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Topic: What are you doing? - part 11
Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 12/21/20 05:09 AM
Trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.

moomin's photo
Mon 12/21/20 06:16 AM

Just got back from the dentist as a filling broke off Saturday. Now carefully trying to sip coffee as the left side of my mouth isn't working yet due to anaesthetic. I hope I will be able to eat a bit of lunch too, half past one & I'm getting hungry.

Hope your mouth gets better soon Crystal .

That’s lucky you were able to get in with a quick appointment. My daughter had to wait a month just for an emergency appointment with chronic toothache . She even ended up loosing her job as she made a mistake where she was in so much and wasn’t thinking straight .that was in November and even now they can’t fit her in for actual treatment ( tooth removal )until the end of January . They just gave her antibiotics in the meantime .

In a normal situation without COVID they would have been able to fit her in immediately and complete the procedure , but they said there is so many people needing emergency appointments currently .

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 12/21/20 12:48 PM

Just got back from the dentist as a filling broke off Saturday. Now carefully trying to sip coffee as the left side of my mouth isn't working yet due to anaesthetic. I hope I will be able to eat a bit of lunch too, half past one & I'm getting hungry.

Hope your mouth gets better soon Crystal .

That’s lucky you were able to get in with a quick appointment. My daughter had to wait a month just for an emergency appointment with chronic toothache . She even ended up loosing her job as she made a mistake where she was in so much and wasn’t thinking straight .that was in November and even now they can’t fit her in for actual treatment ( tooth removal )until the end of January . They just gave her antibiotics in the meantime .

In a normal situation without COVID they would have been able to fit her in immediately and complete the procedure , but they said there is so many people needing emergency appointments currently .

Thank you!
And holy cow, that sounds bad! Dentists work as normal over here, except for extra safety measurements of course. I think they had to close up shop for a brief period during the first lockdown, but they have been open even since that time.
I too am glad I could go.
Isn't it possible for your daughter to go to her GP and then get sent to hospital (dental surgeon) because of the seriousness of her situation? That's what was still an option here when the dentists had to close. Emergency could get help via GP.
In any case, lots of love to her, it sux to be in that position!
:heart: flowerforyou

LarchTree's photo
Mon 12/21/20 02:35 PM
Olive oil did not fix the commode valve. Got a replacement from the hardware store.

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 12/22/20 03:54 AM
Waiting for my grandchildren to arrive happy

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Tue 12/22/20 04:21 AM

Waiting for my grandchildren to arrive happy

Enjoy delightful:heart:

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 12/22/20 04:35 AM
Interesting tidbit to share. Orange peels will keep your cat away from your Christmas Tree. I love cats. They don't the smell.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 12/22/20 04:36 AM

Waiting for my grandchildren to arrive happy

Enjoy delightful!

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 12/22/20 04:43 AM
Thank you ladies.

They’re here but wanna play outside in the garden. Erm....no. It’s only 2Β°C πŸ₯Ά

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 12/22/20 06:47 AM
I can't get this one person off my mind smile2 ... an wanting it to be real :heart:

LarchTree's photo
Tue 12/22/20 07:11 AM
Early morning bicycle to the store to get some bar soap, steak, and exercise.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 12/22/20 08:25 AM
I started a project for my grandchildren.
I'm using a vector drawing program and open office to create a generational view of my family tree.
Aside from the spreadsheet data statistics I am creating a series of photos of each person with their birth and death (as applicable) details.

For instance:

Starting with the earliest baby photo I have, I am adding their full name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, length & weight. Each composition is then resized and tweaked to fit into an 8x10 photo frame.
In each folder; the photo, a data sheet and a few paragraphs with details surrounding their birth. If any prebirth videos of their mom exist and any post birth videos of them exist I am including those in the folder as well.

I am then putting all the folders (when done) onto a thumb drive to give to each grandchild. This way each grandchild has all folders and the contents which gives them detailed info and a frameable photo family tree.

I'm including references to my earliest family tree. This way they have heritage info they may want for their children and grandchildren.

My great grandfather was Abner Lysander Bean. Our line through paternal goes back to Ireland starting with Alexander Woods and Jane Wilson Woods, both born in Ireland. 1738 in Tyrone and 1745 in northern Ireland. On our maternal side Eva’s father was Jacob Ealy and that is as far as I see. Interestingly W. S. must have been a mason because Mable belonged to the Greenville Chapter 63 of the Order of the Eastern Star the female group of masons and you have to be related to a member to become one.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 12/22/20 08:29 AM
By the way, if any of you have info on the Alexander Woods and Jane Wilson Woods line before 1738 I would appreciate a message with any information you can share. I will be checking the validity but every reference I have access to has been lost to time on my end. ~ thanx

no photo
Tue 12/22/20 02:36 PM
Decorating gingerbread cookies

breaking_park's photo
Tue 12/22/20 03:00 PM

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 12/22/20 03:07 PM
Watching a movie and slowly beginning to doze off hihi. Almost time for bed!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:01 AM
Just got back from doing some getting some last groceries in. Enjoying a coffee :)

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:07 AM
Telling crystal, Merry Christmas :hearts::gem:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:36 AM

Telling crystal, Merry Christmas :hearts::gem:

Thank you, KitKat! Merry Christmas to you as well :heart: :heart:
Looking forward to it more and more!

Graham Gyde's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:00 PM
hey I'm chilling bored

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