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Topic: Nice Guys are Exciting Too
ephraimglass's photo
Sun 11/18/07 12:53 PM
In a recent thread, I mentioned that maybe what we Nice Guys have going against us is the perception that we're bland or uninteresting. Nice Guys, here's your chance. You know what makes you EXCITING even if you don't necessarily mention it in your profile. Post it here and maybe you'll even help out some other Nice Guy.

I have a tattoo. I dance WILDLY to techno music. When I'm married, I will try ANYTHING in the bedroom (or the kitchen or the back yard), at least once. I study martial arts (judo.)

cuppykisses's photo
Sun 11/18/07 12:55 PM
Personally id much rather have a nice guy with a little bit of a wild side....who really wants a badboy that doesnt kno how to treat a woman?

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sun 11/18/07 12:59 PM
I totally agree

ephraimglass's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:02 PM
Well, that's just it. People in general are looking for BOTH. We want a nice partner with a bit of a wild side. I think that maybe we nice folks fail to show off that wild side.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:09 PM
darth vader at your service....if bad is what you want, embrace me, your dark, bad side

shutterbug63's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:11 PM
I've always been a nice guy. It is my impression that us nice guys are simply not interesting to women. They like the bad boys a lot more. Then when the relationship doesn't work out, women are scratching their heads wondering why?

ephraimglass's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:16 PM

I've always been a nice guy. It is my impression that us nice guys are simply not interesting to women. They like the bad boys a lot more. Then when the relationship doesn't work out, women are scratching their heads wondering why?

Dude, that's just the idea I'm trying to combat here. I assume you're NOT boring. If you're afraid that women think you're uninteresting, take this opportunity to declare a few of the things that make you exciting. You're a photography buff, I gather. On how many continents have you taken photographs?

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:17 PM
i also ageed thissmokin

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:28 PM
fellas; being bad is like a woman being super sexy...we can't help but want what is so different and yet so appealing to us...when you are bad..its like honey to the bees...the ladies can't stop wanting you....the only head scatching is the poor fellas sitting on the sidelines watching life pass them bye....bye bye

cuppykisses's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:29 PM
Edited by cuppykisses on Sun 11/18/07 01:30 PM
Yes we DO like nice guys...wat we dont like is the pessimistic. feel sorry for themselves, low self esteem ones....we want someone that is nice and mature and ones that can see positive in things an not think negatively all the time...ok so u havent found the rite girl well most of us havent found the rite one it will happen...dont b someone ur not or try to b someone u think will impress us, ull find the rite one sometimes it just takes a little bit longer

mrosebro's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:35 PM
ephraimglass, this is an issue i've been battleing since middle school! i have allways been the boreing guy. I've had several girlfriends since then obviously, however none of them lasted... and the majority of those i blame on the fact i'm boreing. I've known this for a long time, but i don't know how to BATTLE IT.... i'm a school bus driving, tech buff. I'd gladly take the shirt off my own back to help anyone, but that doesn't make me a bad boy... i have no bad boy traits... never smoked anything in my life, never done a single drug... i've gotten drunk a couple times, but whoo whee... anyone on this site honestly hasn't? BE TRUTHFULL! and even that is so incredibly rare it's ridiculous!

However is it my imagineation, or does it also seem that a lot of girls have grown accustomed to being abused, be it physicalyl, mentally, or emotionally? A lot of girls have had such bad pasts, that they don't believe a real true honest guy like us exist, and that when they get treated right, something doesn't feel right, and they think we have soething up our sleeve.... when in reality, we're just good hearted people.

It's an uphill battle either way, and it's one we can't give up on! I've wanted to a lot, but damnit, the steeper the hill, the more glorious the peek will be!


MissBehaving's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:36 PM
Edited by MissBehaving on Sun 11/18/07 01:41 PM
<---- would never speak on behalf of all women

Yes, I do like men :tongue:

Good guy :tongue:
So nice my grandmother loves him guy :tongue:
"Bad boy" with bad intentions guy :tongue:
First name only guy :tongue:
Rescue kittens and damsels in distress guy:tongue:
Buys tampons without blushing guy
Enjoys going to the opera guy

But the man I fall in love with may be all of the above - in moderation


cuppykisses's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:39 PM
well the giving every guy a chance that goes both ways....guys need to give every woman a chance as well...and yes alot of women have been treated badly and it is what they r used to many of them it is because that is all they think they can get they dont kno wat it means or feels like to b truly cherished and not sayin all women r perfect because i kno a lot do not kno how to treat men....and if ppl cant find the good in u or find interesting things about u then they r obviously not the rite kinna ppl u want to associate with

CaRisLOVE's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:43 PM
Edited by CaRisLOVE on Sun 11/18/07 01:44 PM
nah i dont believe in this anymore i mean as in nice guys arent exciting or daring or just how do say "cool"
we are more than just a nice guy, we can be everything and more
cause we have tha power and positivity

mrosebro's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:44 PM

well the giving every guy a chance that goes both ways....guys need to give every woman a chance as well...and yes alot of women have been treated badly and it is what they r used to many of them it is because that is all they think they can get they dont kno wat it means or feels like to b truly cherished and not sayin all women r perfect because i kno a lot do not kno how to treat men....and if ppl cant find the good in u or find interesting things about u then they r obviously not the rite kinna ppl u want to associate with

that's what i keep trying to remind myself cuppykisses, but there's only so many lonely nights in a row a person can have before they start to wonder where to hell to find the peole they DO WANT to associate with..... but that's just my perogative.

and for the record, yes i AM a positively minded person... this is just the mental battle i've been having with myself heh.

Mimx's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:50 PM
A nice guy with a wild side? I the only one who sees this as an Oxymoron?

Thats like saying you can lie and still be an honest person.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:50 PM
when you cool cats are out buying tampoons and rocky road ice cream...i'll be shaggin with some hot babe...later gaters...enjoy "ghost" with your wife...

cuppykisses's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:51 PM
Edited by cuppykisses on Sun 11/18/07 01:53 PM

A nice guy with a wild side? I the only one who sees this as an Oxymoron?

Thats like saying you can lie and still be an honest person.

even nice guys have wild sides...r u saying that u r not a nice guy? or that u dont have a wild side?

Mimx's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:54 PM
I don't have a wild side. I don't think the two can exist in the same person.

I only see in black and white. So theres only nice guys or typical guys. There is never an in between.

MissBehaving's photo
Sun 11/18/07 01:54 PM

when you cool cats are out buying tampoons and rocky road ice cream...i'll be shaggin with some hot babe...later gaters...enjoy "ghost" with your wife...


Yep,the line forms to the left, ladies
No pushing

:tongue: laugh

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