Topic: going their own way?
Easttowest72's photo
Sun 06/03/18 06:33 PM
Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 06/03/18 07:42 PM

Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

Some of those are reasonable expectations, others are impossible to maintain with a given lifestyle.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 06/04/18 07:34 PM

Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

Except for the hair coloring and chemical peels the rest are reasonable things to apply. Oh, sun tanning causes cancer. But some of the things women do actually hides what she truly is. Of course the days of girdles are long gone. At least one doesn't see commercials for them anymore.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 06/04/18 09:31 PM
if a man is a pansy, he should join the butt pirates team.

and the political correctness platforms are for people who are weak and pathetic.

Rooster35's photo
Tue 07/24/18 05:41 AM

When I read a woman's profile I believe the opposite, find it's usually closer to her truth. drinker


Easttowest72's photo
Tue 07/24/18 06:55 AM
Edited by Easttowest72 on Tue 07/24/18 06:57 AM
I think both sexes are looking out for themselves. I've heard a lot of men say they don't want a relationship. They just want a woman to use for sex on occasion. What woman wants to be used? So women have learned to take our time in dating. We want to go out and get to know the guy. He quickly gets tired of spending time and money when all he wants is sex. Honestly, it would be nice if these guys when their own way and stop wasting women's time. Men don't need a club to stop dating. All they have to do is stop asking women for sex or telling them lies about wanting a relationship.

Rooster35's photo
Tue 07/24/18 07:37 AM
Edited by Rooster35 on Tue 07/24/18 08:02 AM

I think both sexes are looking out for themselves. I've heard a lot of men say they don't want a relationship. They just want a woman to use for sex on occasion. What woman wants to be used? So women have learned to take our time in dating. We want to go out and get to know the guy. He quickly gets tired of spending time and money when all he wants is sex.

True. Anyone can put up a facade, man or woman, but not for long... Unless the other party is totally deluded or feels he/she can't do better but date a hating liar.

As I posted before, some men prefer short-term relationshits ( pump'n'dump ) because deep inside they know, from many prior experiences, that it won't last and, not only that, but the chances of ending up in jail for whatever reason beyond their control ( false accusations abound in divorce cases ) are very real and verifiable so they break the S.T.R before things turn sour.

Others, as is my case, don't even see the point in dating, short-term or otherwise.
It is clear that by nowadays' societal norms the man is seen as a predator whose Nature-given instincts are to be tamed, controlled, smothered and punished because his masculinity is "toxic".
What's the point of starting a relationship in those conditions, when I'm already seen as the 'bad guy' even before anything has happened? For the misplaced blame would be even more extreme after the breakup with consequences leading up to incarceration.
No thank you.
I'm lucky enough to be living in a country where strong and independent women are allowed to make money with what Mother Nature has endowed them with.

Honestly, it would be nice if these guys when their own way and stop wasting women's time. Men don't need a club to stop dating. All they have to do is stop asking women for sex or telling them lies about wanting a relationship.

MGTOW isn't a "club to stop dating". It's a philosophical realization of the times we live in: a whole civilisation taken up in misandry and collective injustice based on the lies that exceptions, not the norms, are the rules, cleaverly disguised as "Equality".
The worse atrocities done throughout history have always been disguised with pretty feel-good words.

Men and women aren't equal, have never been and never will be. Any association needs a leader and a follower.
Two leaders is never a good idea.
Nowadays, women have the control in society and have done it by removing certain taboos and adding laws to the books. I don't have a problem with it. This civilisation deserves all it gets.
But don't ask me to treat you like back in the 1600's ( chivalry and all that crap ) when you're not yourself willing to do it and are helping to erase any good there was of those times between men and women.
It's easy to say what was 400yrs ago when no one was actually there to refute today's lies about the past.
I'll be chivalrous when I own an armor and a white horse.

MGTOW is about chosing to say NO to forced gender norms.

Going one's way doesn't mean going away.


Rooster35's photo
Tue 07/24/18 08:44 AM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

indianadave4's photo
Tue 07/24/18 11:16 AM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

According to N.O.W. the Patriarchy is the cause of all of the worlds woes. Back in the 80's one of the leaders of NOW stated that men are only good for breeding. Once that task is completed he has no other use in the family unit and should be removed to prevent a bad influence.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 07/24/18 12:56 PM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

According to N.O.W. the Patriarchy is the cause of all of the worlds woes. Back in the 80's one of the leaders of NOW stated that men are only good for breeding. Once that task is completed he has no other use in the family unit and should be removed to prevent a bad influence.

