What do you believe??
What do you believe??
I am a girl who has alot of questions,no real answers,no anything.You do not know me and if you wanted to know anything good, bad,or diffrent I would tell you.Wow I truely am misunderstood per usual.EXCUSE,life is an excuse,everyone has an excuse!!!!!!!!!!!AND THAT IS REAL,THAT IS FACT AND I DO NOT HAVE TO BE SMART TO SAY THAT I JUAT HAVE TO BE HUMAN!!!!!!!! |
What do you believe??
so,the site went down for a minute.I wannna make myself clear before this turns into me being a ****ty person.First of all I have 13 piercings,24 tattoos,I could stand to lose a few pounds,I am bi-sexual,I have black friends,mexican,all types of friends and I go to drag shows cause my friends are in them.I was making a for instance of what people say and you ran with it as a good way to attack me.The whole reason I even wrote off the top of my head to begin with is because a while back I was watching the history channel and there was a story on NOSTRADAMUS and the end prophecies and I wanted to say what I thought and get insight from others instead this has spun into a high school drama blog.Now I am a hater?I love people til people give me a reason to HATE them.I have been walked over my whole life for being a good person!I have friends of all kinds and I want to know what people think about GOD and the BOOK!Are the people I love gonna burn in hell?I am angry about hearing it and my point was,IF EVERYONE IS THIS WAY AND THAT WAY THAN WE ARE ALL SCREWED!!!My dad died 2weeks ago today and ever since that day I have asked myself alot and I just wanted some freakin insight not everyone getting angry at me I am only one person and I am one opinion.I AM SORRY TO ALL WHO TOOK OFFENSE TO MY RAMBLING.I NEVER SAID I WAS A DOCTOR OR A SCIENTIST OR ANYONE WHO KNOWS THE FACTS ABOUT **** I WAS SAYING WHAT I THOUGHT AND I ENDED UP BEING TOLD SEVERAL THINGS.MABEY NOW YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY WHOLE WAY OF THOUGHT,WHICH IS TOTALLY A MESS LATELY NOT THAT YOU CARE!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HONEST OPINION.............
What do you believe??
You seem to really be an average person who truely just wants to use others peoples words to your advantage. QUOTE:you said you would not knock us people. Who the hell is us people?There are good and not good opinion of me here are you a believer or not quit trying to debate me or knock my intelligence YOU are truely mean for saying a person is acting smart when they are stupid it is not my words you said trying to act intelligent that would mean you think I am not.Thats ok you know what I am the bigger person here cause I may not know you but Thank you for your insight and I appreciate the honest critisizm and reguardless of how you feel about me right now,I LIKE YOU..... |
What do you believe??
Do not judge others as God is the only one who has the right of that.But I bet you see a gay couple and say jesus that is sick.
you see a person with alot of face piercings and you give them a dirty look as to say your better. I bet when you see a fat person and you are skinny and they are wearing provacative clothes you say look at that chic she is so nasty. Every little thought mean or judgemental to another places you in the hipocrit catagory. How can you say a word about **** when you are just the same as the ones you insult.I insult at times I do it cause it is my own thought but I feel bad for it up until someone sees me with all my tattoos and piercings and they give me the you don't belong in the room look.This way of life isn't God it is life it is us being human..... |
What do you believe??
your right I apologize for my words to a point.I think man kind does destroy it's self but guess what I also think that we get punished by our mistakes. WE live in HELL what is God doing here?When the end is here and God or jesus or whoever shows up if any who is he or she to judge us for what we have suffered for?Who is he/she to finally make a decision as to where we spend eternity?????????? How do you know that I blame man kind or that God is a man? Oh right a book said so..I am not going to argue with you about this cause I could go on and on...
What do you believe??
THE DEVIL HAS GOTTEN US??? LADY,we live in hell and the devil is this worlds hold.....But did you meet god can you tell him to call me cause I lost him and can not find him,he must have moved about the time the world fell apart..We were a lost cause.
What do you believe??
I am proud of you for defending what you believe and for not throwing religious teachings at us.I respect your opinion and I was catholic growing up sadly I feel that is the freakiest religion I know of that is a very big in the area religion.To the CREATOR may he forgive our hostile ways..WHO EVER HE MAY BE. |
What do you believe??
What the hell did you mean by press enter?
What do you believe??
I think that this world is like the Truman show that movie had more trueth in it's story than even the writers knew.It's as if our whole life has been watched by a person or persons in a room
for nothing more than entertainment. |
COWARDS You can read my pst of WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE??But you cannot respond?I wanna hear your thoughts I wanna know where you stand...I WANNA HEAR THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE>>>>Please no insults just insight....
What do you believe??
What do you believe???Do not hate the one who tells you what you are to blind to see,or to deaf to hear or to brainwashed to care!!I love everyone,I cannot give you food for your families,money to pay your debts,stop the pain of life but worship me and you will be rewarded believe in me pray to me,I will promise you an eternity of peace.I haven't done anything to prove I will you just have to trust in the fact that I mean trueth.You do not know me nor will you ever see me but I do exist.........COME ON FOLLOW THE VOODOOISM religion..
What do you believe??
Look I am not gonna knock down those who live by the bible but I am allowed to put my say in the whole thing.I think that the worst thing in the world is the world.We give people dirty looks,we talk about people as if they are nothing and we stab people in the back for personal gain.It is not done by us non religous people only it is done even more by the religous people!I think if the world is going to end as predicted by the late nostrodomous than we WE the people are gonna end it!Screw the wars going on the world is gonna end because the people in it will end it.We hate like we breed.We kill like we sleep,we stab people in the back for personal gain.I do not go to church because GOD has everything he doesn't need money to survive but we do!I don't go to church because I am not going to sit in a room full of fake people who act one way and an hour later are just like the SINNERS.I will believe in a hire power but I will not give my hard earned money for someone to read me something I can read myself.I will not chant to someone and thank them for a stroke of luck,A MIRACLE it's said.God or who ever is just where ever waiting for us to kill us.The president started a war and is killing our brothers,husbands,sons,cousins,boyfriends,friends for his own place in the history book!He is the anti-christ he has no soul and when he goes to bed at night he goes with a clear head,no tears he hasn't lost anyone he loves.What kind of God would let us fall apart so badly?Look at everything bad in this world then look at the good!Wow we are a horrible planet.When and if there is a judgement day I wanna know how he could judge us when we had to figure out how to survive.You know whats worse than a republican? A christian...THATS MY OPINION>>>>
A little advice,please
I have found that not all guys are like that but the ones that are,totally deserve a swift kick in the ass and it most commonly turns out to be about sex,sex,sex.You did the right thing you go women..............
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When someone gives me a dirty look i think__________.
I hate people when________.