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Topic: afraid of what could be the trueth?
voodoo25's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:36 AM
COWARDS You can read my pst of WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE??But you cannot respond?I wanna hear your thoughts I wanna know where you stand...I WANNA HEAR THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE>>>>Please no insults just insight....

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:50 AM
laugh laugh laugh

You call people cowards in all caps and then say, "please no insults"

You're a silly person. drinker

I think everyone should have fun and enjoy themselves and not hurt, harm, or discomort other people in the process.

How's that? glasses

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:53 AM

I think everyone should have fun and enjoy themselves and not hurt, harm, or discomort other people in the process.

Take that beam out of your eye first. You recently wrote a poem which suggested that God hates me and that God has turned me into a fool. You insult Christianity and question the intelligence and morals of anyone who is a Christian. You need to stop doing that before you will have the moral authority to correct this young lady.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:56 AM
Spider wrote:
"You recently wrote a poem which suggested that God hates me and that God has turned me into a fool"


By golly you do have a rodent on your back don't you?

No Spider, I never suggested that God hates you. I simply stated that God would be upset by people who ABSUSE the Bible.

I guess you took that to mean that I was speaking about you?

Here, have a flower and calm down. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:59 AM

You already know from experiance that the mods don't buy your innocent act. Nobody who read that had any doubt of who you were talking about. You are a hypocrite and a liar for all to see. It's only because your friends refuse to judge you (while they take glee in unfairly judging me), that you even have friends.

Britty's photo
Fri 11/09/07 10:03 AM

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/09/07 10:08 AM
Spider wrote:
"You are a hypocrite and a liar for all to see."

If you say so Spider. drinker

By the way, wasn't that a personal attack?


Oh well. Whatever.

I think the world is a beautiful place and everyone could just get along.

I personally believe that people who claim to speak for God are delusional idiots suffering from gross rejection and a chronic need for attention and self-importance.

But that’s just a generic opinion and I’m sure it has nothing to do with you. Right?

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 10:11 AM

By the way, wasn't that a personal attack?

It's not a personal attack, when it's the truth. If the Mods have any question about what I posted, I can show the ample proof that you have lied repeatedly about me, what I have posted and what I believe. You also judged this woman for saying "coward" and you have accused me of far worse, so you proved yourself in hypocrite in this thread. The truth is on my side, you even apologized recently when you posted false statements about what I believe and I called you on it. Just please know, I am not afraid of the truth, but you should be.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/09/07 10:59 AM
Spider wrote:
" I can show the ample proof that you have lied repeatedly about me, what I have posted and what I believe”

I apologize if I have misinterpreted things that you have said.

I think it’s wrong of you to jump to the conclusion that I am ‘lying’ about what you say when it may well be that I simply misunderstand. Perhaps you need to better explain your position.

My impression from your posts is that you are telling other people how God will judge their behavior. It appears to me that you are telling other people what makes God angry, what God likes, and what God dislikes. What God will tolerate and what he won’t.

I think you need to back-off and start voicing these things as your own personal opinions instead of speaking in such absolute terms like as if you are speaking for God Himself.

That’s just my interpretation from your posts. There’s nothing misrepresentative about it.

You have misrepresented science, and you continue to do so. You claim that science only has ‘conclusions’ to offer and all their conclusions are unsupported by 'evidence'. You are wrong about this. If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 meters long, then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 meters long. If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 billion years old then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 billion years old.

Evidence and conclusions are quite often the very same thing in science.

So when you say that they are not they same, should I call you a liar? I wouldn’t do that. I think you simply don’t understand. You misrepresent science because of ignorance, not because of a desire to lie.

You're always accusing other people of passing judgments, but it’s been my impression that you are the one who is continually passing judgments on others. Just as you have accused me of being a liar instead of realizing that I may simply be misunderstanding you. I seriously don’t believe that I am misunderstanding you though, but if you say so I can’t argue with that.


no photo
Fri 11/09/07 11:09 AM

I apologize if I have misinterpreted things that you have said.

You apologized in one thread and repeated the claims in another thread a few days later. Did you mean your apology? Why did you repeat the claims if you admit that you misinterpreted what I was saying in the first place?

You have misrepresented science, and you continue to do so. You claim that science only has ‘conclusions’ to offer and all their conclusions are unsupported by 'evidence'. You are wrong about this. If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 meters long, then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 meters long. If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 billion years old then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 billion years old.

