Topic: Is it possible without sex man can lead a productive life?
Eclipse's photo
Mon 05/20/19 03:24 AM
My Question is why sex is more important?
Without sex we can lead a productive life?

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Mon 05/20/19 03:49 AM
Yes of course.

Just not a REproductive life.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 05/20/19 03:58 AM

Highflyer88's photo
Mon 05/20/19 04:54 AM
Sex is never a yardstick to measure productivity. WTF!whoa

oldkid46's photo
Mon 05/20/19 06:57 AM
Yes, you can have a productive life without sex but not as productive as with a steady supply of sex. When we don't have a good, available sexual outlet, we spend time and money looking for it which detracts from our productivity.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 05/20/19 07:25 AM

Yes, you can have a productive life without sex but not as productive as with a steady supply of sex. When we don't have a good, available sexual outlet, we spend time and money looking for it which detracts from our productivity.

So if we dont even want it and dont spend time looking for it of doing it, we have a better more productive life altogether .

soufiehere's photo
Mon 05/20/19 10:33 AM

My Question is why sex is more important?
Without sex we can lead a productive life?

Hard to find guinea pigs for this sort of thing to test it out.

Highflyer88's photo
Mon 05/20/19 11:20 AM

My Question is why sex is more important?
Without sex we can lead a productive life?

Hard to find guinea pigs for this sort of thing to test it out.

we've made guinea pig extinct with irrelevant tests:smile:

Rock's photo
Mon 05/20/19 01:46 PM
Life without sex...

Sounds like a nightmarish existence. scared

no photo
Mon 05/20/19 04:39 PM
Is it possible without sex man can lead a productive life?

It's even "possible" without consciousness to lead a "productive" life.
I think it would be "possible" for someone to set up some kind of living will that allows them to donate blood, and marrow, a little bit of liver, even hair to make into wigs.

So they can be completely non conscious, just laying there existing and be "productive."

why sex is more important?

Why not.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 05/20/19 04:45 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Mon 05/20/19 04:47 PM
Sure you can lead a productive life, but there are things sex give you like tremendous stress reduction, living longer and likely a few more.

Also, it's related to creativity so if you suppress sex drive you likely cannot be really creative either. You can't suppress one thing and not the other.
It is a natural thing, a primal instinct even, to have sex.

Now that doesn't mean that not having sex for a period is going to do you in. If you never have sex like a priest, then you do get those effects for sure.
But yeah... it is said that even priests and nuns often aren't truly celibate. Now I haven't checked convents to investigate...
Fact remains that it is very difficult to fully suppress a primal instinct.

Oh, and I hope you didn't mean just man as in males with your question.
It is the same for women.

Acheman's photo
Mon 05/20/19 05:01 PM
well unless you find another way to keep him or her sexually satisfied. while u satisfy him emotionally, he is attracted to you and intimacy is part of the package. else he will look for it elsewherw

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/20/19 09:56 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Mon 05/20/19 10:02 PM
Productive to whom and for what purpose?

Having sex is basically an attempt to create an offspring thru which your genetic code surpasses your longevity.
In a sense, a method to assure immortality.

What, which, endeavor in life is more important?
Making someone else rich?
Making yourself rich?
Having a sense of accomplishment that dies with you?
Sex is purposed for reproduction first.
The 'feels good' part is secondary.
Sex is how human beings reproduce.
We don't lay a cache of eggs that are fertilized by a passing male.
We don't split into two individual beings when we reach a tipping point.
We have sex.

Our technology allows us to reproduce without sex but we are still driven by primal animalistic urges.
Urges that remain past our successful reproduction because we are able to survive past the reproduction event.

A productive life is purely personal.
One might consider many children as a productive life.
There are many large families out there.
One might consider a single offspring as a productive life.
I would question any motive that puts power or money as a candidate as a productive life. The word that comes to mind is "shallow".

highflyer14's photo
Wed 05/22/19 07:38 PM
Edited by highflyer14 on Wed 05/22/19 07:39 PM

My Question is why sex is more important?
Without sex we can lead a productive life?

If you must grow spiritually you need to avoid sex. You'll find this in Christ's teaching in the book of wisdom - the Bible.

Knowing that this would be difficult for men to accept, Christ first made a caveat:
He said; "This teaching does not apply to everyone, but only to those to whom God has given it.” (Mat 19:11)

Then he continued:
β€œFor there are different reasons why men cannot marry: …and others do not marry for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let him who can accept this teaching do so." (Mat 19:12)

Since sex ought to be only within the context of marriage, there are those who are called to abstain for the sake of the kingdom.

Yours truly has been celibate by choice for more than ten years and the benefits have been innumerable: Increased spirituality and better health are just a few benefits.

Remember: This does not apply to everyone but to those called to do it.

I believe this answers your questions.

idahorules's photo
Fri 05/24/19 07:43 PM
Nooo, I was engaged for 20 years. finnaly said F-it!

First couple years were good sex, then facebook took over her life, then mocha stands and and gambling, and a needy *** daughter, so I hope she's getting ****ed these days by some other dick,because it sure wasn't mine.

Roomates don't mean ****, unless you actually have seperate rooms.

Trying having to give foot rubs, backrubs, and other things but not sex every night for 20 years.

You will go to bed with blue balls everynight and wonder why you are a marathon masterbator during the day..

Get some ***** or get the F- out of your relationship, Oh, did I say relation ship, I meant relation ****!

Hmm, I'm a Christian, but some ***** just inflame me!

I'm looking for a slim, no-smoke mature woman who knows how to take care of a good man, in bed, the kithchen and other things. Isn't a facebook whining *****!

Sorry, Jesus,.but I'm sure you met a few during your days:)