Topic: afraid of what could be the trueth?
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Fri 11/09/07 03:54 PM
noway noway Nope everyone I open up is so full of spider and abra fighting w/ each other that I don't see god involved anywhere....I find it ludicrous and self serving! JMO....

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:57 PM
Well......don't stop fighting for my sakenoway noway noway I'm sure god was enjoying it .....huh

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 04:00 PM

As I've mentioned before, Abra won't read my emails, so I am forced to make the dispute pubic. Also, I don't see a single person who has a problem with him writing poems to insult me, often people applaud him. So why should I feel sorry for anybody, when his behavior is encouraged?

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 11/09/07 04:25 PM
hey all......

Abra and Spider behave yourself....

For me myself and I........I believe the Lord my God is I have had my own personal experiences with him. And time after time he has revealed the truth to my soul. My faith in Him and His word is, and always will be unwavering. He has given me unbelievable gifts that I don't take lightly. And I will do what he asks of me for as long as he asks me. So God bless to all....

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/09/07 04:30 PM
Fresh I'm with you.God is peace love and all accepting.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:00 PM
Point of interest God isn't the one arguing or discussing and actually God isn't even actually the subject. They have vastly differing opinions of the bible and apparently vastly different senses of humor. I see Abra's poetry as poking fun at what ever's happening in the moment. It's part of his personality. Just as Spider has his personality and he's joked around in his style too. A lot of times I have to make sure he's joking, but I'm learning and appreciating a lot of his humor too. I actually miss both of them when they're gone from the forum.

I am sorry the bickering detracts from other's enjoyment of the forum though. I guess I've just learned to bounce over those posts and stick with what interests me.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:21 PM
I've known james for awhile so I know his sense of humor.I didnt know spider had one.

Totage's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:30 PM
No, I'm not afraid of what could be true. I beleive in God, heaven and hell. I beleive the if you accept Christ into your heart, you are saved and will have enternal life. If you do not accept Christ, you will perish in eternity. That is my beleive.

I also beleive in respecting everyones beleifes. I do not beleive in forcing my views upon others, if someone is interested in Christianity I certainly will not turn them away, but if they have their own beleifes, so be it.

I do not judge other relegions, to tell you the truth I don't understand them, and I don't care to. I see people for what they are and I do not judge them.

I love everyone for the simple fact that they are HUMAN. We must stick together and help each other through life despite our differences.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:38 PM

My Captain:

This pretty much sums it up for me.

I have a friend in Jesus,
Who guides me through the gale
A first mate and a skipper
Who helps me to set sail.
He offers strength and guidance
A helmsman at the wheel
An ever-steady beam of light
A fortress made of steel.
He's the master of the ocean
My refuge and my rock
A harbor that I turn to
My anchor at life's dock.
He's a mighty sailing warrior
A helping hand indeed
A pilot through the churning waves
He meets my every need.
He's the One I always run to
When the waves won't let me be
The lighthouse that I turn to
On a rough and troubled sea.
He's a smoothly sailing vessel
A refuge from the storm
The gentle breeze that sends me to
An island, sweet and warm.
He's a brave and fearless skipper
A shelter from the heat
Water when I'm thirsty
A vessel filled with wheat.
He's a sure and steady sailor
My Captain on life's sea
No matter where I journey
He goes along with me.

Totage's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:40 PM
That's an awesome poem, who wrote it?

wouldee's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:40 PM
truth and opinion never meet.

they mingle like we do.

they dance like we do.

they front like we do.

they differ like we do

they enchant like we do.

they strive for mastery like we do.

they just like us!!! laugh laugh laugh smokin drinker bigsmile

KerryO's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:32 PM
Spider writes:

"As I've mentioned before, Abra won't read my emails, so I am forced to make the dispute pubic."

Guh? How does _that_ work? Like the Alexander Hamilton/Aaron Burr duel but with paintball guns and a purposely faulty aim?

Not very sporting, is it? ::::shrugs:::: A little below the belt, if you catch my drift.

" Also, I don't see a single person who has a problem with him writing poems to insult me, often people applaud him. So why should I feel sorry for anybody, when his behavior is encouraged?"

Well, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go to Border's to buy some more Ann Coulter books. Before you know it, you'll feel Right as Rain.

