Topic: If nothing you'd do could fail what... | |
If nothing you'd do would fail -in other words, everything would be a success- what would you do?
For me, at first I felt a bit overwhelmed as I tend to like to do a variety of things. But I shook it off. I'd start doing my courses occasionally (I don't want to do that non-stop) and likely get inspired to create new ones. I'd travel, do inspirational speeches everywhere, interactive workshops. And not for the cheap prices I'd done 'em before. What I got to offer is worth a lot. I'd put my paintings up for an exhibit in a gallery... I'd write books, mostly on self-empowerment, in my own unique style. And I'd want to be on tv, an interview on all my work and my growth etc. That one came up a few years ago, not something I'd ever have expected hihi. It's not ego either. Just that I have something interesting to say and offer. Then I'd start looking for another house, the home I really feel good in, in an area that resonates with me and nourishes me. Oh, and I'd also sell a reasonably small collection of special crystals. Only high vibrational pieces and certainly not the default stuff you can find anywhere. Since it'd be an extra, part of the larger mix, a small collection only. |
I read this post this morning but wanted to take time to think about it. I still don't know, but I do know that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. I wouldn't continue to work here, or work any of the other jobs I've had in the past.
Guess I'm half way there, I know what I don't want, haha. Great topic Crystal ![]() |
Oh ell, that's easy. I'd buy lottery tickets.
If nothing I could do would fail,
life for me, would get boring and stagnant real quick. I need the risk of failure. Its a driving force that makes me challenge myself, to be a better person. To endeavor to do things well. |
Rejuvenate my abused body and be the best daddy I can.
If nothing I could do would fail, life for me, would get boring and stagnant real quick. I need the risk of failure. Its a driving force that makes me challenge myself, to be a better person. To endeavor to do things well. Good one, and I can understand that! |
I read this post this morning but wanted to take time to think about it. I still don't know, but I do know that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. I wouldn't continue to work here, or work any of the other jobs I've had in the past. Guess I'm half way there, I know what I don't want, haha. Great topic Crystal ![]() It is quite the question isn't it, hihi. I've done a few things that I really wanted, but they never grew to be big enough to make a living off of, let alone a good living. The beginning is usually very promising, but then it seem to come to a grinding halt. And I never understand why. Is it something I do or don't do? Does it mean it isn't the right thing for me, like a sign from the Divine? I just don't know, and it holds me back. |
I would go into early retirement, pack my bags and my cats, and then move back to Germany. Not saying, Dublin is a bad place, but my parents are not getting any younger.
And I would open a shelter for cats and rescue all cats in the area ... all of them ![]() ![]() |
I read this post this morning but wanted to take time to think about it. I still don't know, but I do know that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. I wouldn't continue to work here, or work any of the other jobs I've had in the past. Guess I'm half way there, I know what I don't want, haha. Great topic Crystal ![]() It is quite the question isn't it, hihi. I've done a few things that I really wanted, but they never grew to be big enough to make a living off of, let alone a good living. The beginning is usually very promising, but then it seem to come to a grinding halt. And I never understand why. Is it something I do or don't do? Does it mean it isn't the right thing for me, like a sign from the Divine? I just don't know, and it holds me back. I've wondered the same thing. And maybe the whole idea is not to become bound to one thing? Be a master of many things? For me, I don't want my work to consume my life. I want to have time to play, and to focus on my spiritual growth, strengthen and utilize my gifts for a higher purpose, to help others or help heal the Earth/Nature, though I'm finding I don't really want to help people. Those two aspects of my life usually end up suffering due to the jobs I pick. I came out here all excited and motivated to excel. I have a huge playground and lots of free time after work to do other things. Yet I find most of the time I want to stay cooped up in my room, away from people, or go on a road trip in the middle of nowhere so I can enjoy nature without a bunch of obnoxious tourist and gobs of people who have no respect for the land or the wildlife here. Going to Yellowstone or into town to Jackson feels more like a nightmare than anything else. People don't adhere to the speed limit and practically force you off the road to try and pass you or get you to speed up. It's bumper to bumper traffic a lot of times, and when you stop somewhere, it's wall to wall or tree to tree people. I'm thinking a nice little island or a huge chunk of land would be nice, where I can keep it unadulterated and allow the animals to roam free and tell people to stay away, haha! I love Larsi's ideal. Only I would want a wildlife sanctuary. To help preserve and protect the land and animals. My whole life there has always been one theme that has been consistent. To protect the innocent, help heal the innocent. As a little girl, I used to rescue animals that were injured. My mom said I'd bring them home wrapped up in a red scarf and try to nurse them back to health. What if that innocent is the Earth, and the wildlife who are being pushed aside to make room for more people? At work I tell everyone not to kill the spiders or the bugs that enter the building, I've done this throughout my entire life. I scoop them up and relocate them to a place where they can be safe. Whoa, guess I'm getting closer to find my true passion, haha. I'm getting all wound up here, and all the cells in my body are tingling. Sorry, I got a little carried away, hihi. If I could do anything, I'd work with nature and the animal kingdom. ![]() |
Although I like Motown's idea. I could play the lottery... Then I could afford to buy that land for my wildlife sanctuary, haha.
I totally vibe with what you say about people! Yet, my passion IS working with people.
