Community > Posts By > quigley

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Tue 12/11/07 10:22 AM
Agreed Caolina.

Ron Paul supporters get registered.

Ron Paul is a must or it will be Hilary and basicly the end of the US as we know it.

We're all rooting for Dr. Paul over here in the UK too, shame we don't have someone similar or a proper binding constitution to defend.

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Tue 12/11/07 09:59 AM

Yes, I agree, I think NAFTA is a scam against the people of this country and was meant to ruin this Country so that the Zionist one world govt by Zionists could take over easier , when people lose hope, and then they might allow the Communistic United Nations organization under Zionist to take over the World? I think that the People behind NAFTA knew that NAFTA would ruin our economy, by moving business to other countries. I suggest we totally get rid of NAFTA, the PATRIOT ACT, the WAR POWERS ACT and the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, restore the 13TH Amendment to our Constitution, and support our soldiers, by bringing them ALL HOME NOW!!!!

Yup, NAFTA just a free trade agreement huh? Think again. We in Europe had the exact same scam pulled on us to get us into the EU. They gave us all the BS about 'just a free trade agreement' as soon as we were sighned up it was too late. Now Gordon Brown has taken it upon himself to abolish the UK forever when he signs the new 'treaty' which is the same as the constitution that they wouldn't let us vote on cause they knew we would reject it.

Utterly criminal, utterly treasonous.

If you allow NAFTA the next thing will be a full on NAU, all your wages will go down and your sovereignty and constitution will be things of the past.

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Tue 12/11/07 09:49 AM
Hitlary is the choice of the establishment and will carry on from where Bush left, expanding the size of government, expanding the war into Iran and shredding the constitution.

Only an anti-war Republican can defeat Hilary i.e. Ron Paul. The rest of the republican candidates are lame ducks who will take a dive as Kerry did for Bush in 04.

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Tue 12/11/07 09:38 AM
I think the reason the insurance companies have the market cornered is that they operate asa cartel i.e. opposite of free market.

If the market was realy free, you would have companies offering insurance as cheaply as practicable. You could even set up your own insurance company in your own community.

I think big pharma has the FDA by the balls though.

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Tue 12/11/07 09:31 AM

Neither the Democrats or Republicans give a rats ass about the people, they are all supported by big business and vice versa. Why do you think they have made it nearly impossible for any other political party to exist?, in any force that is.

Ron Paul is the only real candidate IMHO, I don't mind Gravel either.

Paul want's to abolish the fed which would mean everyone would have less tax to pay whether youre single or not. As I think we would all agree that tax that goes to pay interest on a national debt that cost nothing to create is a complete waste.