Topic: What would you do if this happened to you?
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:08 PM

I would not stay. I did think about it, and there are too many adjustments I'd have to make. I'd do that all for love? No.

Yes, a great many adjustments indeed!
Also the clothes a woman had to wear in those days, pfff...
A shift, a type of corset thing, then a roll above your bum and hips, another type of shift, the dress, loose sleeves that were tied to the top part, and lord knows what else. It'd drive me nuts to get dressed each morning, haha.
I'm for easy: shirt, sweater, jeans, done.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:10 PM

And have to redo a few more centuries all over again to get to reach the age of aquarius... hell no! Haha!

It would be difficult though when it comes to leaving the one I love. I'd want to at least make a soul agreement with him to return to each other in the present or near future. Either way, I'd return to my present life.

It looks so terribly romantic in a series, but if you think of all the stuff you have to give up, indeed including going back to full-on Age of Pisces... Religion still holding people in a straight-jacket, possibly being killed for witchcraft when you were simply brewing some Cup-A-Soup, hahaha.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:13 PM

I think I'd try to not change history, but not sure if you'd succeed in that either.

You would change history by being there.

That's the interesting thing, would you? What if you going back was destined? Wasn't that how they played it in MiB when agent K went back in time where the younger Tommy Lee Jones was alive & kicking?

cityblues21's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:13 PM
Well the 1800's were easier than the 1600's.. so heck, why not stick around? Less peopley I'm sure.. rofl I guess I consider myself adaptable.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:14 PM

It would depend on how long I had to make my mind up :smile:
I would think it would get a bit tedious after a while.
And they had some funny ideas in the 18 century.
I'd come back...... probably.

It'd be difficult, I bet! I think lack of hygiene would really get up my nose.

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:15 PM

And have to redo a few more centuries all over again to get to reach the age of aquarius... hell no! Haha!

It would be difficult though when it comes to leaving the one I love. I'd want to at least make a soul agreement with him to return to each other in the present or near future. Either way, I'd return to my present life.

It looks so terribly romantic in a series, but if you think of all the stuff you have to give up, indeed including going back to full-on Age of Pisces... Religion still holding people in a straight-jacket, possibly being killed for witchcraft when you were simply brewing some Cup-A-Soup, hahaha.

I'd be burned at the stake for sure, haha!

It does seem intriguing and romantic, but I still wouldn't want to stay in that era of time.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:15 PM

I am just now watching this and have the last season to go so I'll answer in a couple of days waving

The series Outlander you mean? It's amazing! I re-watched the whole thing again the other day. Then the amount of sex gets a bit over the top, believe it or not. But it's an amazing series. The eye for detail, whether buttons on outfits, locations, props, is stunning!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/02/20 03:18 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Mon 03/02/20 03:19 PM

And have to redo a few more centuries all over again to get to reach the age of aquarius... hell no! Haha!

It would be difficult though when it comes to leaving the one I love. I'd want to at least make a soul agreement with him to return to each other in the present or near future. Either way, I'd return to my present life.

It looks so terribly romantic in a series, but if you think of all the stuff you have to give up, indeed including going back to full-on Age of Pisces... Religion still holding people in a straight-jacket, possibly being killed for witchcraft when you were simply brewing some Cup-A-Soup, hahaha.

I'd be burned at the stake for sure, haha!

It does seem intriguing and romantic, but I still wouldn't want to stay in that era of time.

Yes, and haven't we been down that road before one too many times? Pffff....
I have a larger pigment spot on my left upper arm. Not a mole, just pigment spot. I'd be doomed if anyone in those days would see that.

In the series one woman got condemned of being a witch due to her smallpox vaccination scar...
I do not have that since I didn't get that on my arm, but I do have that pigment thing.

darkowl1's photo
Mon 03/02/20 04:10 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Mon 03/02/20 04:22 PM
The series is very well done, and the history is close to boot to the first season anyway, as I still have one more disc to watch....The "love" thing is an impossibility for me, so I don't have to worry about that, and I have since very young, become someone who does the Native American ways of old, and maybe with my other training, much more so... My logical decision would be an assassin, and hunt those that kept with the inquisition. one by one, they would disappear... Then I would start on the child molesters.... Nobody would ever know I existed... I would just be another thing that goes bump in the night. I would be the night-demon spirit on the moors.

Fiddlemaker's photo
Mon 03/02/20 04:38 PM

That's the interesting thing, would you? What if you going back was destined? Wasn't that how they played it in MiB when agent K went back in time where the younger Tommy Lee Jones was alive & kicking?

Yes, your every action would be creating another time line. So in essence you would be changing your history based on your beliefs about what happens to you.

Bastet127's photo
Mon 03/02/20 06:48 PM
Just think in the year 2220 people would face the same
decision about now. ack!! I would come back, too much
knowledge can ruin a relationship. :)

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 03/02/20 06:58 PM
That would be a tug of war between your head and your heart just like what happened in Back To The Future part 2. Doc stayed in the past to be with Clara. I guess my heart would win and I would stay in the past to be with her. If I had no one in the present what would be the point of staying there when my true love is in the past? As long as you had that true love everything else would work itself out.

no photo
Mon 03/02/20 07:20 PM
What would you do if this happened to you?..accidentally ended up in the 18th century.

Freak the 'f out and probably end up committing suicide. Especially in the time where I believe I will never go home. Possibly going insane trying to decide on whether or not to have hope for rescue/return, to accept what's going on, trying to come up with some idea of "how" it all happened and what it means.

