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Topic: can you describe God without sounding delusional
creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:51 AM

Not much since in continuing this conversation... you were most likely the only witness to your desciption of events... perception equals reality...

I wonder... how does it feel to you to always "win"?

It is easy when you are the only one fighting, my friend...

And by the way... one single cell... in and of itself... by itself... cannot contemplate its own existence... it is a part of the whole... just as you are...

One creates what one believes and one believes what one creates.

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:59 AM

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round,
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town....

This could go on indefinitely and in the final analysis everyone will be in the exact same philosophical place that they started. Only with worn keyboards and tired eyes.

Simply because Fuches has as much faith in his belief that there is no higher power called God, as the believers in God have in his existence. For every arguement you throw up, he will counter... In the event he does not have a counter, he will dismiss... This is actually drawing down to a battle of wills. Frankly, a staring contest would be more exciting to watch...

So, this is where I step backwards, out the door I came in...

this coming from someone that give bad analogies ..I know you were embrassassed by that crappy one you gave so now you try to save face by wimping out.....please...

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 12/03/07 10:59 AM

hummmm sounds like you are saying that the religious are delusional?

I have no need nor desire to place labels as such ... I respect all walking their human path their way ...

The notion of a God as described in the bible does not resonate with me ...

The notion of a consciousness that keeps the electrons in motion does ... doesn't matter to me if you call it a He, a She or a plank or a doughnut.

It's all just perspective anyway ...

I have a consciousness that supports the notion that my body is solid. That is not supported by the notions of sub atomic particles. But nonetheless I believe my body to be solid and governed by the laws of such things as gravity.

What I perceive to be real is real in its effect ... nothing new there ... Psychology 101

My reality may not be your reality ... why does one of us then have to be delusional or wrong? It is only delusional to YOU ... from your frame of reference...

You can label me however you like ... just remember that the labels we give others says more about us than the ones we judge... :wink:

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:02 AM


Not much since in continuing this conversation... you were most likely the only witness to your desciption of events... perception equals reality...

I wonder... how does it feel to you to always "win"?

It is easy when you are the only one fighting, my friend...

And by the way... one single cell... in and of itself... by itself... cannot contemplate its own existence... it is a part of the whole... just as you are...

One creates what one believes and one believes what one creates.

are you running for president..why you guys always feel the need to make cry baby speeches when you find out your point was invalid

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:04 AM
My point made invalid??? Where was I when that happened?

Could you cut and paste that for me?

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:05 AM

hummmm sounds like you are saying that the religious are delusional?

I have no need nor desire to place labels as such ... I respect all walking their human path their way ...

you write good disclaimers ..

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:08 AM

then let's discuss it

I am sorry Funches ... I fail to see what there is to discuss ...

I don't believe in a biblical God so how can I possibly define one? It does not fit my frame of reference.

God is a concept to me ...

...besides I have already been sent to the naughty step once for talking about concepts laugh

Wish you well in your search for a rationale to what you deem delusion :smile:

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:11 AM

My point made invalid??? Where was I when that happened?

Could you cut and paste that for me?

because you are trying to talk in parables, that way you don't have to own up to what you say..you can change it to fit anything and to any direction the winds upon happenstance happens to blow...something like astrology

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:12 AM

are you sure

can you elaborate

is it wishful thinking to say

talk to you tomorrow

or is it faith

only if you have faith that tommorrow won't come

that does not answer the question

if does answer the question..either you have faith that tomorrow will come or don't you ..also it's a chance that you or I may not live until tomorrow ...that's why expressing faith is same as gambling on an outcome or wishful thinking

well you just answered your own post

either you have faith that God is there

or you don't

and if you know then you know

those that have a personal relationship

know he is there by their faith

and the comfort they receive

by the faith that they have

if you have no faith

you have no God

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:14 AM

then let's discuss it

I am sorry Funches ... I fail to see what there is to discuss ...

I don't believe in a biblical God so how can I possibly define one? It does not fit my frame of reference.

God is a concept to me ...

...besides I have already been sent to the naughty step once for talking about concepts laugh

Wish you well in your search for a rationale to what you deem delusion :smile:

geez not discuss religion..I'm talking about that science concept you was talking about ...stop looking for the negative all the time

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:15 AM
Probably not, but since I believe its a faith kind of thang what does it matter if it sounds delusional. Some say delusion, some say fantasy, some may even say hallucination, doesn't matter.

