Topic: IF Hillary gets in... | |
To Canada! No wait, I'll move in with my friend Alex over in the Netherlands, I havn't bugged her for awhile
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They first have to learn how to spear a whale and make sandwiches with it....make an igloo and live in it for 1 full year in the NWT......and make 150000000000 mukluks for the poor people! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gypsy, you have a cute lil' mukluk-thing going on there!!! ![]() |
To Canada! No wait, I'll move in with my friend Alex over in the Netherlands, I havn't bugged her for awhile ![]() Are you on Skype Allen? |
I have a mukluk???
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You do????
Hell girl!! They have some strange names in the world, but that has to take the biscuit!! have you got pet names for all your body parts??? ![]() |
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I gotta have a cold shower ....
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Yeah I have skype, but I lost all my numbers on it! nooooO!
If Hillary gets in, I too would consider moving out too, because I would hate to live here with people of the kind that would put her in as President. The only other option would be to wait for her to come collect up your guns. and when she and her buddies came, THEN GIVE THEM the BULLETS FIRST OUT THROUGH THE BARREL OF THE GUN!!!! Actually I think that the TRUTH be known ,only about 5% of the people would actually vote for her, because there may only be 5 % or less truth left in the main stream media. All filler now days as it appears to me. I figure Obama will be the next President. But Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich should play important parts in our next election and in the next govt. for this country and Colin Powell, too, and get Jay Rockefeller from west Virginia on the intelligence committee to help put all our govt criminals in prison after a fair trial of course!!!I figure the trial should include all those in the White House, the JUST US Department and most of the Congress and other accomplices. Happy HUNTING and FISHING and MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL.
If Hillary becomes President instead of China having to secretly steal technology and information from this country they will only have to ask for it and receive it like Bill gave them freely during the '90s.
If Hillary gets in, I too would consider moving out too, because I would hate to live here with people of the kind that would put her in as President. The only other option would be to wait for her to come collect up your guns. and when she and her buddies came, THEN GIVE THEM the BULLETS FIRST OUT THROUGH THE BARREL OF THE GUN!!!! Actually I think that the TRUTH be known ,only about 5% of the people would actually vote for her, because there may only be 5 % or less truth left in the main stream media. All filler now days as it appears to me. I figure Obama will be the next President. But Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich should play important parts in our next election and in the next govt. for this country and Colin Powell, too, and get Jay Rockefeller from west Virginia on the intelligence committee to help put all our govt criminals in prison after a fair trial of course!!!I figure the trial should include all those in the White House, the JUST US Department and most of the Congress and other accomplices. Happy HUNTING and FISHING and MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL. Wait, did you just suggest putting Jay Rockefeller on the head of the Intelligence Committee? This is the same guy who went to Syria prior to the Iraq War and told Assad that we were going into Iraq no matter what happened in the UN. Who knows what else he told Assad. By the way, he broke US law simply by going to Syria as a US Senator. And then, Assad informed his terrorist ties with Iran and elsewhere to stage the foreign insurgency in Iraq. It's like clockwork. Rockefeller is the one who should be under investigation for treason. |
If Hillary gets in, I too would consider moving out too, because I would hate to live here with people of the kind that would put her in as President. The only other option would be to wait for her to come collect up your guns. and when she and her buddies came, THEN GIVE THEM the BULLETS FIRST OUT THROUGH THE BARREL OF THE GUN!!!! Actually I think that the TRUTH be known ,only about 5% of the people would actually vote for her, because there may only be 5 % or less truth left in the main stream media. All filler now days as it appears to me. I figure Obama will be the next President. But Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich should play important parts in our next election and in the next govt. for this country and Colin Powell, too, and get Jay Rockefeller from west Virginia on the intelligence committee to help put all our govt criminals in prison after a fair trial of course!!!I figure the trial should include all those in the White House, the JUST US Department