Topic: A Desperate Agenda | |
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Fri 09/28/18 10:36 AM
so people honestly think democrats paid her back in 2013 to go see a shrink about this impact on her life? And democrats paid her when she decided to write a letter to her congress person? I wonder how democrats found out about her, since Kavanaugh himself claims he never really knew her that well. After all, he never wrote his name on her calendar Just another wild conspiracy theory. That's about all they have. I'll go so far as to say that there is probably more to it than we know. Whatever it is, you can just about bet it makes more sense than "The Democrats paid her". A Republican Yale drinking buddy of Kavanaugh's tells CNN he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee "When Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh told Fox News he never drank to excess, several of his Yale classmates were so outraged they decided to set the record straight. One of them, Lynne Brookes, also accepted Chris Cuomo's invitation to join him on CNN after Kavanaugh repeated his claim of relative sobriety under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Cuomo asked Brookes — a Republican who admires Kavanaugh's judicial record — why she changed her mind". |
Dr.Ford's accusations WERE investigated by the FBI. They returned a report to the WH that it amounted to nothing.
Not sure where you are getting your information but no FBI investigation has taken place regarding Dr. Ford's accusations, that is why people are protesting.
Dr.Ford's accusations WERE investigated by the FBI. They returned a report to the WH that it amounted to nothing. Not yet, Just 20 hrs ago. Brett Kavanaugh pressured to ask White House for FBI investigation of assault allegations "WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was backed into a corner during his testimony Thursday about sexual assault accusations when a Democratic senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee pushed him to request an FBI investigation. Kavanaugh was urged repeatedly by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Il., to turn to White House counsel Don McGahn, who was sitting in the front row, and request the FBI investigate". |
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Fri 09/28/18 10:58 AM
Here's the way it is, Nothing has been proven or disproven. If they go ahead and confirm him now without concrete evidence proving him innocent, They will once again be screwing themselves.
The way most people will look at it, they are railroading him in. Right now there is a big black cloud of doubt hanging over this guy. Confirming now is the same thing as saying it's OK. A justice is supposed to be beyond reproach. But without a full investigation, no one will ever really know. If they confirm him now without all the evidence in, It will be seen as a Republican-led coverup. |
unfortunately not by many in the blind party loyalty cult majority, they dont need no proof.
If one of their guys says its so, than it is true, and if anyone else rejects what he says it is just 'fake news'. |
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Fri 09/28/18 11:06 AM
GOP senator: Still "work to do" to get Kavanaugh confirmed
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Judiciary Committee barreled toward a key vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh Friday, even as a top Republican acknowledged the GOP was still short the votes needed in the full Senate to confirm him for the high court following accusations of sexual assault". |
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Fri 09/28/18 11:16 AM
Sen. Flake, Republican wants a one week FBI investigation into Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh, before the full vote goes to the Floor.
Not sure. If this will happen ! ![]() |
Flake was one of the few names I remember due to the fact that he responded logically and with a calm head, with no overly dramatic outburst or 'us vs them' political grandstanding/filibustering. I think the ABA recommendation will also hold weight since they chose to use that source to speak to the Judge's record.
I believe the Republicans know that they dont have enough votes until an Investigation is done.
I hope so. It will go a long way to less partisan information and facts that can tie in gaps in both stories and also be that much more information to either clear the Judge or validate the Professor. Whichever of them is being truthful should welcome it. It certainly cant hurt after that one day debacle of emotional theater.
Yes i hope this shows more transparency since this is regarding a life time position on Supreme Court.
GOP advances Kavanaugh after Flake calls for FBI probe |
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Fri 09/28/18 12:45 PM
So two women in an elevator confronted Flake and caused him to change his mind about FBI doing an investigation.
![]() Interesting !! |
Where did that come from? had not heard him say anything but support of an investigation. Even when his colleagues were going into emotional hysterics all around him at the commission hearing of Blakey Ford, he was calling to be thorough.
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Fri 09/28/18 01:05 PM
no doubt, college kids do 'party' and drink. just like hollywood circles 'party' and take drugs what normal people of most ages do not DO is 'party' by pinning down females and covering their mouths though. And what about drugging them unconscious and raping them |
Depends upon the individual and their poison of choice, I guess.
Drugs and/or alcohol are sometimes at the center of non consensual assault, and sometimes at the center of intentional inebriated sex prior to the walk of shame. |
I really dont know about the Cosby accusers. I know I saw nothing that was proof of non consent, besides their word on what happened. What she claims has still not been proven untrue, so it doesnt fit slander or libel. Cosby tried the same thing and they dismissed it, even before his TRIAL. What she claims happened would not have 'evidence' beyond what she could do to prove its veracity, a lie detector test and the admission to a paid counselor years before. There was only one other person in the room with her and he would not have motive to incriminate himself, even under penalty of perjury(Remember Clinton?) His denial is expected and the others merely said they didnt remember the party, which is proof of nothing. You really don't know about the Cosby accusers? Well, you sure as hell did know alot about them a year ago in your posts on the Cosby subject You have a selective memory |
In extraordinary maneuver, Jeff Flake halts Brett Kavanaugh's march to Supreme Court
"Everything was going according to plan, at least for Republicans. It was Friday, the lunch hour, and almost time to vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Given the political division on the committee, there was little doubt that Republicans would advance his nomination to the full Senate. Since they control that chamber, albeit narrowly, they would likely confirm him early next week". |
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Fri 09/28/18 01:51 PM
Where did that come from? had not heard him say anything but support of an investigation. Even when his colleagues were going into emotional hysterics all around him at the commission hearing of Blakey Ford, he was calling to be thorough. Read Charles last Link! I t's in there ! Are is that Link Fake ! |