Topic: transpeople- how ridiculous can it get? | |
So all women who wear make up are liars..rather harsh don't you think..and trans people are liars..who are they lying to themselves..If I wore shoes that made me look taller..does that make me a's perception does not make them a liar Compliance to step from the hell with compliance to all things in society..There are far worse liars than those who wish to enhance themselves..Why are they not enhancers rather than liars..seems rather it their intention to deceive for some maybe ..for all..Well I don't know some let alone I would not know their I can't stereotype them ALL into one category... |
shoes can be taken off and on and are clearly being worn, make up is also taken on and off and obviously being worn, so its a bit different than going under permanent anatomy altering surgery to appear to be another sex.
Im not into sterotyping. Males carry the seed and females carry the egg. That is not a stereotype, just anatomy. I can say that someone with a vagina who alters themself to have a penis, wants to APPEAR to not have had a vagina, which is a bit of a permanent type of deceptive to others. Same thing for someone with a penis who alters themself surgically to APPEAR as if they did not have a penis. |
Hell I am still trying to figure out how a peacock is an emotional support animal
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I wonder what people would say before women wore make up or had breast implants ..ok I agree that a lot of people don't agree with changing ones gender.For some I don't see it as "look at me I'm different or that they are trying to draw attention to themselves..or theres an illness or that they're sick.. But you know what all we can do is speculate and every one of us could be so far off I'm not beyond admitting the fact that I don't know and that at best could guess..With as many people who are on this site maybe someone here could enlighten us all if they knew their words would be accepted for the knowledge contained and not bashed by ignorance...We may all learn something.. In this aspect I feel bad for people who have to contend with the amount of non acceptance that society breeds...peace and love.. ![]() I totally agree with this.. Growing up in the 70's when gay's came out and admitted they were gay... Society made it hard on them... I seen friends that admitted they were gay and parents disowned them... So what if they want the surgery only problem I have with that is there should be insurance that is separate that covers those type of things where the cost does not cause those that do not want these type of surgery make their rates to go up.. I mean really it is their life as long as it does not effect someone else what they do it is up to them.. They are the ones that will have to deal with the results.. Even thou I'm not for all the surgeries and changing what we are born with... I'm not doing it I'm the only person I have control over what happens to my body... therefore I hope that they understand that a surgery is not a magic wand that what every problems they are facing will not just go way with surgery... I do feel one should go through extensive counseling prior with a waiting period. |
So all women who wear make up are liars..rather harsh don't you think..and trans people are liars..who are they lying to themselves..If I wore shoes that made me look taller..does that make me a's perception does not make them a liar
Compliance to step from the hell with compliance to all things in society..There are far worse liars than those who wish to enhance themselves..Why are they not enhancers rather than liars..seems rather it their intention to deceive for some maybe ..for all..Well I don't know some let alone I would not know their I can't stereotype them ALL into one category... Yes...No...Yes...Yes...Yes...You and everyone that sees you...It can. Yes, it is their just did. Personally, I don't care how others view my preferences. I don't live their lives, I live mine. You can have your own opinions on the matter and it makes no difference to me. I'm not you. I give my own views and opinions, why is that a problem for you? You can't accept me? Say it isn't so. I'm crushed...NOT. |
Deception goes to intent..So let me get this people make themselves trannies to fool other people ..not because that's who they feel they are..but to deceive..yea I don't think so..So women wear make up to temporarily deceive people ..not because the way it makes them look and feel.. It all goes to intent..and since I wouldn't know their intent unless I asked them ..than how can I say ..or anyone else for that matter.. |
I think people confuse who 'we are' with what we look like.