There is this thing though... you have to find (=attract) the people that resonate with you. Those people won't irritate nor drain you. I experienced that with coaching & councelling. I'm a really good coach, but a crap counsellor. I don't want to work with counselling clients either. They're the ones who don't have inner guidance and drive, who need to whinge & whine for 10 yrs about the same thing and then they still haven't made progress. That's not for me. I give too much. I need people I can inspire, and preferably new people frequently so no long term projects. What I've done is do groups only, not 1 on 1. And only people that vibe with me. When you start presenting your authentic self you automatically attract those people. And then... working with people is great and brings me a lot of joy even though I still ain't keen on the masses. It's all about finding the niche group for you. For me that's narrowed down to women. And I've also learnt to say 'no' to potential clients. And the more you do that, and with that specify what you DO want, the Cosmos doesn't send you those people anymore. It's learning who you can work with, what does make you happy, and focusing on that. And you often can combine the two, although you don't have to of course. But a good question might be: do you wish to do what you said as a form of escapism, as in getting away from the masses? Or would you actually like to implement your passion with/for people who vibe with you? Anywho... all good stuff to think about!! |
To add to that... when you work with people like in a shop, restaurant etc. THEY call the shots. You must be nice and polite and do whatever to please them even if you really don't like them. You basically are subservient.
When you do something you like, your thing, YOU call the shots. And you can say nope. Not going to do that. You have control, not some manager or the client. YOU are the boss! That changes the ball game 100%. |
Thanks Crystal, that all makes sense. Definitely food for thought. :)
Now that I am making better choices and acting on well planned incentives very few of my endeavors fail anymore.
A large part of that is the fact I know my limits and stay within them. Note: I am disabled and not a socialite. Therefore, I don't have the challenges facing me other people who are more active than me face daily. When I was younger, more active, I had days where NOTHING went right. Those days are gone now. The only 'bad days' I experience now are bad 'health' days and I fix those with Rx drugs and sleep. |
That question -and thinking about all that came up- keeps inspiring me!
If nothing would fail, I'd find a PA for bookkeeping, another for marketing (not in employment but renting in). I do not like marketing but it is important. I'd plan one of my courses, have that PA advertise the hell out of it for me, and also me myself. Then I'd go to the Chamber of Commerce to register as a business owner. No more hiding in the shadows, but stepping into the limelight! I'd get going with the Personal & Intuitive Development course I have already worked on, but since I'm not out in the open... It all stagnates. In combi with my Chinese Energy Personality type, Wood... the effects of this are spot on! Including health. Why can't you get this guarantee that it won't fail for real, hotdangit!! |
If nothing would fail
But crystal, isn't that a fantasy scenario? The "whatif" club? It was my impression the thread was about actual life experiences. Many people take on whatif challenges in life. Some succeed and some fail. I'm at the point in my life where I no longer look for challeges. Just breathing another day is enough challege for me. It doesn't mean I never dream about business endeavors or inventions. I just realize I am not able to effectively act on those insiprations anymore so I never have a chance to succeed or fail. Realistically, I am not finacially able or healthy enough so I do not set myself up to fail. I've struggled enough in my life, its nice to have an easy way of it. Wish I had come to this realization earlier in life, perhaps I wouldn't be disabled/sick already. Oh, I could push for my dreams but I'm stable, content and rather happy as I am, why give myself headaches I don't really want. |
If nothing would fail
But crystal, isn't that a fantasy scenario? The "whatif" club? It was my impression the thread was about actual life experiences. Many people take on whatif challenges in life. Some succeed and some fail. I'm at the point in my life where I no longer look for challeges. Just breathing another day is enough challege for me. It doesn't mean I never dream about business endeavors or inventions. I just realize I am not able to effectively act on those insiprations anymore so I never have a chance to succeed or fail. Realistically, I am not finacially able or healthy enough so I do not set myself up to fail. I've struggled enough in my life, its nice to have an easy way of it. Wish I had come to this realization earlier in life, perhaps I wouldn't be disabled/sick already. Oh, I could push for my dreams but I'm stable, content and rather happy as I am, why give myself headaches I don't really want. Not a fantasy. It's a question meant to help you break free from your own limiting beliefs and to think outside of the box that is created by that. The idea is to find out -and especially feel- what you would do without those perceived limitations. What your dreams are, your goal & purpose in life. And if you know what you would do when free from these limitations, you can start thinking about, why am I not doing this? What or who do allow to hinder this beautiful dream and true fulfilment? I guess it's not for everyone. Not everyone is up for -or ready to- step out of their comfort-zone and do what actually makes them happy, and make their dreams come true. |
Yeah, I'm content as I am.
No need to look outside the box, no interest at all...I am comfortable in here. No longer need to test my limits or see if I can do anything. Not interested in getting rich or aquiring a following of people. Living in reality gioves me all I need, dreams are fantasies and I have an active imagination but I am also realistic and grounded. Not only do I have nothing to prove to myself, I have nothing to prove to anyone else. |
Yeah, I'm content as I am. No need to look outside the box, no interest at all...I am comfortable in here. No longer need to test my limits or see if I can do anything. Not interested in getting rich or aquiring a following of people. Living in reality gioves me all I need, dreams are fantasies and I have an active imagination but I am also realistic and grounded. Not only do I have nothing to prove to myself, I have nothing to prove to anyone else. It's fine if you're okay where you are. But again, you're not getting it. It has nothing to do with proving yourself to anyone or anything. It's not about fantasies, creating a following, and not about being ungrounded either. If nothing else, you can't even manifest your dreams and find true fulfilment when ungrounded. And that's what it is about, finding happiness and fulfilment. That has nothing to do with proving, money, or status. And again, it's fine if you're okay with where you are. But you're twisting it into something it isn't and that's what I'm not fine with. I think you aren't getting it, or don't want to get it, and that's okay as that then works for you. But please don't turn it into something it's not. It isn't for you, that's cool. |
I'm a fairly negative person right now -so I'd probably subconsciously try to fail and be successful at it.
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