Topic: The last book you read?
Blaze's photo
Thu 04/02/20 09:26 PM
The state and revolution- by Vladimir ilyich ulyanov Lenin

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Fri 04/03/20 05:12 AM
I grew up reading books free on wattpad. That website made me fall in love with reading. Ever since then reading became my time travel

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Sun 04/05/20 09:00 AM
The magical and ritual use of herbs.
Something of a classic from 1984. Just brushing up.

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Sun 04/05/20 03:07 PM
The last book I read was "Island in the Snow" by Leilani Jones. It took place in the Sawtooth Valley in Idaho near where I live, so I can relate.

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Wed 04/08/20 09:16 AM
Yes, I absolutely love reading. I just finished reading "Haunted Mesa" by Louis L'Amour. I actually have a collection of over 40 Clive Cussler novels. I also collect the Jason Bourne series.

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Thu 04/16/20 04:32 AM
Origin : works of Dan brown. Nice stuff if you into religious symbology

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Mon 04/27/20 05:17 PM
The 36-Hour Day, A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss by Nancy L. Mace, MA and Peter V. Rabins, MS, MPH

Still reading it.

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Fri 05/22/20 03:59 AM
I'm about 3/4 of the way thru Battlefield: Earth for my 4th reading. Hubbard gets a bad wrap because of the Dianetics and the Scientology connection, but if you ignore all the static It's still one of the best Sci-Fi books I've ever read. Just don't try to evaluate the book with the horrible movie that came out based on it.

I'm also about 1/4 way thru the audiobook version of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. That's what I take out for my exercise walks. Another excellent selection; part SF, part Philosophy with a healthy dose of Politics thrown in for good measure. Definitely should be required reading for all high school students.

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Sat 05/23/20 02:14 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 05/23/20 02:15 PM
"Light of Liberty"

Foundation of America

AussJaime's photo
Sat 05/23/20 06:45 PM
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. Romance novel

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 05/23/20 06:52 PM
HER. by Pierre Alex Jeanty

no photo
Sat 05/23/20 07:51 PM
Audiobook is not reading.

no photo
Sat 05/23/20 11:24 PM

I am an author (8 novels) and I'm amazed at how many adults tell me that they haven't read a book since high school.

It's dismaying to see that our culture is getting to the point that so few people read nowadays.
I think our instant communication culture has become lazy and many people can't focus for longer than 5 minutes, thus the expectations that someone read a full-length novel is too daunting for most people.

How about you? Do you read? If so, what genre of books do you read, and why?

Any other authors out there?

I never go anywhere without having book in my bag. Not an author but dream to be one in the future. I like history because it helps me to understand what i currently see and plan my future.

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Sun 05/31/20 09:19 AM
I love reading and I read every night before bedtime, this week Im in the mood to read Agatha Christie books (I've read it several times but I never got bored of it). when I was a kid my parents bought me Enid Blyton books and that's how I enjoy reading as a hobby. I prefer printed books than e-books.

no photo
Sun 05/31/20 09:42 AM

I was having a lot of trouble keeping track of books I've read. In 1992 I started a journal of every book I've read. I have read 397 books since 1992. It should be more.


you can keep track of everything you have, read or want to read in their database

no photo
Wed 06/10/20 04:14 AM
Finished up Battlefield Earth. It's still a 5-Star read even the third time thru.

Next up:

Mussolini: The Untold Story by Alan Gelb

It was also made into a Mini-Series for NBC starring George C. Scott in the title role.

uniquelydifferent's photo
Wed 06/10/20 04:44 AM
About A Girl by Rebekah Robertson

Larsson71's photo
Wed 06/10/20 04:46 AM
One Day In My Life - Bobby Sands

Kelvin C's photo
Fri 06/19/20 05:18 AM
It’s pitiful that my generation has lost all zeal to read and learn. Can’t imagine my life without books, btw the last book I read was Letters to his Son by Lord Chesterfield. I would recommend everyone check it out, it’s really insightful.

Kelvin C's photo
Fri 06/19/20 06:40 AM
🤣:joy:. Couldn’t agree more