Topic: Why are there so many | |
stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on?
to quote and old song "there's something in the water"
on a more serious note i have seen a couple of articles trying to link tech to it. basically smart stuff does it for you, so the brain slows down. mind you there hasn't been time for conclusive testing |
stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on? have also noted that a simple act of kindness now is treated as an exception...something that makes headlines...amazing! |
to quote and old song "there's something in the water" on a more serious note i have seen a couple of articles trying to link tech to it. basically smart stuff does it for you, so the brain slows down. mind you there hasn't been time for conclusive testing I'm sure there is something to this theory. I remember back in ancient times when we needed to go to a library to research things. Not only did the search for source material require thought it also forced you out into the public. Nowadays, google does everything except the dishes. People's brains are atrophying. |
perfect example i use to remember ALL the phone numbers i used, even the only sometimes ones.
now that they get logged in my phone, if i don't use it constantly i don't remember it |
I have a mate. bit younger than me, he is permanently on fb, twitter and everything else going, he can text me all day yet if we meet up then he can't hold a conversation! Definitely a tech thing in my opinion.
perfect example i use to remember ALL the phone numbers i used, even the only sometimes ones. now that they get logged in my phone, if i don't use it constantly i don't remember it Funny thing, I remember my family's phone number from the 60's. GR4-7466. Ask me either of my daughter's current cell phone number. I haven't a clue. I s'pose that makes me part of this widespread degeneration of the mind and spirit. |
took me 6months to learn my buddies new number,
look it up in phone then dial manually |
I can still remember numbers I grew up with, but not any today, they're programed in my phone.
stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on? Overexposure to media hype. Easy instant gratification. Adoption of narcissism. The "Sheeple Effect". Delusions of grandeur. Lack of parenting skill. Intolerance for others. Low Self-Esteem. Need for public acceptance. Addiction to 'feel good' chemicals in the brain. Delusional gullibility. Unchecked mental illness. Over-prescribed psychological pharmaceuticals. Drug abuse, both legal and illegal. Alcoholism. Mental abuse history. Physical abuse history. Society not conforming to personal delusions. Religious intolerance. Bigotry. aw, I'm listing them all. Better stop so someone else can add to the list. Don't want to step on anyone's toes and make them mad. How feckin inconsiderate of me. Someone might be offended and post about it on facebook then I'll be screwed for finding a date on a free gender mingling site. Oh, woe is me... |
It's global warming. Peoples' brains are becoming overheated and are shutting down.
perfect example i use to remember ALL the phone numbers i used, even the only sometimes ones. now that they get logged in my phone, if i don't use it constantly i don't remember it What's your point? Nowadays you remember a gazillion URLs and/or names from websites, email addresses, passwords & nicknames you use online, you can operate PCs, smartphones, use Apps and computer programs, remember your own phone number that is at least twice as long as the ones in the past and so on and so forth. It's not all that bad, Eric. Life and memory is based around more than a list of phone numbers! |
I personally think all this whinging about not socializing is total nonsense. I don't go out much, nor socialize a whole lot due to personal circumstances. But I have no problem with mingling, chatting, laughing and socializing when I do go out. If nothing else, I'm better at that than I've ever been before, in spite of spending hours a day on the internet.
Due to internet I now communicate with lots and lots of ppl in other countries, I keep my English up to speed at the same time. I get support from ppl when I need it, ppl I never even met, don't even know their real names. Yet their support is real. You can learn from other ppl, share, connect, learn about other cultures. What's wrong with that? And yes, I see a lot of ppl on their phones when they're out and about, even when they're dining together. So? No skin of my nose. I'm not worried about it either. It's a hype, it'll pass. What I do know is that if you are so resistant of progress, evolution, new developments, you become a bitter whinging old fart. You cannot stop it, nor should you. We're not supposed to remain stagnant. And you know, people said the same thing when we got cars. And planes, radio, tv. It was evil, bad, youngsters would become evil because of it and bladibla. Are we supposed to go back to being Neanderthals? Granted, being dragged into his man-cave could be quite exciting ![]() |
stupid people nowadays? People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people? People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror? What the hell is going on? Alllllllllllmost took the words right out of my mouth! |
The reversion of revolution in human?
I don't know that there HAS been a significant change. I rather doubt it. In all my studies, it's been more common that PERCEPTIONS change, than people.
A couple of things to consider: * what you call "stupid people" have always been much louder than everyone else. We used to have to go to parties and wait for people to get drunk before the whiners would start shouting crap, now with modern technology, they post repeated threads on forums, fussing and complaining about all kinds of crud. * when I was growing up, I noticed that complaining seems to be an American cultural requirement of sorts. From the time I first noticed television, I saw that Americans are strongly encouraged to whine and fuss and then lord it over everyone every time they got something extra because they did. It's built right into the whole "demand better than you've got" idea that is used to drive a lot of American business. * people may be inherently fussy. Don't know how many who complain about complainers and "rights pushers" have noticed, but all of the complainers are doing exactly what they are complaining about. For every annoying person who comes up with a new "personal right" to fuss about, there are as many people on the other side saying that they shouldn't be allowed to complain, or that everyone should have the right to persecute the "personal rights" person as a part of THEIR "personal rights." It seems to me, that complaining is complaining is complaining. |
That's your opinion!!!