Have you read anything on modern day expatriates and the difficulties they have just going to live in a foreign country, sometimes just for a short amount of time (for work, as opposed to, say, retiring somewhere permanently)?

How about mental health issues with astronauts. You ever hear of Lisa Nowak?

That's changing culture in the same time with everything still there and accessible, just not convenient.

I invite you to really think about this.

I don't believe you're actually asking people to "think."
You're simply asking them to fantasize, romanticize, and emotionally masturbate in delusion land.

Might as well ask "really think about it. What if you woke up as a frog (and in the meantime just got used to it, except for no more bras or driving), fell in love with a monkey, found a way to turn yourself back into a human, would you stay a frog or go back to human?"

Other than that:
"The biggest thing in this story is: you fall in love with someone there."
Basically against your will you're thrown into an extremely stressful situation that you have absolutely no control over.
The people you are going to go after are those that are going to validate/live up to your preconceived ideas of how they "should" or how you think they "should."

You aren't finding "love."
You're struggling to establish a basic emotional and cultural rosetta stone and support system in a disjointed reality that you can control and keep consistent.

The only way you could really find "love" is if you've already made the decision to stay and integrate.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 03/02/20 07:40 PM
Would someone please give me the sixty second low down on the battle of ______ that Clare is hoping to prevent?


no photo
Mon 03/02/20 09:29 PM
"invent" all those things they did not have and make ye olde fortune

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/03/20 01:57 AM

Would someone please give me the sixty second low down on the battle of ______ that Clare is hoping to prevent?


You mean what happened there???
Culloden is up north, close to Inverness.
It was the battle between the Jacobites & the English. Lasted only 40 mins, the Scottish/Jacobites got slaughtered. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and starving to death so in no fit state to fight.
Contrary to popular belief, there were many Scots fighting on the English site. So there were families with one brother with the Jacobites, the other with the English...
That battle was the end of the Scottish way of life. The clans, the tartan, carrying their swords and dirk, their language, was all forbidden after that.

zactwele's photo
Tue 03/03/20 01:58 AM
I've been thinking about this for a while, based on the series Outlander.

What if you accidentally ended up in the 18th century... At first you don't know yet how you can get back, nor if you actually can. So you have no choice but to stay there. You find a place to stay, work, whatever...
The biggest thing in this story is: you fall in love with someone there. This is THE love that you've been looking for, hoping for, maybe not even expected it to come anymore. And there he/she is! The love of your life!
You are incredibly happy with them, and so are they.
But living there, in that time, comes with many disadvantages: no antiobiotics, doctors, medication, surgery. No electricity, running water, no flushing toilets and showers. No internet, tv, radio, or mobile phone.
For the ladies... no proper bras (for the ladies), having to wear a long dress / skirt ALL the time, no hair conditioner (ouch), no sanitary napkins/tampons.
If you're still at the age of wanting a child: no vaccination, disposable diapers and so on and so forth.

In the meantime you've also figured out how to get back to the now. But that'd mean not being with the love of your life anymore as they can NOT travel with you to the now.

I invite you to really think about this.
What would you do?
Stay or go?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:02 AM

That would be a tug of war between your head and your heart just like what happened in Back To The Future part 2. Doc stayed in the past to be with Clara. I guess my heart would win and I would stay in the past to be with her. If I had no one in the present what would be the point of staying there when my true love is in the past? As long as you had that true love everything else would work itself out.

Good reasoning. And yes, Doc & Clara! I'd forgotten about that :)
He had one advantage: living very much by himself, and able to invent things for his and Clara's convenience without anyone knowing.

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:06 AM

I've been thinking about this for a while, based on the series Outlander.

What if you accidentally ended up in the 18th century... At first you don't know yet how you can get back, nor if you actually can. So you have no choice but to stay there. You find a place to stay, work, whatever...
The biggest thing in this story is: you fall in love with someone there. This is THE love that you've been looking for, hoping for, maybe not even expected it to come anymore. And there he/she is! The love of your life!
You are incredibly happy with them, and so are they.
But living there, in that time, comes with many disadvantages: no antiobiotics, doctors, medication, surgery. No electricity, running water, no flushing toilets and showers. No internet, tv, radio, or mobile phone.
For the ladies... no proper bras (for the ladies), having to wear a long dress / skirt ALL the time, no hair conditioner (ouch), no sanitary napkins/tampons.
If you're still at the age of wanting a child: no vaccination, disposable diapers and so on and so forth.

In the meantime you've also figured out how to get back to the now. But that'd mean not being with the love of your life anymore as they can NOT travel with you to the now.

I invite you to really think about this.
What would you do?
Stay or go?

Insightful opinion.
Why is it so hard for peeps to use this site?
To be honest Crystal, my friends love Outlander, I have found it interesting they do, because I do not like Outlander...
I think my brain knows it is impossible, so I reject the novels and Netflix series.
Just me :smiley:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/03/20 02:06 AM

The series is very well done, and the history is close to boot to the first season anyway, as I still have one more disc to watch....The "love" thing is an impossibility for me, so I don't have to worry about that, and I have since very young, become someone who does the Native American ways of old, and maybe with my other training, much more so... My logical decision would be an assassin, and hunt those that kept with the inquisition. one by one, they would disappear... Then I would start on the child molesters.... Nobody would ever know I existed... I would just be another thing that goes bump in the night. I would be the night-demon spirit on the moors.

Very interesting choice! The big question is, how would that change current day America? If you'd remove key pieces in the 18th century, there may not even be a United States today...
Personally I'd want to assassinate slavers, but not sure if I myself would last too long then, hihi.