That's not what I said. I said I disagree with their conclusions, but I accept most of the evidence. I tried to explain this to you, but you said you weren't interested. Take geological layers for example. I agree, that the crust is composed of strata, but I disagree with the conclusion that the earth is billions of years old. The strata are equally valid as evidence for a global flood. Same evidence, different conclusion. Without the assumption that the earth is billions of years old, the only logical conclusion for the layers of limestone and sandstone is "flood". Those layers are caused by floods. So I'm rejecting the assumption that the earth is billions of years old, because most of the evidence that the earth is billions of years old also supports a creationist Bible based belief.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/09/07 02:24 PM

“The strata are equally valid as evidence for a global flood. Same evidence, different conclusion.”

No, this isn’t true. It not compatible with a single global flood at all. Any respectable geologist will tell you that unless, of course, he or she is working for “creationist” group.

Modern science does NOT condone a global flood as being compatible with the evidence. Period. That’s not an option. It doesn’t fit the observations. If it were an option it would be taught as such.

Just show me one respectable geology book, that wasn’t published by ‘creationists’ with an agenda, that suggests that a global flood could account for all the geological layers, their specific fossil periods, and all the other data that goes with it.

Just show me just one textbook. If it’s a legitimate science book I’ll go to the library and get it and see who wrote it and what they have to say. If there’s an obvious creationist intent to it I’ll toss it in the trash can, because that’s not science. When you already have a preconceived notion of how things have to work out that's not science.

Scientist have rejected the flood “theory”. Period amen. It just doesn’t fit the data.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 02:50 PM

They reject it on the grounds that they don't believe a global flood would be possible, not because a global flood wouldn't produce similar fossil results or create strata. Almost all fossils are sea creatures, makes sense. Until a certain point, we see no fossils of anything more complex than a sponge...makes sense. The Bible says that there was no rain before Noah's arc. Without water, you can't have a flood. Without water you don't get fossils. After that point, we see an explosion of all types of animals. The body must be buried quickly and completely in the presense of water or a fossil will not form. A world wide flood would do just that.

Add in what we know about rapid subduction and sea floor spreading and you get a very complete view of what Noah's flood was. A very round earth went through a period of seismic activity, which caused the water canopy to fall as rain. Because the earth was so flat, the water easily covered the earth. Seafloor spreading was caused at a rapid rate as was rapid subduction. The result was that the surface of the earth was changed forever, giving us seven continents, mountains and valleys. This is all supportable with existing science. Read up on "catastrophic plate tectonics" and John Baumgardner, Ph.D., he has done was great work on proving that the Genesis flood was possible.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:00 PM
i believe ..that everyone has a right to their belief...smokin

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:11 PM
Whoo-hoo Tomb! Great belief! I don't think I'm a coward, just lazy at this point. My beliefs are a hodge podge of basically live and let live without hurting others. Unfortunately, words can hurt and sometimes it comes across as an intentional dig when it was merely meant as stating ones opinion. Who realized there could be a cross fire with words! Now I Know, perhaps I will exercise more care, but as I rarely exercise, hmmmmmmm, I give no guarantees........

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:18 PM
Well this is just crap. A couple of hours ago I responded to this thread, a sort long letter. Just as I sent it the site went down. I thought it may have posted. I went somewhere for a couple of hours and rememebered it and it wasn't there. Dang...
I wish I could remember what I wrotehuh .

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:20 PM
Hey, question y'all. Would it be rude if in answer to a thread, I pull up an old thread and then just refer to that thread?????

Eljay's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:39 PM
Abra wrote:

"If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 meters long, then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 meters long. If a scientist measures something to be 4.5 billion years old then the conclusion is that it’s 4.5 billion years old."

>>> Please don't equate these Abra - only an idiot would think that these two equate equally as truth's.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:44 PM
<~~~~~~~has given up on the god threads .....because every single one of them have the same people fighting over the same thing......just different titles....yawn yawn yawn yawn

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:46 PM
Why is it soooooo impossible to have a discussion on religion and not argue! I don't know about all of you but god and peace are synonymous in my life......not got and bicker, argue, and belittlehuh

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:52 PM
That too has its own thread. Take heart Fresh, we don't always bicker and besides look at it as an oddball way of caring. How many times are family arguments based on one family member trying to save another one from themselves. Sometimes it seems like an intervention - "Do ya see what you're doin here?" (Hint, use an Italian accent for that in quotes, its way more fun.)

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