God is kinda like sex. You do your thang, I'll do mine. Don't shove it down my throat and I won't run screaming. No description of either necessary.:tongue:

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:16 AM

well you just answered your own post

either you have faith that God is there

or you don't

and if you know then you know

those that have a personal relationship

know he is there by their faith

and the comfort they receive

by the faith that they have

if you have no faith

you have no God

well sorry you got it wrong again..the topic is not about faith..the topic ask you to describe God without sounding delusional

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:18 AM

Probably not, but since I believe its a faith kind of thang what does it matter if it sounds delusional. Some say delusion, some say fantasy, some may even say hallucination, doesn't matter.

God is kinda like sex. You do your thang, I'll do mine. Don't shove it down my throat and I won't run screaming. No description of either necessary.:tongue:

so your description of God is that God is kinda like sex? ...sounds delusional to me

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:29 AM
No my description of God is there are as many descriptions of God as there are human beings with faith in God(s). Faith I would describe as kind a like sex. All a matter of choice.

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:30 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Mon 12/03/07 11:34 AM

...stop looking for the negative all the time

Oh seriously I must offer you Rolo's for the giggle this morning ...

I usually get criticized for being an idealistic optimist ...

I love it! I am going to add negative to my list of labels ... it feels like summer camp when you get new badges to wear.

OOh wait ... lemme double check my astrology report just to be sure what I am supposed to be ...

"Pisceans are acutely intelligent people with an amazing ability to solve complex problems. Pisceans, generally, have excellent concentration and impressive powers of deduction. The misapprehension comes about because most people born under this sign are blessed with open minds. They will listen to most arguments, consider most possibilities and explore most suggestions. They are imaginative too and this quality always irritates the people who do not possess the ability to conjure up creative ideas."

Intelligent, open-minded, creative .... dang it dang it dang it... I was looking forward to all the fun of delusional, paranoid and negative...

It says that is who I am supposed to be so that must be who I am ...

am off to sit in the corner until I can devise a way to close my mind up a bit...

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:31 AM
By the way, why do you consider sex delusional?

adj4u's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:31 AM

well you just answered your own post

either you have faith that God is there

or you don't

and if you know then you know

those that have a personal relationship

know he is there by their faith

and the comfort they receive

by the faith that they have

if you have no faith

you have no God

well sorry you got it wrong again..the topic is not about faith..the topic ask you to describe God without sounding delusional

no you have it wrong

God is what God is

and if you want to know

you must have a relationship with God

that is the problem

everyone needs to KNOW hard facts

and receive instant gratification

that is why organized religion is so evil

it trys to teach you about God

but they have inserted their own

little twist to the mix

thus contaminating the teaching

so if you want a a discribtion of God

you need to go to God

and let God come to you

or you will never get your description

you say you seek

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:33 AM
No Art no, way too much of that closed minded disease in this world as it is, pleeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz say it ain't soooooosad sad

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:37 AM
Edited by creativesoul on Mon 12/03/07 11:40 AM
I speak of my own reality, just as you speak of yours...

I am not capable of explaining your understanding(s) of God to you... that is what I have witnessed here...

You have an understanding which is uncomfortable to you... a "thief teaching" as it were... in essence you are asking people to explain things that you have already decided do not make sense... take the next step...

You have mistakenly applied your own belief system to some of the participants in this thread... missing out on what may have turned out to be a useful and new perspective to you...

If you should have the true desire to see this from a different vantage point, you must lose your preconceived notions...

If your agenda is to disprove many common notions of God...

Have at it...

When you recognize and accept that what you have learned does not rest within you... look then for new learning... take the next step...

no photo
Mon 12/03/07 11:39 AM

this coming from someone that give bad analogies ..I know you were embrassassed by that crappy one you gave so now you try to save face by wimping out.....please...
Not embarrassed in the slightest. My point still stood. Just because you cannot make the correlation that both arguments are equally silly does not ruffle my feathers in the slightest.

I would imagine that you will be equally dismissive if I said (Again) that your stance is as much faith based as the opposing side. Simply because it is practically impossible to prove a negative without sounding delusional.

In other words all you are discussing is these two stances.

"A God does not exist, because there is no proof that it does exist.".

"A God must exist, because there is no proof that it does not exist."

You could fall back on the Occam's Razor and state that your way is the simplest, therefore the correct theory. Which would have some sound meaning if it was not the 21st century and we are learning more and more that Occam's Razor does not work out as much as we previously thought.

So.. all you are discussing is.. Who's faith is stronger. In my mind.. if one side sounds delusional, the other side sounds equally delusional.

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