-Kerry O.

josh3110's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:48 PM
Spider, Know that I back you 100%, I have seen the threads and there's alot of drama going on here on all the treads, just remember that everyone in society says "Be tolerant of others beliefs" and yet they belittle our moral standpoint as christians, you can have buddests, muslim, Wiccan and any other beliefs tell what they believe and they are "Enlightend" and yet we share ours and we are "Narrowminded,Biggeted bible thumping Hypocrits".
there is only tolerence for every belief except Christianity because after all every other religion makes them "Feel Good" ours makes them uncomfortable because they want to keep living they're life the way that makes them feel good instead of changing for truth.

Change is uncomfortable and there is no excuse for ignorance!

And you can Quote me on that people.

KerryO's photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:28 AM

I found a lot of contradiction in your post. You seem to be saying that either you're Christian or you're wrong with quotes like:

"Change is uncomfortable and there is no excuse for ignorance! "

But then you wonder why this 'moral standpoint' is challenged, allegedly, unfairly.

Seems to me you're getting in peoples' faces with your own brand of intolerance and are unapologetic about doing so. You know the one about pointing fingers? How when you point an index finger, there are three more fingers pointing back at the pointer? I've known a few Wiccans and I've never had even one of them say things to me like your quote above.

And BTW, be sure to ask Spider about the time he lost his temper in a post and called me a 'jackass'. :) How Christian was that?

-Kerry O.

josh3110's photo
Sat 11/10/07 12:37 PM
there is no contradiction in my post, you're just reading it the wrong laugh
people are ignorent of christianity and they do not change their ways or want to believe christianity because it would be too hard for them to give up things God says is wrong.
I'm not getting in people's faces at all because you can't even see the way I would say it with my mouth.
how you say things are just as important as what you are saying, if I said it in a sad voice you would never know because you take what I say and believe what you want on how I say it.
I am mearly stating a fact of how society treats christianity, I knew people who were muslim when I was in school who were given a time to pray in another room, yet Christians cannot pray quietly or lead a bible study or share our beliefs without it being called "shoving our religion down others throats"
when a buddest shares his belief it is called enlightend thinking.

BTW Kerry0 just because spider lost his temper only means that spider is human, We all have our faults and things that are hard for us to change and then sometimes we slip up and go to our old ways without meaning to do so.

there is such a thing with Rightous anger and if he was sharing something on here and you belittled Spider then there might have been cause to loose his temper, I'm not saying calling you a Jackass was right but it depends on if you were pushing him or egging him on.
Just a thought.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 01:14 PM
Kerry'o, you need to understand something:

God is the only truth
The bible is the only book which holds God's TRUTH for humans.
The few humans whom unconditionnally believe in God, and the absolute truth of his word in the bible, have god's truth on their side.
(Hell, why not stretch this one a bit.) Those few humans know and hold the truth themselves.
Anyone contradicting them is wrong, because there cannot be TWO ABSOLUTE TRUTHS.

So 'kerry'o', I'm afraid I've got bad news for you.

It is clear for anyone whom reads any of of these threads, that 'spider' is as close to the absolute truth as humans can be. Hell, he's near infallible!!!

Now, josh3110 agrees 100% with 'spider'. Well then, that's it! By strict association alone, josh3110 also knows the TRUTH!!!

So it's clear 'kerry'o', 'spider' HAD to call you a JACKASS, because you had to have lead him on.
You know, it's the old "... the rapist doesn't rape, it's the woman whom wrongfully tempts and forces him to perpetrate the rape..."

Where would we be without these few remaining 'holders of the truth' !!!

Thank you boys!

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/10/07 02:32 PM
Josh Wrote:
“people are ignorent of christianity and they do not change their ways or want to believe christianity because it would be too hard for them to give up things God says is wrong.”

With all due respect Josh, it’s this kind of rhetoric that offends people. The very suggesting that because someone is not a “Christian” that they necessarily have lesser morals or are obsessed with doing wrongful things.

If I were to become a Christian I would not need to change my lifestyle one iota. There is nothing I do that would conflict with Christianity.

And as you say, no one is perfect, we are all human, so even if I became a Christian that part wouldn’t change either.

In short, there is absolutely nothing I would need to give up to become a Christian.

I don’t denounce the Bible because I think it’s too strict to live by. On the contrary I pity anyone who feels that behaving themselves is so hard to do!

I denounce the Bible simply because I don’t believe it is from God. Period Amen. It’s an intellectual decision based on the fact that I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would be so self-centered and jealous. I don’t believe that the creator of this universe would have created an eternal hell as part of his master plan. It simply makes no sense to me.

What purpose would be served by making souls suffer for eternity?

