Topic: What would you do if this happened to you?
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:08 AM

I've been thinking about this for a while, based on the series Outlander.

What if you accidentally ended up in the 18th century... At first you don't know yet how you can get back, nor if you actually can. So you have no choice but to stay there. You find a place to stay, work, whatever...
The biggest thing in this story is: you fall in love with someone there. This is THE love that you've been looking for, hoping for, maybe not even expected it to come anymore. And there he/she is! The love of your life!
You are incredibly happy with them, and so are they.
But living there, in that time, comes with many disadvantages: no antiobiotics, doctors, medication, surgery. No electricity, running water, no flushing toilets and showers. No internet, tv, radio, or mobile phone.
For the ladies... no proper bras (for the ladies), having to wear a long dress / skirt ALL the time, no hair conditioner (ouch), no sanitary napkins/tampons.
If you're still at the age of wanting a child: no vaccination, disposable diapers and so on and so forth.

In the meantime you've also figured out how to get back to the now. But that'd mean not being with the love of your life anymore as they can NOT travel with you to the now.

I invite you to really think about this.
What would you do?
Stay or go?

Insightful opinion.
Why is it so hard for peeps to use this site?
To be honest Crystal, my friends love Outlander, I have found it interesting they do, because I do not like Outlander...
I think my brain knows it is impossible, so I reject the novels and Netflix series.
Just me :smiley:

That is possible too :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:11 AM

Just think in the year 2220 people would face the same
decision about now. ack!! I would come back, too much
knowledge can ruin a relationship. :)

Yeah... they had Dr McCoy (Star Trek) comment on our current day surgery at some point. That we were (are) barbarians or something along those lines.
I think it is very possible this indeed might be the case with people from 2220, looking back at us.

Rock's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:48 AM
I'd prefer live in an era,
when people aren't afraid of soap and water.

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 03/03/20 03:08 AM

I'd prefer live in an era,
when people aren't afraid of soap and water.

Did they have nicotine and caffeine back then? You could be free of your happy addictions :smiley:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 03:13 AM

I'd prefer live in an era,
when people aren't afraid of soap and water.

Did they have nicotine and caffeine back then? You could be free of your happy addictions :smiley:

Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607, so there was already plenty tobacco around. Coffee is from the same time, somewhere in the 1600s.

Rock's photo
Tue 03/03/20 03:16 AM

I'd prefer live in an era,
when people aren't afraid of soap and water.

Did they have nicotine and caffeine back then? You could be free of your happy addictions :smiley:

Tea has caffeine.
And, tobacco was a crop being cultivated
in 18th century America.

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 03/03/20 03:19 AM
Can I ignore the 'true love' and just make tons of dollars cultivating tobacco? Hell, I would be rich....

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 03:26 AM

Can I ignore the 'true love' and just make tons of dollars cultivating tobacco? Hell, I would be rich....

That's why many English went to the Americas.
In one of the movies on Elizabeth 1st, who died before Jamestown was even founded, you see a discoverer bringing back tobacco, potatoes and I believe coffee for the Queen. You thus also see her smoking a rolled cigarette. So this was end of the 1500s.

satnam singh Chauhan 's photo
Tue 03/03/20 06:16 AM

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/03/20 08:21 AM
I never have time travel fantasies (time travel like in movies and tv shows won't work) but I have thought about that scenario many years ago.

If I was actually stuck - to never return to my time:
Possessing all my knowledge in the past would give me opportunity to invest, invent and steer. I would choose a lover with an open imagination and lots of ambition.
Problem is, my knowledge and tolerance would label me as a witch and that would be very bad for me. It wouldn't be like Doc Brown in Back to the Future. However, blacksmith would be a possible profession to give me room to invent.
The main issue would be fitting in with a society that is ignorant of reason.
Gotta remember people did not have the same freedom of expression we all know today.
I'd teach my lady good hygiene and how to eat right. I'd invent a shower and indoor plumbing.

