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Topic: I don't want your money! ;)
QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:13 AM
It makes me giggle when guys (and I'm sure girls do this, too, but I can only speak from personal experience) will suddenly disappear when they find out I have no job. I'm looking. I'm interviewing. In fact, right now I'm waiting for a call to find out if I start work tomorrow, yet, seriously...I've had guys just close out the IM window after they've received that information. Cracks me up! It's not like I asked to borrow money. I figure, you got past the size of my ass...and now it's the size of my bank account that matters?

*giggle* laugh laugh laugh laugh

iraceslowcars's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:16 AM
Maybe they were hoping you'd support them

niceguy1999's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:19 AM
you know you do what you can i think the reason i cant find someone becouse i dont have a job eather not a real one anyway but dont give up

eileena9's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:21 AM
QB.......does this mean you can't keep me in the style in which I am accustomed????????..........wait...I'm broke too!!!

See, we would work out fine!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:21 AM
Oh heck, I'm not giving up. It makes me laugh, seriously. If someone feels the need to "ignore" me because I'm not working...I wouldn't want to be with them anyway. =)

niceguy1999's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:24 AM
there you go think possitive:wink:

QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:27 AM
eileena! You're my perfect man!'re

You know what I mean. LOL

I'll buy you all the .99 cent cheeseburgers you can eat (right after the first of the month!)

joshyfox's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:27 AM
I'm an Artist (Author), which pretty much means I am Broke with no job. laugh

Oh and people charging me money for anything are suddenly capitalist pigs. laugh

eileena9's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:29 AM

eileena! You're my perfect man!'re

You know what I mean. LOL

I'll buy you all the .99 cent cheeseburgers you can eat (right after the first of the month!)

YAY!!! Cheeseburgers!! You love me enough for cheeseburgers????? LOL...laugh laugh laugh

carebear19622's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:31 AM
I don't care if a woman works or notbigsmile

mnhiker's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:32 AM

You sound like
the perfect woman.

Low maintenance! laugh laugh laugh

QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:34 AM


You sound like
the perfect woman.

Low maintenance! laugh laugh laugh

Oh silly one is perfect...I'm just the closest thing you'll ever find to it.

laugh laugh laugh

QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:37 AM

eileena! You're my perfect man!'re

You know what I mean. LOL

I'll buy you all the .99 cent cheeseburgers you can eat (right after the first of the month!)

YAY!!! Cheeseburgers!! You love me enough for cheeseburgers????? LOL...laugh laugh laugh

I do! I love you bunches and bunches!! (Don't tell Captain!) haha!

Tawnya72's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:51 AM
Edited by Tawnya72 on Tue 12/04/07 09:51 AM
Its not only NOT having a job that makes that happen... I work but apparently what I do (work in a gift shop) makes the same thing happen to me. Im tellen ya girl we gotta stick together. We will figure them out some day, maybe.

QwicherBytchin's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:53 AM

Its not only NOT having a job that makes that happen... I work but apparently what I do (work in a gift shop) makes the same thing happen to me. Im tellen ya girl we gotta stick together. We will figure them out some day, maybe. can something so simple be so complicated?

laugh laugh

Tawnya72's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:57 AM

Its not only NOT having a job that makes that happen... I work but apparently what I do (work in a gift shop) makes the same thing happen to me. Im tellen ya girl we gotta stick together. We will figure them out some day, maybe. can something so simple be so complicated?

laugh laugh

I dont get it either.... I must not make enoph money. Men I dont get them.... although there was a definition list on another thread that help clear up a few things for me. bigsmile

carebear19622's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:00 AM
what is wrong with working in a gift shop?huh

CaptainSpaz's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:01 AM
If I had to guess I'd say it's they don't want to have to support someone. I've heard plenty of guys say that a woman is the worst investment a man can make. So some of these guys might feel that if a lady is in some kind of financial slump as defined by them that if a serious relationship were to evolve that a lot would get pulled from their wallet and they don't want that. Apparantly they have trouble understanding that you all are grown up women that have the capacity to hold their own.

CaptainSpaz's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:02 AM
I hope I got that right.

Tawnya72's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:04 AM
Edited by Tawnya72 on Tue 12/04/07 10:05 AM

what is wrong with working in a gift shop?huh

ohwell He didnt say.... just stopped our conversation and disconnected... maybe some else knows. I just figured I must not make enoph money.

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