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Topic: Illegal Immigrant Supporters, Trying to Screw US Again!
Spur277's photo
Mon 11/05/07 08:56 AM
Action Alert

AgJOBS Expected on the Senate Floor THIS WEEK!
Call Your Senators Now!

Just a few days ago, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) released a revised version of her AgJOBS legislation. Senate staffers are telling FAIR that they now expect Senator Feinstein and Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) to offer the new language as an amendment to the Farm Bill (H.R.2419) scheduled for the Senate floor THIS WEEK. This is not a surprise to those who have been watching the Senate closely. For over a week now, amnesty advocates have said they intended to bring AgJOBS—another piece of the failed Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill—to the floor. There was some discussion in Capitol Hill newspapers that the downfall of the DREAM Act would discourage Senators Feinstein and Craig from moving forward, but at this point, our sources say all systems are go.

Please call your Senators TODAY and urge them to oppose AgJOBS!

The new version sent out by Senator Feinstein makes only cosmetic changes to a bill that grants amnesty to at least 1.5 million illegal aliens plus their families. For example, the new language includes what is commonly called a "trigger" mechanism, which requires that certain border security measures be taken before the amnesty program goes into effect. However, the trigger only prohibits the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from issuing green cards before the security measures have been completed; it DOES NOT delay the issuance of "blue cards" that grant illegal aliens legal status. Not only do blue cards give illegal aliens legal status, they provide work authorization, permission to travel internationally, and treatment in general as a green card holder. Thus, even the revised version of AgJOBS allows illegal aliens to file an application, receive immediate protection from deportation, and then receive a blue card with all the bells and whistles before DHS is ever required to complete one border security provision.

Please call your Senators TODAY and urge them to oppose AgJOBS!

Please call your Senators TODAY and ALL THIS WEEK and urge them to oppose AgJOBS. Tell them that you oppose rewarding illegal activity and catering to special business interests that want to import cheap labor. Remind them that the 1986 amnesty bill had a special agricultural amnesty almost identical to AgJOBS. The 1986 amnesty didn't work, and in fact, only made the illegal immigration crisis in America worse. Tell them you object to them following the same old, failed strategy.

To locate your Senator link here;
or Google, locate Senator.

csi1994's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:27 AM
why don't you take your political agenda someplace else.

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:45 AM
because politics effect everyone

there are a lot of political threads

as well as religious threads

if a thread looks like somethin you do not want then avoid it

but do not try to they others that want them

to go elsewhere some actually realize the future of
everyone is at stake

and have the backbone to try and do what they think is good for the country

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:46 AM
thanks spur

looks like the big business lobbyists are getting
their agenda across again

csi1994's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:56 AM
like i said, take is someplace else.

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:58 AM
don't like dont come here

not that hard to figure out

have fun

may much good come to you

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:31 AM
Whoa! 1.5 million illegal aliens. I can't believe that there's that many!

Any idea on the demographics of those illegals?

csi1994's photo
Mon 11/05/07 10:36 AM
yep...cowboy hat wearing babies

Spur277's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:12 PM
This is info that needs to be spread to all Patriotic Citizens. It's your business if you wish to see this country destroyed. I will not stand by and just watch. I act and do.
Your petty comments will not be further responded to.

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:37 PM
There are at least that many. I know here in Tulsa Oklahoma there have been estimated 25,000 to leave. That does not include all the other counties. So, thousands more are leaving here in my county as well. It has been said that many of the stores and shops has fallen waaaaay down. I am quite sure that this will be felt across the board. I am certain that our economy will be affected. It is sad on many levels.

I am not here to provoke or defend. I hope this works out for all.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:54 PM
patriotic bs
haters i would say.

csi1994's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:59 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why their view is supposed to be the only view.

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/05/07 01:05 PM
I don't understand who's hating on who...but there are honest hard working people trying to get into the US legally, and illegals cut in line in front of them.

I know if I was trying to get into the US, and someone cut me off, i'd be mad

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 01:07 PM
I'm still undecided on the issue on what to do with illegal immigrants that are already here...

I'm Libertarian in most of my views and would prefer the government stay out of the lives of people who live and work here already as long as they aren't hurting anyone...

But I think csi1994, that a lot of people argue that *legal* immigration is better for everyone involved, including immigrants. Which I can understand as well. It's not fair that illegal immigrants are getting all the benefits at the expense of people that are legally applying to come here.

It's a big gray area without an easy solution in any case and I'm glad it's finally being addressed politically.

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:50 PM
csi comments

1. why don't you take your political agenda someplace else.

2. like i said, take is someplace else.

3. yep...cowboy hat wearing babies

4.I'm still trying to figure out why their view is supposed to be the only view.


you are the one trying to control others comments

you have yet to state a view related to the topic

other than saying take it elswhere


those in glass houses throwing stones

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:52 PM

patriotic bs
haters i would say.


has nothing to do with hate

it has to do with breaking the law

every country has immigration laws

what happens to those that enter other countries illegally

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/05/07 05:29 PM
good point, AMPdog. I don't think illegal immigrants should be given the benefits they're not entitled to too.

Spur277's photo
Mon 11/05/07 05:48 PM

Report Suspicious Activity:

The produce season is almost at an end. The Legal Temporary Worker is headed home and will be back next season.
The Illegal Alien is the one demanding, not going through proper channels. They had a long chance to go home and get legal and chose to ignore Immigration Law. Now, they face Felony Charges and many are Self Deporting. Many fugitives are going to other States.

This bill they are trying to get passed is just another way to demand.

There are many applicants ready to come over. They are the Legal ones waiting for the fugitives to be sent back.

I, for one, don't wish to see the Legal Migrant Worker lose what they have paid in. It's not fair to them.

BTW, millions of Legal Immigrants are granted permission to enter every year.

Another point. Those business, in Oklahoma that might go under are just Reaping what they had sown. They will pay for cheating the American Citizen, the Legal Migrant and for exploiting the Fugitive.

Wiitard's photo
Mon 11/05/07 05:54 PM
I suppose the bad part is, action isn't really taken if you call those numbers...a lot of people have to call in order to get something done.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:05 PM
So csi1994,

Who do you work for in Government
and what is YOUR agenda?

You seem to want to suppress
the views of Spur277.

This is called free speech.

Why do you want to suppress free speech?

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