go on Twitter and post information that the democrat news media wouldn’t report because it came from Trump. .. While Joe Biden has been serving in government sines 1972 on a mediocre salary. How does he accumulate millions of dollars on that salary. We ALL know he is a crooked incompetent shister that thinks HE is above the law.. I’m sure Comer will produce the smoking gun..sooner or later…

Biden, Unlike the previous guy, works with the other side to get the job done for the American people. That's how he negotiated with Republicans to get the debt ceiling lifted, passed the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act and others to restore manufacturing jobs in the US. Maybe you can post links to one of "all" the polls saying the economy sucks, but compare the US economy to any other country's economy. I suppose you're just extending the sentiment on whatever other conservative blogger told you, but it's wrong.

Immigration problems didn't start under Biden, and maybe you've forgotten that this country was built on immigrants. The "crisis" at the Southern border isn't such a crisis. Sure there are many people trying to get into the country, but they're all humans, and statistically less criminal than the regular US population.

Lastly, anybody making $230K/year should have lots of money at the end of the pay period. Maybe your question should be: How could anybody who's been in Congress for decades *not* be a multi-millionaire--much less a guy who's been there for 40+ and commutes to work on the train.

I’m sure Americans don’t care what other country’s economy is like, Americans live in America…we care what our economy is like..and this economy under Biden sucks compared to the last 5 administrations . Trump did so much to make life easier for everybody in this country , wether it was for the economy , Black Colleges , Jobs , peace in the Middle East, energy independent, the border. . Now it is (a crisis). most people will say yes to all the above if asked…you say immigrants made this country. Yes , legal immigrants…. And to think he amassed his wealth on the paycheck of a senator or V.P is gullible…. Maybe he sold some spit art to…

Mortman's photo
Sun 10/22/23 04:54 PM

I’m sure Americans don’t care what other country’s economy is like, Americans live in America…we care what our economy is like..and this economy under Biden sucks compared to the last 5 administrations . Trump did so much to make life easier for everybody in this country , wether it was for the economy , Black Colleges , Jobs , peace in the Middle East, energy independent, the border. . Now it is (a crisis). most people will say yes to all the above if asked…you say immigrants made this country. Yes , legal immigrants…. And to think he amassed his wealth on the paycheck of a senator or V.P is gullible…. Maybe he sold some spit art to…

Trump left the economy in such a wreck that Biden had to come up with rescue and restoration plans. Trump thought that all he had to do for COVID was to approve the fast-tracking of the vaccine. His administration stopped at dropping it off onto the states, while Biden had to take over, get it paid for, get the shots to the people (older, more vulnerable first) and get companies back to work. It's easy to forget the mess Trump left because of all the work Biden's done.

But, yeah, go ahead and tell us how crappy Hunter is. That matters.

Bart's photo
Sun 10/22/23 05:32 PM

I’m sure Americans don’t care what other country’s economy is like, Americans live in America…we care what our economy is like..and this economy under Biden sucks compared to the last 5 administrations . Trump did so much to make life easier for everybody in this country , wether it was for the economy , Black Colleges , Jobs , peace in the Middle East, energy independent, the border. . Now it is (a crisis). most people will say yes to all the above if asked…you say immigrants made this country. Yes , legal immigrants…. And to think he amassed his wealth on the paycheck of a senator or V.P is gullible…. Maybe he sold some spit art to…

Trump left the economy in such a wreck that Biden had to come up with rescue and restoration plans. Trump thought that all he had to do for COVID was to approve the fast-tracking of the vaccine. His administration stopped at dropping it off onto the states, while Biden had to take over, get it paid for, get the shots to the people (older, more vulnerable first) and get companies back to work. It's easy to forget the mess Trump left because of all the work Biden's done.

But, yeah, go ahead and tell us how crappy Hunter is. That matters.

