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Topic: Guys help me out...
HollyRenee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:54 PM
Alright, so here's the situation...

I'm a single mother. Last month I started hanging out with a guy I work with. We get along great and I was definately under the impression that he was interested in me. So I asked him, he said he was interested...but could not handle the responsibility of a child. Alright, so I took that as RED LIGHT this is going nowhere. Since that conversation we have hung out twice and went past the lines of friendship if ya know what I mean. Which I'm not stupid - I know that doesn't mean anything. But, when we're together he seems so into me. Basically what I want to know, do you think it's possible this guy may be changing his mind? Or am I a victim of a booty call? lol

Help me, I'm so confused!!!

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:56 PM
single mother uhh i know what thats like.... i just need to have kids first

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:57 PM
I would have to say booty call! he told you he's not into kids and you have one, I would suggest you ask him again.

lelee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:58 PM thinking maybe he is TESTING the field..seeing what he is getting himself into...i'd watch his signs..if u end up being MORE intimate.....then going OUT.....your a booty call!

HollyRenee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:59 PM
Well I was trying to have high I know when I had first started working there he wanted to ask me out(unaware of my daughter at this point) but I was dating someone. So now 2 years later, we're both single and finally hanging out, so I just thought maybe he realized he was being stupid and wanted to try it out. But ... probably just a booty call, grrr !

HollyRenee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:59 PM
good point lelee, ill keep that in mind, thanks : )

dchatwin's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:00 PM
YOU are so cute.

dchatwin's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:00 PM
LOL I know that doesn't answer any of your questions.....

HollyRenee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:01 PM
Whatever dchatwin you just think I'm easy.

lol just kidding!

well that doesnt answer my question, but thanks!! : ) lol

dchatwin's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:03 PM
Whoa lol. No but now I think your sassy! (I like it).

I don't go for easy people... sad

lelee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:03 PM know..i wouldnt give it up anymore to him...LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:04 PM
dchatwin just answered your question - he may just think you're cute but isn't really paying attention to anything else. ;) From what I have experienced, men are very clear with what they want in a relationship & they aren't afraid to tell a woman. So if he is saying no to the relationship b/c of the kid, he's going to stick with that.

But um...if you have known him all this time, why don't you just come out and ask him? Men are usually pretty honest when asked in a situation like this.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:05 PM
I have a real good buddy that got involved with a gal with a baby (we all love her too). Anyway, he was off and on and not sure as he was still getting use to her. After a year he really decided that there was no better person than her and he has grown to love the child.

I think it was her confidence, humor, and her motherly way that showed him some cool things that he realized he didn't want to take a chance on trying to find someone else.

It's all a chance so stay cool, confident with yourself and I'm sure one way or another it will work itself out the right way.

What's his family background??? Maybe he's tied to ideals of his family having a problem with someone who has a child..... ya gotta check out all angles but the end result is....

Does he have your back in life.

Best of luck,


HollyRenee's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:06 PM
lelee ... haha yeah we'll see if i get another phone call if i dont give it up next time. boys can be so stupid, dont they know they shouldnt mess around with a girl they work with, duh

dchatwin... im glad to hear you dont go for easy people, thats how you get diseases lol.. and you got it right on the money with the sassy thing.. im sassy sweet n silly (former aol screen name hehe)

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:06 PM
i would address the question about kids again and depending on his answer might give you an idea of where youre relationship is going as for myself if someone told me they werent into kids and i am a single parent if i was into it for a relationship its doubtful that i would have went any kid is first if that means i dont get any oh well rather not get any than have a relationship with someone that doesnt care about my son...smokin ... jmo

dchatwin's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:07 PM
Lol Aristiota, you my dear, are so very lucky I've had a few drinks and I'm strictly in these forums to make people smile. Otherwise I wouldn't mind writing you quite the long novel on exactly what type of person I am. Not listening? Hehe...if you'd like to play that game, you are very judgemental. Holly is cute. I read every word of what she said, and made the decision to make her smile.

If I say you're cute too, does that mean I'm not listening to you? :wink:

riggaray8's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:10 PM
i have a bad feeling it was a booty call...but hes an idiot!! because your friggin gorgeous!

fortsmithman's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:12 PM
Most likely a booty call.

adj4u's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:13 PM


do you enjoy it

is anyone getting hurt

does your child have a clue (hope not)

are you becoming emotionally attached

is he becoming emotionally attached

are the answers to these questions consistent

if they are do you see a problem arising from the situation


are you enjoying it

fortsmithman's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:19 PM
If it is a booty call do you have brothers who could talk to this guy and advise continuing to do what he doing (the bootycall) could result in medical problems for him like a busted arm or 2. Because if anyone ever did a booty call on any of my sisters i'd want to talk with the guy about his future health problems

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