If I found a way back to my time, I would go but I would remember her dearly.
I would research her and hope she found someone after me that gave her a happy life. I might search out her offspring so I could go meet them. Perhaps one of her great, great...granddaughters would look and act just like her and be available and really into me.
Plus, since this is all fantasy, she would be rich from inheritance caused by some of our inventions. She would have some of the same core values I introduced to her great,great...grandmother but smell a lot better.

So, yeah...I would go back.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Tue 03/03/20 08:36 AM

Would someone please give me the sixty second low down on the battle of ______ that Clare is hoping to prevent?


You mean what happened there???
Culloden is up north, close to Inverness.
It was the battle between the Jacobites & the English. Lasted only 40 mins, the Scottish/Jacobites got slaughtered. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and starving to death so in no fit state to fight.
Contrary to popular belief, there were many Scots fighting on the English site. So there were families with one brother with the Jacobites, the other with the English...
That battle was the end of the Scottish way of life. The clans, the tartan, carrying their swords and dirk, their language, was all forbidden after that.

THANK YOU winking

artykay's photo
Tue 03/03/20 09:19 AM
Hmmmmm.......... So how would you go about explaining 'bikini line waxing' to them there folks? :scream:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 09:45 AM

Hmmmmm.......... So how would you go about explaining 'bikini line waxing' to them there folks? :scream:

I don't think women in those days went around swirling their long skirts up as if they were doing the can-can to show off their nether regions. And hair does grow ya know :wink:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 03/03/20 09:49 AM

Would someone please give me the sixty second low down on the battle of ______ that Clare is hoping to prevent?


You mean what happened there???
Culloden is up north, close to Inverness.
It was the battle between the Jacobites & the English. Lasted only 40 mins, the Scottish/Jacobites got slaughtered. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and starving to death so in no fit state to fight.
Contrary to popular belief, there were many Scots fighting on the English site. So there were families with one brother with the Jacobites, the other with the English...
That battle was the end of the Scottish way of life. The clans, the tartan, carrying their swords and dirk, their language, was all forbidden after that.

THANK YOU winking

You're welcome!
It's one of the most interesting things in Scottish history to me. If I do get to going to Scotland, Culloden is on my wanna-visit list, at the top.
I think what happened there actually still filters through in the people today, as the ones with the most b*ll*cks were killed off. I think this is partly the reason why Scotland voted against becoming independent when they had their referendum.

A similar thing has happened with both WWs. It killed off a lot of courageous men who had real baws. After such an impactful event countries are left with the weak, old, and feeble.
Nothing to subdue a people than that.

no photo
Wed 03/04/20 03:07 PM
i wouldn't even need the true love. i'd stay so fast it would make your head spin. especially if i know then what i know now.
i'd be in heaven

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 03/04/20 03:50 PM

i wouldn't even need the true love. i'd stay so fast it would make your head spin. especially if i know then what i know now.
i'd be in heaven

Lemme guess... you'd start a brothel? Pub downstairs, plenty of beer wenches, smuggling of stronger beverages.
Or do I have to think about something else?

LarchTree's photo
Wed 03/04/20 04:19 PM

it was a cold climate with mild summers,
I could take my current knowledge with me,
the society did not use lead based paint,
the community was nice,
there were no wars nearby,
I liked the way of life,
And I could make a difference in people’s lives,

then yes, of course.

LarchTree's photo
Wed 03/04/20 04:47 PM
I would visit 2220 but I would not stay.

The past, if conditions and culture were suitable, is a place I could stay.

no photo
Wed 03/04/20 05:05 PM
Basically I would stay......As far as am in love and happy....we'll survive

LarchTree's photo
Thu 03/05/20 04:03 AM
In order to truly travel into the past, instead of some fantasy version of the past, one would have to be in the past and of the past and in tune with the world so much that they would not want to change anything. They would have to be essentially inanimate with no imagination.