Just the other day I was talking to my kids about the lives we have lived. I've basically been mom and dad to them. Today I mowed the lawn, last week I made two mortgage payments, in a few minutes I'll start laundry. The kids said if i wasn't stupid they wouldn't be here. It isn't that women are feminists, it's men not being of any value to the family. My dad supported us. I've been the bread winner of my family.

They did a study and husband's stress a woman more than the kids. He is supposed to help but he only makes things worse. When money is tight i can budget. When I'm married I have to listen to a damn cry baby complain. No balls to go out and work a side job to pay a bill. More like a woman needing to be supported.

Stu's photo
Tue 07/24/18 01:52 PM

Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

Surely you jest? surprised

no photo
Tue 07/24/18 02:00 PM

Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

Surely you jest? surprised

would that it were so. noway

Rooster35's photo
Tue 07/24/18 03:11 PM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

According to N.O.W. the Patriarchy is the cause of all of the worlds woes. Back in the 80's one of the leaders of NOW stated that men are only good for breeding. Once that task is completed he has no other use in the family unit and should be removed to prevent a bad influence.

And they been doing that through no-fault divorce and false accusations for the past 40yrs now.
Oh but it okay, because "toxic masculinity" whoa

indianadave4's photo
Wed 07/25/18 11:16 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Wed 07/25/18 11:20 PM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

According to N.O.W. the Patriarchy is the cause of all of the worlds woes. Back in the 80's one of the leaders of NOW stated that men are only good for breeding. Once that task is completed he has no other use in the family unit and should be removed to prevent a bad influence.

Just the other day I was talking to my kids about the lives we have lived. I've basically been mom and dad to them. Today I mowed the lawn, last week I made two mortgage payments, in a few minutes I'll start laundry. The kids said if i wasn't stupid they wouldn't be here. It isn't that women are feminists, it's men not being of any value to the family. My dad supported us. I've been the bread winner of my family.

They did a study and husband's stress a woman more than the kids. He is supposed to help but he only makes things worse. When money is tight i can budget. When I'm married I have to listen to a damn cry baby complain. No balls to go out and work a side job to pay a bill. More like a woman needing to be supported.

I guess I question the source of this "study". Of all the men I've known (I'm 67) most worked hard and supported their families. They did their share of housework and were faithful to the wives. Of course, when listening to the evening news or the latest talk show it was always "men are created evil". I never put any stock in Oprah. Phil Donahue (who happened to graduate from a local university- Notre Dame) wasn't happy unless he seriously attacked men.

Possibly within the 20's to early 40's age range today this may have changed but studies, talk shows and "discoveries" on the news have been biased against men for over 30 years. Psychology and marriage "studies" seem to change their opinions every ten years. These three sources of "information" seem to have a vendetta against men in the family within American society. I, sure as heck, did my fair share of financial support and housework and the men I knew did the same.

no photo
Wed 07/25/18 11:24 PM

Actually women like for a man to keep himself looking good. Keep their hair cut, get a tan, exercise, diet, keep nails neat and clean, dress nice, bleach teeth, and at my age I've met a couple of guys that could use some hair color, and a chemical peel.

Except for the hair coloring and chemical peels the rest are reasonable things to apply. Oh, sun tanning causes cancer. But some of the things women do actually hides what she truly is. Of course the days of girdles are long gone. At least one doesn't see commercials for them anymore.
hmm ... lol ..the woman who used to wear girdles were tiny !!!!

Rooster35's photo
Wed 07/25/18 11:28 PM

In my childhood, most women where homemakers and men worked to support the family. There were some women who worked, mostly in offices, teaching, or nursing. I remember my mother doing ironing for the neighbor lady. Later, as I was well into my career, my employer was forced by the government to hire women(the minority) into our organization. It didn't matter if they were capable or not only if they had the required degree. The rest of us had to help them do their work. Eventually there became enough educated women who could actually do the job. That same trend continues in different fields with women wanting equality but not having the capabilities or willingness to take the responsibility.

The "Me Too" movement might just be the final straw that starts the war. Yes, some of the things that happened to women were wrong, but many "me too" instances where just someone's feathers getting ruffled yet resulted in the destruction of a career. Why would any male controlled establishment take the risk of hiring a woman, especially a younger one? This whole mess probably started with the college dating accusations and the destruction it caused. Maybe the next step in this will be the requirement for a signed and notarized release from accusations of sexual impropriety. Add that right in with the non-disclosure, no compete document.

