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Topic: Women who want only sex
no photo
Thu 05/27/21 11:03 AM

I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :angel: pitchfork waving

A woman who seeks only sex is likely to have had a lot of partners.

I'm not so comfortable with that. especially in a small town with probably jealous exes about.

as for a myth, maybe it's just this town but, strange though it may seem to yous,
I have been propositioned several times, in no uncertain terms. funny but not for me..

But attitudes have changed. go for it girls, as long as you don't get funny when we're not up for it.

no photo
Fri 05/28/21 12:03 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/28/21 12:04 PM
What a bourgeois topic/discussion.
Just contact me if you are dirty and naughty enough .)

Otherwise... there are topics which are no more topic today.

Gender, religion, race, sexual preferences.
But to answer your question... you are right...
Most girls are just boring when it comes to this part of life.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

no photo
Fri 05/28/21 03:53 PM
Sex is a Human need for Every Human,male or female ,Trans,etc ,just enjoy it when you get to have it

Rock's photo
Fri 05/28/21 06:28 PM
Topic: Women who want only sex

Is there suppose to be a downside to this?

Jim's photo
Fri 05/28/21 07:20 PM
of course we are all adults and we all have different needs and wants

Poetrywriter's photo
Fri 05/28/21 07:20 PM
Topic: Women who want only sex

Does anyone have their phone numbers? drool

Alex 's photo
Fri 05/28/21 07:49 PM
As a 52 year old man who's never married and been through more than a few mutual consensual FWB kind of relationships, I have come to the conclusion that it varies from upbringing to upbringing. I come from a traditional Mexican family where women who liked to have only sex with men they chose was looked at as taboo and not a moral act, but when men did it it was considered a virile and masculine thing. Since I was born and raised in the United states of America, I view it differently especially the older I became. I've been in a few serious relationship, but most of my relationships where with women who were ok with being FWB. I still think that if both parties are in agreement from the beginning and respect each other's thoughts, decisions and the willingness to have mutual consensual sex just for the mere joy of the act a woman should have the right to choose to just have sex with whom she chooses (so long as she is safe and respects the fact that she holds her next partners health in her hands). There, I spoke my mind. Son of a *****, I've never typed this much on my phone. Lol

Kevin's photo
Sat 05/29/21 11:17 AM
@Bert: Can you please explain 1.Why you feel it's a bourgeoisie topic? 2. Why can't this be discussed today?

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 05/29/21 11:31 AM
Still waiting for phone numbers or email addresses to be posted.....

Sophie's photo
Sat 05/29/21 07:00 PM
Nothing wrong with this

Chris's photo
Sat 05/29/21 09:26 PM
hell yes

westcmm's photo
Sat 05/29/21 10:40 PM
yeh why not both happy to meet like that the sex can be some thing to remember

no photo
Sun 05/30/21 07:54 AM

no photo
Sun 05/30/21 11:29 AM

You explained from scratch. It's practically true

Bulbul 's photo
Mon 05/31/21 10:52 AM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

i will do it

Godfrey's photo
Mon 05/31/21 12:26 PM
sex doesn't know gender either women or men can ask for sex and it's normal

no photo
Mon 05/31/21 07:35 PM
To all the young men emailing me with offers of sex ..Sorry to disappoint but the topic isn’t about ME lol pitchfork tongue2 waving

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/31/21 07:39 PM

To all the young men emailing me with offers of sex ..Sorry to disappoint but the topic isn’t about ME lol pitchfork tongue2 waving

Say baby...

no photo
Mon 05/31/21 07:43 PM

As a 52 year old man who's never married and been through more than a few mutual consensual FWB kind of relationships, I have come to the conclusion that it varies from upbringing to upbringing. I come from a traditional Mexican family where women who liked to have only sex with men they chose was looked at as taboo and not a moral act, but when men did it it was considered a virile and masculine thing. Since I was born and raised in the United states of America, I view it differently especially the older I became. I've been in a few serious relationship, but most of my relationships where with women who were ok with being FWB. I still think that if both parties are in agreement from the beginning and respect each other's thoughts, decisions and the willingness to have mutual consensual sex just for the mere joy of the act a woman should have the right to choose to just have sex with whom she chooses (so long as she is safe and respects the fact that she holds her next partners health in her hands). There, I spoke my mind. Son of a *****, I've never typed this much on my phone. Lol
thanks for your reply Alex . I would hope the safety and respect aspect applies to anyone seeking only sex .. regardless of gender . I like the way you expressed that btw waving

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/31/21 08:05 PM
I'm not sure about anyone else but the women I've been in relationships with always want to have sex with me.
Sometimes in the strangest places at the strangest times!
My current gf says she can't get enough of me.
If she had her way, we'd be having sex every 6 or 8 hours.
Frankly, I kinda wish she lasted longer. I prefer quality over quantity.
Sometimes she's like a monkey on speeders.
Slow down... enjoy... LOL

I did date a woman who wanted to wait...and wait...and wait...
She's still probably waiting. Oh well...

I know its hard for some men to believe but women like sex too.
They just don't like one way sex when they never get their way.
If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you, especially after you've already had some, yer probably doing it wrong!

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