Topic: I Am A... | |
I am a mammalian surface dwelling atmosphere breather.
...A seer of sights. ...A breather of air. ...A drinker of drinks. ...An eater of food. ...A doer of deeds. ...A walker of walks. ...A speaker of talk. ...A writer of words. ...A thinker of thoughts. ...A performer of acts. ...A scratcher of itch. ...A listener of sounds. ...A wisher of well. ...A sorter of assortments. ...A biter of bites. ...A liver of life. ...A dancer of dance. ...A folder of folds. ...A winker of winks. As I move about the Earth, my weight pushes down on the surface...I am a planet packer. |
I am a dolt.
![]() I am adult. |
Some people call me the space cowboy.
Some call me the gangster of love. |
I am thinking about this one.
Will add more later. (I'm a big procrastinator) |
I am thinking about this one. Will add more later. (I'm a big procrastinator) ...A procaster of nators! |
Space Cowboy...
...A rounder of up! |
I am the egg man
They are the egg men I am the walrus Goo goo g'joob |
Goo goo g'joob
So THAT'S how you spell it! ...a g'noober of g'joobs! |
I am a woman.
I am a woman. ![]() ![]() |
^^ nice to hear, pisces.
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I Am A...
Royal pain in the a*s.. at times ;) |
I am me
I am imperfect I am a person with a soft heart and a hard shell I am the Aztec queen of stubborness (according to my cousin) I am afraid of dogs and darkness I am a person who never had children I am the auntie the kids live to spend time with I am a social worker and teacher I am the one who tells dumb jokes I am a good listener and great friend I am a hopeless romantic yet also a bit disbelieving I am me |
I am the seeker of truth, and over the years I've found the truth will not always set you free nor will it make you feel better.
I am a...
...Sitter of seats ...Seeker of joy ...Catcher of tickles ...Giver of happiness ...Teller of truths ...Doer of dishes ...Cleaner of dirties ...Petter of pets ...Buyer of products ...Driver of truck ...Fixer of broken ...Saver of money ...Blower of nose |
I am
I am Sam I am. I like green eggs and ham . |
I am 32 flavors and then some - Alanis Davis |
I am a woman in love
... I stumble and fall But I give you it all ![]() |
i am a con fused lady right now
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I am a thinker of thoughts
I'm a feeler of emotions |