Lol… I didn’t mention Hunter, everybody already knows what a loser he is. Trump had us in the best of times in decades till China realeased covid on the world. And because of emergency protocols the economy went to hell everywhere.. I’m trying to figure out how Joe has rescued anything. Are you counting the millions of jobs that came back when the covid lockdowns were over with. Those jobs were coming back no matter who the president was. How many jobs did Biden end permanently with his vaccine mandates. All based on false science information.

Mortman's photo
Mon 10/23/23 06:17 AM

Lol… I didn’t mention Hunter, everybody already knows what a loser he is. Trump had us in the best of times in decades till China realeased covid on the world. And because of emergency protocols the economy went to hell everywhere.. I’m trying to figure out how Joe has rescued anything. Are you counting the millions of jobs that came back when the covid lockdowns were over with. Those jobs were coming back no matter who the president was. How many jobs did Biden end permanently with his vaccine mandates. All based on false science information.

Jobs added from when Biden entered office in 2021 count just like Trump got credit for the jobs created from 2017, created by policies of the Obama Administration. What did Trump do to create jobs? It's not like the promises at those car plants did any good. Trump trashed US foreign policy and gave away military secrets to Putin and Kim, because they said nice things about him.

You're right that Biden doesn't play up his accomplishments like Trump did. Trump demanded his name on all government checks, while Biden quietly worked to get vaccines to everybody, and got relief to businesses, and more controversially, renters and student loan borrowers. I guess you forgot the $trillions Biden got to reinvigorate manufacturing jobs and infrastructure work. That'll take years and the next president will probably get credit for a lot of that, too.

Jefferey 's photo
Sun 10/29/23 06:34 AM
Jobs added from when Biden entered office in 2021 count just like Trump got credit for the jobs created from 2017, created by policies of the Obama Administration. What did Trump do to create jobs? It's not like the promises at those car plants did any good. Trump trashed US foreign policy and gave away military secrets to Putin and Kim, because they said nice things about him.

You're right that Biden doesn't play up his accomplishments like Trump did. Trump demanded his name on all government checks, while Biden quietly worked to get vaccines to everybody, and got relief to businesses, and more controversially, renters and student loan borrowers. I guess you forgot the $trillions Biden got to reinvigorate manufacturing jobs and infrastructure work. That'll take years and the next president will probably get credit for a lot of that, too.

Mortman, you know you cannot argue with a Trump supporter with facts and truth. Trump is their God, he is infallible. Only he can fix it, he is their retribution, he is their truth, he is the embodiment of what they can never be, he is all powerful, all knowing, incorruptible, majestic, magical, irrefutable and untouchable. Their king, their high priest, their judge, jury and executioner. They have submitted, succumbed to a devil.

Mortman's photo
Sun 10/29/23 08:03 PM

Mortman, you know you cannot argue with a Trump supporter with facts and truth. Trump is their God, he is infallible. Only he can fix it, he is their retribution, he is their truth, he is the embodiment of what they can never be, he is all powerful, all knowing, incorruptible, majestic, magical, irrefutable and untouchable. Their king, their high priest, their judge, jury and executioner. They have submitted, succumbed to a devil.

You're right, but I don't consider it so much an argument as a rebuttal to not let their nonsense stand as the last word.

Bart's photo
Tue 11/21/23 04:36 PM

Mortman, you know you cannot argue with a Trump supporter with facts and truth. Trump is their God, he is infallible. Only he can fix it, he is their retribution, he is their truth, he is the embodiment of what they can never be, he is all powerful, all knowing, incorruptible, majestic, magical, irrefutable and untouchable. Their king, their high priest, their judge, jury and executioner. They have submitted, succumbed to a devil.

You're right, but I don't consider it so much an argument as a rebuttal to not let their nonsense stand as the last word.