A bit angry today? But I do agree with you that some people could
take a few lessons in how to be a decent person. Treat someone the way you also would want to be treated, simple. You would think in this day and age it would be so much easier to learn new things every day. But people are too consumed with silly things. Facebook, dating sites, celebrity gossip, (Who gives a rats *** anyway) I have no respect for celebrities and all their millions who do nothing but live in their mansions and do nothing to contribute to society.We are the stupid ones for glorifying them. Instead of glorifying God. And wasting so much time on things that do not matter. |
Why are there so many stupid people nowadays?
IMO there aren't. IMO it would be more appropriate to ask "why are there so many inconsiderate, shallow, and selfish people nowadays?" People seemingly cannot tolerate differences of opinion
Go back to the beginning of civilization. What are people doing? They go around and form groups. Groups form beliefs, culture. Then they build walls and tell everyone else to go f themselves. One tribe against another. One polis against another. One state against another. One country against another. Whatever. Oh, the wars are so bad. Lets come up with some olympic games to compete and feel superior to those stupid people who aren't as strong, or fast as we are. Our gods are better than your gods. My Cowboys can beat your Raiders. My California libtopia is better than your repuklican Texass. My red state is smarter than all the dummies in your blue state. People have no idea how to interact, meet, and socialize with other people?
People only really interact, meet, and socialize with other people when there is a continuing need and subsequent benefit to doing so. Community. Communal interdependence. Have to be nice to bob the butcher when he's the only butcher in town, you go to the same events, he has the only eligible son for your daughter in your town, and when those stupid people come by to invade and cause war it's also in his best interest to defend his town which is defending you. No real need to interact, meet, and socialize with that one guy that lives a couple blocks over whom you may have seen once, and you think may work as a teller at some bank you've never been to and don't have any idea who he's related to or knows and if there's war well just get on the interstate and run away and let those other strangers you've never met in the army deal with it. If there's no real need to do something, people don't do it. If there are easier alternatives that lead to fewer or less meaningful consequences, those alternatives will be adopted. Of course you can go into other cultural changes like single parents, suburbanization, mobile populations, falling wage values and need for both parents to work, compulsory education raising children and indoctrination in producing consumer/production citizens, and things of that nature. People who cannot find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror?
The American dream doesn't really have anything to do with a wife, 2.5 kids, a house with a white picket fence, and financial independence. The American dream was always about the individual having the freedom to pursue individual potential. So a farm boy that finds they're a prodigy with the violin could, with effort and work and will, exploit self generated opportunities to pursue playing the violin. People may not need or want to be able to "find their a$$ with two hands and a mirror." Thanks to utilitarianism and bad mothers we get "I just want you to be happy! Pursue your happiness!" Does sitting around exploring your "a$$" with two hands and a mirror make you happy? Probably not. But you may be a genius at the fryolater. Maybe you know the best amperage and ratio of vegetable to peanut oil to produce the crispiest fry. Or maybe you are the best in the office at correlating TPS report functions with 10-w23's for optimized horizontal integration in supply chain logistics. Or maybe you found the best sniper rifle in Call of Duty. If you were born and raised in the U.S.A. you have an implicit bias towards individual specialization and self importance. That's what happens when you "pursue your bliss" or "joy." That's what happens when you value individual merit and achievement, possibly based on individual competition. That's what happens when you pursue a career. Or an education. You specialize yourself. Your knowledge. Your abilities. Group interaction requires a lack of specialization and a need for adaptability to different personalities. The bigger the group or "community" (i.e. big cities with tens of thousands to millions of people, with people coming and going) the greater the need for adaptable flexibility. Parents (theoretically) offer a consistent example of a successful relationship, an extension of the cultural values of the larger community, by which kids can use as a baseline in the development of their own personality which helps define relationships. Do kids spend more time with their parents? Or with a bunch of random strangers, anymore? Do kids spend time developing relationships with the same small group of people teaching them the building blocks for new relationships with strangers? Or is there a push for constant diversity and new, novel, entertaining (titillating) experience without any real depth, necessitating a shallow facade? Or are kids pushed towards isolationist pursuits like video games and individual achievement? There aren't stupid people. There's just no real incentive (reward for doing so, or risk for not doing so) for them to continually apply their intelligence or specialized knowledge towards considering the sensibilities of strangers. |
Why are there so many?..
Okay I give up what is the topic about?. So many what fruit flies?.. So many green M&Ms compared to Orange ones.?.. Okay I give up why is there so many.. I still don't get what we're talking |