We are always 'who we are' regardless if we are butt naked and untouched or dressed in the latest fashion after undergoing ten surgeries. The asthetics we actually CHOOSE are about what makes us feel good, which is often fueled by how well we expect others to treat us, based on the asthetics they observe. very few people 'feel better' about themselves by becoming obese or acquiring scars. feeling better is usually related to the perception of what others perception, and therefore their treatment of us, will be. |
I don't have a problem with anyone's opinion even yours Tom,so don't take it that way we are just bouncing back and forth opinions,nothing more no harm meant..we can disagree or agree .I enjoy the conversations ..we are not going to always agree with each other a known fact..hope you didn't take it wrong and if you feel I was attacking you ..that was not my intent..Just discussing a difference of opinion ..nothing more..sorry if you took it the wrong way..I'm outta |
I think people confuse who 'we are' with what we look like. We are always 'who we are' regardless if we are butt naked and untouched or dressed in the latest fashion after undergoing ten surgeries. The asthetics we actually CHOOSE are about what makes us feel good, which is often fueled by how well we expect others to treat us, based on the asthetics they observe. very few people 'feel better' about themselves by becoming obese or acquiring scars. feeling better is usually related to the perception of what others perception, and therefore their treatment of us, will be. That is based on the assumption that acceptance from others defines us. I am how I am whether others accept me or not. To thine own self be true and all that jazz. Having a penis is not a mistake, an injustice or a choice. Its just the way reality turned out. I accept the reality. |
shoes can be taken off and on and are clearly being worn, make up is also taken on and off and obviously being worn, so its a bit different than going under permanent anatomy altering surgery to appear to be another sex. Im not into sterotyping. Males carry the seed and females carry the egg. That is not a stereotype, just anatomy. I can say that someone with a vagina who alters themself to have a penis, wants to APPEAR to not have had a vagina, which is a bit of a permanent type of deceptive to others. Same thing for someone with a penis who alters themself surgically to APPEAR as if they did not have a penis. Very true! |
Well, we seemed to have lost a point to the article... I'm sure most of you ladies know, doing ANY drugs, prescription or other, while breastfeeding is a big why does this MAN get a free pass to breastfeed a newborn while on a medication that is banned in the US?
Oh, I could go on about mental illness, but I think you picked the catalyst when you mentioned self esteem, and I would add lack of coping tools ... Between the two, our society appears to be becoming more and more mentally and emotionally ill. Now that's the most intelligent thing I've heard all day. I agree. |
It's so played out,
I won't even allow a Trans-Am on the property. Hell I am still trying to figure out how a peacock is an emotional support animal ![]() My dog eats them. ![]() |
Well, we seemed to have lost a point to the article... I'm sure most of you ladies know, doing ANY drugs, prescription or other, while breastfeeding is a big why does this MAN get a free pass to breastfeed a newborn while on a medication that is banned in the US? the political power of the "community" ... everybody should have the 'right' to be or make themselves into what ever they want to , men into mothers and women into dads ... |
Hell I am still trying to figure out how a peacock is an emotional support animal ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Anyone can do whatever they want to their body, mind and health. It's no different to suicide or euthanasia.
Whatever floats their boat, just as long as it's not pushed on me and I'm still allowed to be a man, I couldn't give a hoot what they do. |
The real issue becomes the fact that anybody can have and raise a child no matter how they chose to live their life. Its no longer that a guys penis has to be inserted into a woman's vagina to have kids. They are now being bought and sold and started in test tubes. We now interfere with nature at many levels in the way children are born, and raised. I'm not going to judge that no transgender people should be raising children any more than I think there are plenty of other people that are not fit to raise children, but often it's the children that pay the price when the parents are not fit. Throughout time we mess with nature more and more and along the way some mistakes will be made, but in the end it all seems to work out somehow.
transpeople- how ridiculous can it get?
I don't know. Is Jerry Springer still around? "While Reisman and Goldstein's patient took her dose [of domperidone] orally, the FDA is reportedly still worried about the possible effects of domperidone on infants, since the drug is passed through breast milk," notes Romper.
I wonder if in 100 years there will be like a Jerry Headroom Springer show on this. "My teenage son got himself pregnant and wants to keep the kid but I can't get him to stop breastfeeding his kid and go to school because the kid self identifies as a goat, refuses to learn english, and only wants goats milk!" I wonder if it's going to be like: "News at 11. New legislation has passed that prevents any and all discussed, threatened, or actual physical contact between any adult human beings. So now male RN's are taking domperidone as to be able to teach teen mothers the proper techniques for breastfeeding." Then I'm reminded of the Family Guy episode where Peter attempts to breastfeed Stewie and Stewie pulls out a chest hair. disregarding the potential risk to that child's life. That, by any definition, is child abuse.
Eh. IME most/all people abuse their kids in one way or another at some point. Hang out in any Wal-Mart for 10 minutes (personally, I don't mind child abuse in some cases. I was picking up batteries in a walmart the other day and had another kid sitting in a cart just look at me and say "f' you" a bunch of times with the mother standing there not saying anything). How severe is the abuse in relation? I mean: "The serious risks associated with domperidone include cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and sudden death. These risks are related to the blood level of domperidone, and higher levels in the blood are associated with higher risks of these events.
Have you seen a tv show on cable recently? There are always ads for some new drug and I swear 90% of the commercials running time is dedicated to the potential side effects and possible death. Too much water can cause severe Hyponatremia and death! |