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Topic: Who likes dreads?
Ladywind7's photo
Sat 01/11/20 07:43 PM
I like them on other people,but I tend to want to scratch their head. It looks itchy...:eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star:

Do they get things stuck in their hair like my cat does?

Bastet127's photo
Sat 01/11/20 08:26 PM
I like them on some people, but I would think they are
dirty and heavy. I knew a woman who had them and
when she finally cut them off she said it felt like freedom.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 01/11/20 08:59 PM

I like them on some people, but I would think they are
dirty and heavy. I knew a woman who had them and
when she finally cut them off she said it felt like freedom.
Well there goes my fantasy ;-(

Agonza's photo
Sat 01/11/20 09:02 PM
someone give me a reason to get them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 01/11/20 09:16 PM

someone give me a reason to get them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have you lost your mother? I could adopt you if you really miss a woman directing you :smiley::upside_down:

Rock's photo
Sun 01/12/20 12:22 AM
Well... My pubes are currently in a
spiked mohawk.

On topic:
Not a fan of dreds.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sun 01/12/20 12:37 AM
Any extra hair would be welcome ohwell

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/12/20 01:21 AM

Well... My pubes are currently in a
spiked mohawk.

On topic:
Not a fan of dreds.


Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/12/20 01:22 AM

Any extra hair would be welcome ohwell

You could rock some hats with style, I am sure.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/12/20 01:56 AM
They can look great on some people, but they always look yukkie and greasy, so in that sense not appealing.

no photo
Sun 01/12/20 02:01 AM
I agree with Crystal, on some it looks okay. I'm not attracted to them in the slightest though. There's certain times when I like running my fingers through his hair and I prefer my fingers not getting stuck, haha.

Unapologetically_Me's photo
Sun 01/12/20 03:39 PM

castolo2345's photo
Sun 01/12/20 10:08 PM
why don't you try them might looks great on you

castolo2345's photo
Sun 01/12/20 10:10 PM
thinking on getting it but now you pissed me off always like to read your post

castolo2345's photo
Sun 01/12/20 10:10 PM

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/12/20 11:08 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Sun 01/12/20 11:11 PM

thinking on getting it but now you pissed me off always like to read your post

I am a nobody, nowhere. Why does my opinion count? Be your own person...
Because I don't want them, that should not stop other's choosing them. I have friends with dreads, who look great.
I still want to ask them if it is itchy though :smiley:

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 01/12/20 11:43 PM
Nah, dreadlocks do nothing for me except giving me the urge to wash their hair.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 01/13/20 12:15 AM
Edited by Freebird Deluxe on Mon 01/13/20 12:17 AM

Any extra hair would be welcome ohwell

You could rock some hats with style, I am sure.

Oh dear another confession I have 60 hats including a rastas one with built in dreads happy

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 01/13/20 01:35 AM


Lovely :rose::smiley: Are they dreads? Are they itchy?

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 01/13/20 01:40 AM


Lovely :rose::smiley: Are they dreads? Are they itchy?

Look good but just synthetic so not itchy ,I just wear it a party's etc

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