The #MeToo witch-hunt madness is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
What man in his right mind would now want to get mixed up with women at work?
It's already dangerous enough to mix up with them in a social setting.
The "Pence Rule" is a life saver, literally, and is now spreading to all corners of the globe as the MeToo movement gains momentum in every country of the world.
I hope the #MeToo madness never dies down. Men and boys need to realize what dangerous footing they're on messing with women in any way, shape or form.

I told a friend that to me feminism is worst than the mafia due to the fact that they use shame tactics as well as attacking men because they don't like rejection.....
also in some workplaces men are being harassed as well

"Men harassed" ? Congrats, you just got your Misogyny card.
Everyone knows that Harassment towards men is IMPOSSIBLE and is an invention of the Patriarchy laugh

According to N.O.W. the Patriarchy is the cause of all of the worlds woes. Back in the 80's one of the leaders of NOW stated that men are only good for breeding. Once that task is completed he has no other use in the family unit and should be removed to prevent a bad influence.

Just the other day I was talking to my kids about the lives we have lived. I've basically been mom and dad to them. Today I mowed the lawn, last week I made two mortgage payments, in a few minutes I'll start laundry. The kids said if i wasn't stupid they wouldn't be here. It isn't that women are feminists, it's men not being of any value to the family. My dad supported us. I've been the bread winner of my family.

They did a study and husband's stress a woman more than the kids. He is supposed to help but he only makes things worse. When money is tight i can budget. When I'm married I have to listen to a damn cry baby complain. No balls to go out and work a side job to pay a bill. More like a woman needing to be supported.

I guess I question the source of this "study". Of all the men I've known (I'm 67) most worked hard and supported their families. They did their share of housework and were faithful to the wives. Of course, when listening to the evening news or the latest talk show it was always "men are created evil". I never put any stock in Oprah. Phil Donahue (who happened to graduate from a local university- Notre Dame) wasn't happy unless he seriously attacked men.

Possibly within the 20's to early 40's age range today this may have changed but studies, talk shows and "discoveries" on the news have been biased against men for over 30 years. Psychology and marriage "studies" seem to change their opinions every ten years. These three sources of "information" seem to have a vendetta against men in the family within American society. I, sure as heck, did my fair share of financial support and housework and the men I knew did the same.


It's easy to site "studies" to make a point without having a clue how those so-called studies are conducted and by whom.
I find it highly suspicious when ALL left-leaning studies depict men as savages barely out of the Stone Age... How convenient whoa

no photo
Wed 07/25/18 11:29 PM

You need to explain why a woman with fake hair, nails and makeup you know outwardly appearance equates to their morals?

Both men and women require some amount of physical attraction to consider a romantic relationship. Men don't request dates and women do not accept dates if someones initial physical attraction isn't there. Personality over looks sounds good but in reality "looks" are a requirement in both genders. We all know this. When in high school and college there is an attractive "caste system". One person isn't deemed attractive enough to be in anothers CLASS. To deny this is to deny humankind's history.

Why do women almost hide their true self behind makeup, nails, etc.

It's almost like a Greek tragedy where the players wear masks to hide who they are.

Why do women spend billions of dollars to make themselves into someone they aren't? If a man were to do this women make fun of them. Obviously society has accepted this but it doesn't answer the question. If women want real equality why don't they tell the makeup industry, no more?

thank you
I agree .. let's burn all the makeup and beauty products .. toss out all the razors and hair waxing systems .. let all the woman of the world imagine we are living in the apocalypse .. let your body hair grow.. just be you love love

Aroundtheworld37's photo
Thu 07/26/18 03:24 AM

So divided... Races, genders, religions. It's pretty sad really

I like crazy women... in bed smokin

I was thinking the same thing...this thread Is really scary....someone hold me quick....

Keith's photo
Thu 07/26/18 04:03 AM

So divided... Races, genders, religions. It's pretty sad really

I like crazy women... in bed smokin

I was thinking the same thing...this thread Is really scary....someone hold me quick....

I'm your man! :wink:

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/26/18 04:09 AM

So divided... Races, genders, religions. It's pretty sad really

I like crazy women... in bed smokin

I was thinking the same thing...this thread Is really scary....someone hold me quick....
you like crazy women in bed? I do have a camcorder...just in case you might want have that moment recorded to always remember your crazy lady experience...bigsmile