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Topic: What did you learn today?
Brian's photo
Wed 11/03/21 08:18 AM
This is my favorite topic to make in forums that I grow accustomed to.

There's a saying that we learn something new everyday. I am always curious as to what other people discover on a day to day basis. It doesn't have to be anything educational, it could be something informal, like a friend is getting married this week or something.

To start things off, just this morning I learned my client likes watching Barney. I confused the song he always hums with "This old man", but it was actually the Barney song "I love you." My supervisor told me I should pop on Barney for him before he left me to do my thing. Definitely doing that from now on since he seems pretty chill now, lmao.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 11/03/21 08:28 AM
I learned today, that bruises come in different colours whoa

Kevin's photo
Wed 11/03/21 08:43 AM
Nice topic, kudos!

Not today, I know this for quite sometime now.

I am NOT indispensable.

delightfulillusion's photo
Wed 11/03/21 08:53 AM
That I can do flower arranging happy

Devo1974's photo
Wed 11/03/21 10:05 AM
I learned it does get cold in Tennessee, at least it waited until November.

no photo
Wed 11/03/21 12:47 PM
I learned when carrying stress for such a long time and am able to release it, I tend to be under the weather for a few days.

Rock's photo
Wed 11/03/21 01:47 PM
I learned that I still have the ability,
to nap while standing.

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 11/03/21 11:32 PM
I learned that when kitties are playing tag and jumping all around, to cover the sensitive areas of your body.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 11/03/21 11:37 PM
I watch a lot of off-grid shows on YouTude and came
across many from China.

Today I learned they put wallpaper on all the walls,
ceilings and floors of their dwellings. Why you may
ask? Because it is their moisture barrier/sealant.

But it is sure strange to see them putting some wild
paper up then covering it with wood or paint ;-)

On the other hand, most clever.
As the Chinese are ;-)

Rock's photo
Wed 11/03/21 11:51 PM
I just learned, there's something called
a Beaver Moon.

(I'll read the link, after my giggling subsides)

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Thu 11/04/21 12:17 AM
I learned that reading technical material that I really need to focus on makes me irritable.

Brian's photo
Thu 11/04/21 12:21 PM
Edited by Brian on Thu 11/04/21 12:21 PM
I learned about a D.U.N.S for my business. Who knows, maybe with that I can get at least one grant for funding. I also learned that sometimes you can combine business credit with personal credit.

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 02:43 AM
That It is possible for a politician to be speechless :no_mouth:

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:36 AM
I also forgot how amusing mingle games can be :angel:

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:41 AM
I learnt that all the fun and games happen in the , early morning hours , my time .... but , I ain't gonna wake up early again !!!

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:43 AM
I'm still revising,
never flirt with same apartment girl's
Moral : could be dangerous, oneoff girlfriend friends.....:grin::grin::grin:

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:45 AM
Karma never forgets pitchfork

no photo
Fri 11/05/21 03:59 AM
Corona is still active,
So stay safe :mask:

Brian's photo
Fri 11/05/21 08:07 AM
I learned how to master an audio track using Adobe Audacity.

Brian's photo
Sat 11/06/21 10:53 AM
Following up from Yesterday's post, I learned there was a lazier way of doing voice overs, but it is hella expensive...

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