Who would that benefit?

Unless God is some kind of sadist and gets a kick out of watching people suffer then why bother with hell at all? Why not just “un-create” souls who misbehave (let them perish into oblivion)

What would be the PURPOSE of making them suffer for all of eterntity?

Who would BENEFIT from that?

Can you tell me who would benefit from that?

And remember, if you say that the Devil would benefit, then why would God allow the to have the ‘pleasure’ of tormenting his creations for all of eternity?

The picture just makes no sense Josh.

How would it be beneficial to God to make a place for people to suffer for all of eternity? And if it’s not beneficial to God then why would God allow such a thing to occur? What would be the purpose of it?

Well, keep in mind, that if the Bible was written by men to keep the masses under their thumb buy scaring the HELL out of them! Then the story makes PERFECT SENSE.

But it makes no sense at all that an all-wise, all-powerful, all-loving God would create such a situation.

What would be the purpose of it? How would the be beneficial to God?

That’s really a huge reason why I don’t believe in the religion. It simply makes no sense!

I don’t believe that the picture of God that has been portrayed can possible be what the real creator of this universe would be like. The biblical picture of God is far too HUMAN! With HUMAN frailties and faults. He’s even a self-proclaimed “jealous” God. A God who gets jealous? ohwell

KerryO's photo
Sat 11/10/07 03:18 PM
Josh writes:

" there is no contradiction in my post, you're just reading it the wrong"

"Nyet!" said the bear, "I am NOT a bear." -I. Tergenev, if I recall correctly.

"people are ignorent of christianity and they do not change their ways or want to believe christianity because it would be too hard for them to give up things God says is wrong."

In my dictionary, 'ignorance' is defined as a lack of knowledge, so how can can someone change to conform with something about which they know nothing? I suspect you're misusing the word in an attempt to appear to be less the authoritarian fan. So that when you sneak morality into the argument, you have what you think is an escape-proof prison of circular thinking that, if it's good enough for you, you think everyone should embrace.

Sorry, I don't do chains well.

"I'm not getting in people's faces at all because you can't even see the way I would say it with my mouth."

Perhaps not, however many Christians are heavily into proseltyzing, and pretty much never give up trying to tell agnostics/atheists their version of The Truth.

"I am mearly stating a fact of how society treats christianity, I knew people who were muslim when I was in school who were given a time to pray in another room, yet Christians cannot pray quietly or lead a bible study or share our beliefs without it being called "shoving our religion down others throats""

Hold the 'another room' thought. Militant Christians don't want another room, they want to _monopolize_ the room. And then get all pissy about being the majority in the country when denied the same. Sheesh, you see it all the time in these threads.

"when a buddest shares his belief it is called enlightend thinking."

When's the last time a Buddhist monk showed up in your neighborhood with tracts about hellfire and damnation? (Besides, I've always kinda liked that one about "What is the sound of one hand clapping".)

"BTW Kerry0 just because spider lost his temper only means that spider is human, We all have our faults and things that are hard for us to change and then sometimes we slip up and go to our old ways without meaning to do so.

there is such a thing with Rightous anger and if he was sharing something on here and you belittled Spider then there might have been cause to loose his temper, I'm not saying calling you a Jackass was right but it depends on if you were pushing him or egging him on.
Just a thought."

Oh, I was merely pointing out a contradiction in Ann Coulter's writings by posting quotes when he let go with a broadside about how wrongheaded I was (to say it in a way that sounds nicer :)

-Kerry O.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:30 PM
Ann Coulter was joking by saying that women should lose their right to vote. KerryO presented it as a sign of her extremism. I said "She was joking jackass." As I've said before, I was commenting on his behavior, not calling him a donkey.

Jackass: A foolish or stupid person; a blockhead:

I apologize for calling you a jackass, it was wrong of me to do that. I should never have done that and I am deeply sorry.

But for what you wrote about Ann Coulter, you are a blockhead. There, I said the same thing, but now it sounds like an episode of Charlie Brown. I can't imagine why you would have believed that she was serious. I think it's a stubborn desire to see no good in her. I don't know how someone could paint the world in black and white, you are either good or bad. If you are a republican, you are all bad and you couldn't possibly make a joke, everything you say has to be taken as completely serious.

HangedMan's photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:49 PM
God is an artifical construct created by man to explain all that he cannot understand. Religion is an artifical construct used as another means to control the masses.

End of story. Sorry. Believers you're wrong. Accept it and move on.