Lol, sounds like the soar loser snowflakes we saw in 2016, maybe a bit more delusional… , all powerful, all knowing.. are you describing Trump or the Wizard 🧙‍♂️ f Oz… the Trump I’m talking about is none of the above! But he is the guy that had this country on the Right track , called prosperity. Good economy, the border wasn’t the cluster f**k it is now , our adversaries were behaving themselves. Folks had money for something other than the necessity's. All in all it was good with Trump. Now we have someone that is so incompetent he’s unable to comprehend the damage he and his policies are doing to this country.

no photo
Wed 11/22/23 06:02 AM

You're right that Biden doesn't play up his
Mortman, you know you cannot argue with a Trump supporter with facts and truth. Trump is their God, he is infallible. Only he can fix it, he is their retribution, he is their truth, he is the embodiment of what they can never be, he is all powerful, all knowing, incorruptible, majestic, magical, irrefutable and untouchable. Their king, their high priest, their judge, jury and executioner. They have submitted, succumbed to a devil.

This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

so you are wrong.

Mortman's photo
Wed 11/22/23 11:18 AM
Lol, sounds like the soar loser snowflakes we saw in 2016, maybe a bit more delusional… , all powerful, all knowing.. are you describing Trump or the Wizard 🧙‍♂️ f Oz… the Trump I’m talking about is none of the above! But he is the guy that had this country on the Right track , called prosperity. Good economy, the border wasn’t the cluster f**k it is now , our adversaries were behaving themselves. Folks had money for something other than the necessity's. All in all it was good with Trump. Now we have someone that is so incompetent he’s unable to comprehend the damage he and his policies are doing to this country.

Trump only told his followers what they wanted to hear even if it was false. The border was never secured under Trump. He just locked up a lot more immigrants and separated children from families, apparently to discourage immigrants from coming--as if border-crossing families watch Fox News. Apparently some weird Stephen Miller idea.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 12/01/23 11:45 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 12/01/23 11:46 AM

smokey - you been smoking the wrong thing. we NEED Trump. It's Joe and his son that belong in jail.

Yaah! Trump. Make America STOOPID again.

J Biden is incompetent to be POTUS. He also is a puppet for the Communists. Hopefully USA will wise up and get another President that knows how to put America first.

Do your research J Biden is a criminal.

no photo
Fri 12/01/23 01:28 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/01/23 01:32 PM

I’m sure Americans don’t care what other country’s economy is like, Americans live in America…we care what our economy is like..and this economy under Biden sucks compared to the last 5 administrations . Trump did so much to make life easier for everybody in this country , wether it was for the economy , Black Colleges , Jobs , peace in the Middle East, energy independent, the border. . Now it is (a crisis). most people will say yes to all the above if asked…you say immigrants made this country. Yes , legal immigrants…. And to think he amassed his wealth on the paycheck of a senator or V.P is gullible…. Maybe he sold some spit art to…

Trump left the economy in such a wreck that Biden had to come up with rescue and restoration plans. Trump thought that all he had to do for COVID was to approve the fast-tracking of the vaccine. His administration stopped at dropping it off onto the states, while Biden had to take over, get it paid for, get the shots to the people (older, more vulnerable first) and get companies back to work. It's easy to forget the mess Trump left because of all the work Biden's done.

But, yeah, go ahead and tell us how crappy Hunter is. That matters.

Trump put the money for the vaccine there.
The vaccine wasn't ready till after Biden took office. Speaking of which Trump wouldn't have mandated the vaccine because it's unconstitutional ( another Constitutional violation from Biden) the mess was made by all the governors and CDC forcing the lock downs. We had way worse viruses with no lock downs and they only lasted for a few months. With lock downs 2 years which way worked better and who was right. I got the answer TRUMP THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. When the economy was in Trumps hands it was setting records all across the board. All the destruction done to our economy and us over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate seems to be deliberate sabotage. You cam post any talking points ( that's all they are not facts just opinion) you want I lived through it all I physically seen and lived under Trumps and Bidens economy and Trump smokes Biden and any other president I lived under.