and most of the Congress and other accomplices. Happy HUNTING and FISHING and MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL. LOL..well look, the "people" have already voted in one Clinton that lied to everyone, then a Bush for a second go round at a fiasco. So you think the American people have gotten ANY SMARTER!!!?? HELL NO! They are still mostly the same self centered, materialistic, non-thinking idiots and we are only raising more! Read just the introduction of the book by Lee Iaccocca, "Where have all the leaders gone". Only a few of us have the BALLS to stand up for what we believe in, the rest sit back and pay lip service or HIDE because they THINK they have something to LOSE! I voted, but not for a Bush or a Clinton. So it was not me who puts those sh*itheads in office! Do I have to run for President too??? I alrady had to do the dishes and take out the trash...someone else pitch in!!! ![]() |
I hope ,I read it right, but ,I understand that Jay Rockefeller of all people has the intelligence capabilities and the right ties(maybe Russian intelligence records and other evidence needed) and the right attitude now to set things right and if we the people back him and let him know that we are ready to stop the Bull in this country and set things straight, he also is willing and also does not like seeing this country going down the tubes. Strange sounding, I know, But who else are we going to get to do this, that would have all the scoop on these criminals, that he supposedly has and is supposedly willing to help us. I have changed my mind about things during my life and I figure Jay Rockefeller has too. I hear that He wants to help get our country back. Lets help him ,to help us, for the good of our country and for our children too. I guess he has children too, and that is one of the things he too was worried about. So lets give him a hand, let him know we are behind him on getting our country back.
Edited by
Mon 12/10/07 04:39 PM
I hope ,I read it right, but ,I understand that Jay Rockefeller of all people has the intelligence capabilities and the right ties(maybe Russian intelligence records and other evidence needed) and the right attitude now to set things right and if we the people back him and let him know that we are ready to stop the Bull in this country and set things straight, he also is willing and also does not like seeing this country going down the tubes. Strange sounding, I know, But who else are we going to get to do this, that would have all the scoop on these criminals, that he supposedly has and is supposedly willing to help us. I have changed my mind about things during my life and I figure Jay Rockefeller has too. I hear that He wants to help get our country back. Lets help him ,to help us, for the good of our country and for our children too. I guess he has children too, and that is one of the things he too was worried about. So lets give him a hand, let him know we are behind him on getting our country back. Friend I am NOT bashing or degrading here. PLEASE know this. This is the EXACT attitude and aptitude that has made our country into this chaos. STOP DEPENDING ON ONE PERSON TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU! Don't just "elect" someone to stand for you...STAND WITH THEM AND FIGHT! You see what you get in Congress and the Senate when you put people to stand up for you! STOP IT! WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER! But YOU as part of "THE PEOPLE" must be willing to stand up and DO SOMETHING AS WELL! The POWER is in NUMBERS! JOINED, NOT DIVIDED! FOR ONE CAUSE! FOR ONE PURPOSE! FOR ONE COUNTRY! Then, and ONLY then, will it change! |
I agree with you Sumthingdifferent.
If more voters really thought about who they were voting for the country might be on better shape. But people would rather vote for the knee-jerk issues, what I call Gays Guns and God. Stupid. ![]() |
Hitlary is the choice of the establishment and will carry on from where Bush left, expanding the size of government, expanding the war into Iran and shredding the constitution.
Only an anti-war Republican can defeat Hilary i.e. Ron Paul. The rest of the republican candidates are lame ducks who will take a dive as Kerry did for Bush in 04. |
Ron Paul is definitely
a wild card candidate. And with so many running, it's just possible he could squeak in. Just like Bill Clinton was a wild card candidate. He got elected mainly because Ross Perot was running and took away votes from George Bush Sr. |
Well if she wins i will be staying in america but i am a ron paul fan.
Edited by
Fri 12/14/07 08:41 PM
No need to make a reservation with Atlas Moving & Storage. She has as much of a chance of winning as I do. Thank the stars!!
It won't make
much difference who gets in. They will still kiss the oil companies collective asses and still do favors for the big donors who got them elected. And American soldiers will still be in Iraq until Doomsday. In other words: 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...' -Excerpt from We Won't Get Fooled Again (The Who) |