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Topic: Women who want only sex
no photo
Wed 08/11/21 03:58 AM
it is totally wrong for both men and women

no photo
Wed 08/11/21 08:02 PM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

You are right. Only sex is not everything for human.

John's photo
Fri 08/13/21 04:18 PM
I wish I could run into a woman that's only seeking sex. it's a part of our human nature to become aroused and naturally a person seeks relief and I'm one of those people. I love sex and it's hard to find a female who just wants sexual pleasure but I'm all for a woman just seeking sex and in my opinion it does not and should not degrade her

Sam xtylo's photo
Sat 08/14/21 12:06 PM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:


Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 08/31/21 02:12 AM

I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :angel: pitchfork waving
Oh, it's certainly acceptable its just that the games, effort, and hoops expected to jump through for such a small payout isn't worth it.

Trapper's photo
Tue 08/31/21 03:38 AM
I actually find it nice and honest and seems like 2 people being able to benefit what they want from one another to enjoy eachother in that moment is how it should go and not one just using the other with false future possibilities.

Coldersky's photo
Tue 08/31/21 04:23 PM
Excuse me I know your trying to get a rise out of us, strictly I can take it or leave it what's important to is my mans respect,,,Coldersky minus the halo,:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::nerd:🖐

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Tue 08/31/21 11:50 PM
Edited by Dramatic Muffin on Tue 08/31/21 11:52 PM

It's draining.

Geezer! Someone I recognize! I'm so glad to see you! flowerforyou

OT: I think it's acceptable for women to only want sex. People should do what works for them, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Life's too short not to!

Benny's photo
Wed 09/01/21 02:08 AM
I always thought there was a shaming stigma attached to women who only want sex. In the US you often hear those women being called sluts or whores. At least that was how it was offline, I'm not so sure about online or dating sites. Or if that stigma is still attached. Based on some of the comments I've heard in the forums, it seems to be.

As far as men were concerned, those that were only looking for sex were considered to be "sowing their oats". It was considered normal for the young guys to sow their oats, but young women were supposed to be ladylike. Though I'm not sure who the young men were supposed to have sex with if it was inappropriate for young women to do so, haha.

I believe if a woman wants to seek only sex, that is her business. There is no right or wrong to it, unless she's using sex to hurt others, imo.

Women are still stigmatized by men who are truly looking for love, and many others who respect the gift of sex and it's true purpose of being given to mankind, and that purpose is to be shared between husband and wife, not just man and woman. Sex is spiritual, more than just physical, and every time one has sex with a person, you've joined yourself to that person spiritually for life. That is called a soul tie, which is why sex is only to be shared between a man and woman who vow to be in a covenant agreement before God, and not let no man put asunder, what God has joined together.

Benny's photo
Wed 09/01/21 02:17 AM
Geezer! Someone I recognize! I'm so glad to see you! :hugging:

OT: I think it's acceptable for women to only want sex. People should do what works for them, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Life's too short not to!

It hurts that person, and other people who sleep with that person. And, why that is so, is because I'm the future when that woman or man wants to finally marry, and they do get married, they've attached themselves to multiple souls, who have different emotional levels and characteristics, physical attributes, and all other sorts of things going on, and that person who has chosen to enter into a life long covenant of marriage, if and when their spouse doesn't add up to what they've experienced with others whom they've created a soul tie with, that's when adultery and infidelity take place in marriages. This is why there are so many divorces in this country and babies out if wedlock, because the view of sex is not regarded as sacred and only to be shared between husband and wife, not just man and woman.

Dave's photo
Wed 09/01/21 04:29 AM
I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.

At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .

I think that is only a partial myth . There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex . Are men subject to the same stigma??

Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ??? :ghost: :japanese_goblin: :wave:

I love women who want dex

Mary's photo
Wed 09/01/21 04:45 AM
That’s good

no photo
Wed 09/01/21 06:54 AM
I agree
and that is always better than getting frustrated. there need not be any shaming or stigma.

Meero's photo
Sat 09/04/21 09:47 AM
It's draining.

i really say sorry for being intervene but we must pay respect to women. we are nothing without love and women is a blend of that.

Adam 's photo
Mon 09/06/21 01:03 AM
at least they are honest

no photo
Mon 09/06/21 01:58 AM
that's only happens on Cyndy lopper song girls just wanna have sex lol

James Lang's photo
Mon 09/06/21 03:02 AM
I think it's a great but were is the women who wants that because every date site i have went to the first thing the women ask is about money want you to send it to them then,hell you want money upfront and I never seen you don't think so, so if you find them free let me know men who use that stigma should use it for themselves i love sex myself so I'm a man whore sorry

Lucas's photo
Mon 09/06/21 03:21 PM
I have never met a woman who just wanted see

no photo
Tue 09/07/21 11:03 AM
Yes, and absolute none wrong with that.

no photo
Tue 09/07/21 01:48 PM
Totally acceptable. I think women have needs just like men. Sadly, women seem to be content sitting home keeping themselves busy.

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