Mortman's photo
Fri 12/01/23 02:09 PM
Trump put the money for the vaccine there.
The vaccine wasn't ready till after Biden took office. Speaking of which Trump wouldn't have mandated the vaccine because it's unconstitutional ( another Constitutional violation from Biden) the mess was made by all the governors and CDC forcing the lock downs. We had way worse viruses with no lock downs and they only lasted for a few months. With lock downs 2 years which way worked better and who was right. I got the answer TRUMP THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. When the economy was in Trumps hands it was setting records all across the board. All the destruction done to our economy and us over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate seems to be deliberate sabotage. You cam post any talking points ( that's all they are not facts just opinion) you want I lived through it all I physically seen and lived under Trumps and Bidens economy and Trump smokes Biden and any other president I lived under.

Trump just rode the downward trend in unemployment, and only had good results until he needed to do something and then it all went pear shaped. All he did was get tax cuts for the rich, which doesn't boost the economy. He proclaimed "infrastructure week" several times, but never did anything for the infrastructure, and most of the time, just made promises about new things coming "in two weeks," (like some incredible healthcare plan, his taxes, lawsuits, answers to whatever people complained about) and of course "two weeks" came to mean never.

I lived in the same economy, and I've been around long enough to have voted for Reagan. Trump left a huge mess at the end of his term, and during the rest caved into Vladimir Putin.

I wonder what Putin had on Trump.

no photo
Fri 12/01/23 02:31 PM

Trump put the money for the vaccine there.
The vaccine wasn't ready till after Biden took office. Speaking of which Trump wouldn't have mandated the vaccine because it's unconstitutional ( another Constitutional violation from Biden) the mess was made by all the governors and CDC forcing the lock downs. We had way worse viruses with no lock downs and they only lasted for a few months. With lock downs 2 years which way worked better and who was right. I got the answer TRUMP THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. When the economy was in Trumps hands it was setting records all across the board. All the destruction done to our economy and us over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate seems to be deliberate sabotage. You cam post any talking points ( that's all they are not facts just opinion) you want I lived through it all I physically seen and lived under Trumps and Bidens economy and Trump smokes Biden and any other president I lived under.

Trump just rode the downward trend in unemployment, and only had good results until he needed to do something and then it all went pear shaped. All he did was get tax cuts for the rich, which doesn't boost the economy. He proclaimed "infrastructure week" several times, but never did anything for the infrastructure, and most of the time, just made promises about new things coming "in two weeks," (like some incredible healthcare plan, his taxes, lawsuits, answers to whatever people complained about) and of course "two weeks" came to mean never.

I lived in the same economy, and I've been around long enough to have voted for Reagan. Trump left a huge mess at the end of his term, and during the rest caved into Vladimir Putin.

I wonder what Putin had on Trump.

Meaningless made up talking points and fabrication. Every class of people flourished under Trump. Minorities did better under Trump then under any president in decades. I don't know where you get your info from but you lived here under Trump you know the country thrived under his leadership. If he would've had the time to get the industries back here then this country would've took off like a unstoppable rocket. The democrats had control of the house and congress and slowed and fought him tooth and nail to stop him and he still made this country prosper. Now why would the democrats do that? They tried to hurt our own peoples prosperity. That was sarcasm I don't need anymore twisted talking points based on bias opinions. You have a good day

Mortman's photo
Fri 12/01/23 09:42 PM
Meaningless made up talking points and fabrication. Every class of people flourished under Trump. Minorities did better under Trump then under any president in decades. I don't know where you get your info from but you lived here under Trump you know the country thrived under his leadership. If he would've had the time to get the industries back here then this country would've took off like a unstoppable rocket. The democrats had control of the house and congress and slowed and fought him tooth and nail to stop him and he still made this country prosper. Now why would the democrats do that? They tried to hurt our own peoples prosperity. That was sarcasm I don't need anymore twisted talking points based on bias opinions. You have a good day

Don't know what kind of trip you were on in 2017, but Republicans had majorities in both the House and the Senate. Maybe you get your information from Senator Ron Johnson, but it wasn't the Democrats' fault.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 12/02/23 02:02 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 12/02/23 02:02 PM
J Biden
B Obama
J Carter were some the worst presidents for USA.
You can do your own research to know why.